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Non-Political Coronavirus Thread

yeah, no shit. I think the point is that we should try to be a little bit more like them in terms of looking out for our fellow man instead of the "me-first, I'm special" bullshit that Americans specialize in.

This is what I'm saying - I don't think you can be a "little bit more" Japanese. Like, I get the sentiment - that you think we should be a little more unified in our collective response. But you can't just take a Japanese person and rub it against you to become a "little bit more" Japanese.

Japan has deep-seated norms that 99% of us would find enormously oppressive or downright offensive. Their "success" (such that it is, they aren't doing amazing contrary to what was posted earlier in the thread), is due to the sum of the character traits and social structure, not some modular plug-and-play aspect of their culture.

What I'm trying to say is that saying, "we should be more like them," isn't really possible or a productive thought.
This is what I'm saying - I don't think you can be a "little bit more" Japanese. Like, I get the sentiment - that you think we should be a little more unified in our collective response. But you can't just take a Japanese person and rub it against you to become a "little bit more" Japanese.

Japan has deep-seated norms that 99% of us would find enormously oppressive or downright offensive. Their "success" (such that it is, they aren't doing amazing contrary to what was posted earlier in the thread), is due to the sum of the character traits and social structure, not some modular plug-and-play aspect of their culture.

What I'm trying to say is that saying, "we should be more like them," isn't really possible or a productive thought.

Wtf? It’s “not possible” to emulate a positive element of a culture? Just wear the fucking mask selfish idiotic Americans.
Japan and New Zealand are having amazing success with the virus because they hate our freedom. FFS.
This. Can you imagine your kid getting Covid because their school nurse refused to cancel her Caribbean vacation? It’s professional malfeasance at a minimum.

Rules for thee not for me. Everyone at the store needs to wear a mask and keep me safe but guys, I booked this trip months ago what you expect I should cancel?
Does Japan has restrictions on restaurants and bars?

We went to a near by town last night to look at the downtown Christmas light displays then get take out and head home. Walked past several jam packed restaurants and only the staff were wearing masks. Easily >150 people in one steakhouse with zero distancing and no evident ventilation. Such a shit show.

my understanding is they have guidelines around it, but no enforceable regulations

Comparing Japan to the US is apples vs. oranges. There's a cultural-difference component there that is off the charts. I lived there for a year.

well yeah, that's my whole point -- Americans are much more self/family-centric, less community minded
This is what I'm saying - I don't think you can be a "little bit more" Japanese. Like, I get the sentiment - that you think we should be a little more unified in our collective response. But you can't just take a Japanese person and rub it against you to become a "little bit more" Japanese.

Japan has deep-seated norms that 99% of us would find enormously oppressive or downright offensive. Their "success" (such that it is, they aren't doing amazing contrary to what was posted earlier in the thread), is due to the sum of the character traits and social structure, not some modular plug-and-play aspect of their culture.

What I'm trying to say is that saying, "we should be more like them," isn't really possible or a productive thought.

This is the kind of stupid ass Trump supporter talk that concludes all these American COVID deaths were inevitable.

They weren’t. We could have, and should have, done better.

I don't think I've posted this before, but I have to reference this document frequently. It's a list of all the "group home" setting outbreaks. They call it congregate living, because prisons and jails are included in it as well.

It's a good reference point to see how COVID disproportionately impacts the elderly.

For example, Dan E and Mary Louise Stewart Health Center in Wake County currently has an outbreak of 146 cases and 20 deaths. 71 of those cases are staff, with zero fatalities. So, you've got 75 elderly residents who account for 100% of the 20 COVID deaths.

Likewise, in Accordius of Wilson, there have been 76 cases and 10 deaths. 44 of the 76 cases are staff, and zero deaths. Of the 32 residents who got COVID, 10 died.

Hindsight is 2020 (Jesus, how apt), but we could have had zero shutdown or adverse economic consequence for this thing and the result would have been essentially the end to the Greatest Generation and a large swath of boomers. In short, COVID is/was a ruthless answer to all the Millennial prayers for the end of Boomer control.

I'm not saying that's what should have been done, but we could probably start broadly acknowledging that this illness has relatively little impact beyond what the seasonal flu has on people younger than 60. People can talk about long-term health impacts, but if you've ever had the flu, you know it has long-term health impacts as well.

This thread is proof positive that people are going to choose to stray from CDC guidance in favor of maintaining the semblance of a lifestyle. I'm not sure the half-measures that we're currently taking/enforcing are justified in light of the collateral consequences that they bring.

The bolded is wrong.

I'm no expert in any of this, but just poking around on the internet, it looks like about 15.3% of COVID deaths are in the 50-64 age group. At 318,000 total deaths in the US so far, that's about 49,000 deaths in the 50-64 age group.


The University of Washington is predicting 561,000 deaths in the US by April 1. That would be about 555,000 deaths from April 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021, about 86,000 of which would be in the 50-64 age group if we stick with the 15.3% figure.


There are about 6,000 deaths per year in the US attributed to the flu in the 50-64 age group.


So, COVID is about 14x more deadly than the average seasonal flu for the 50-64 age group.
This is the kind of stupid ass Trump supporter talk that concludes all these American COVID deaths were inevitable.

They weren’t. We could have, and should have, done better.

All these American COVID deaths were not inevitable. Some of them were, but certainly not all.

We could have done better; we can still do better.
There is one aspect of Japanese culture that would’ve drastically reduced deaths in this country. If it was socially unacceptable to be an asshole. The cool thing is that that is an individual action. Call out your friends, give them pushback when they are being a selfish asshole. Too many people in this country either revel in being selfish or just shrug and assume nothing they say can change someone’s behavior.
There is one aspect of Japanese culture that would’ve drastically reduced deaths in this country. If it was socially unacceptable to be an asshole. The cool thing is that that is an individual action. Call out your friends, give them pushback when they are being a selfish asshole. Too many people in this country either revel in being selfish or just shrug and assume nothing they say can change someone’s behavior.

I wish you were less of a retard.
Does Japan has restrictions on restaurants and bars?

We went to a near by town last night to look at the downtown Christmas light displays then get take out and head home. Walked past several jam packed restaurants and only the staff were wearing masks. Easily >150 people in one steakhouse with zero distancing and no evident ventilation. Such a shit show.

THESE are the people we need to worry about, not people like me.
Where I live there are signs everywhere saying “Stay Indoors” that were placed there by local government on advisement from CDC. And because of tight restrictions where I live there have been fewer deaths and fewer infections. But it’s you and yours that ruin it for everyone else, thinking you’re exceptional or special. Looking forward to not being able to secure child care in the first quarter of next year! Glad my sister hasn’t met her nephew! Thanks for doing your part!

I don't think you are listening, or hearing me, or care to understand that I am not the problem. Yeah, we took one trip out of the country months ago. But, during the trip and otherwise, we are diligent about wearing masks, distancing, washing hands, avoiding restaurants, avoiding crowds, etc. etc. etc. - everything that they say we should be doing. In several posts here people say "yea, stop being selfish, wears your masks' - well, no kidding, we wear our masks.

The people that are the problem are the ones that are not doing any of those things. Which is more dangerous, taking one trip to a place were there are no cases, while you wear masks and take other recommended safety precautions - or going about your life as normal - eating out, going to crowded bars, etc. etc. all without wearing masks or otherwise taking precautions? I think it is pretty obvious.
This. Can you imagine your kid getting Covid because their school nurse refused to cancel her Caribbean vacation? It’s professional malfeasance at a minimum.

Whelp, they didn't and she didn't and no one was recommending that we cancel that trip when we took it. You don't know a damn thing about all the things she has done to keep herself and her kids safe so you don't need to be barking up that tree.
I think it would probably be a good overall ogb standard to leave porter’s significant others out of the overall shit talk, and this is coming from a guy who is ok with the fact that his mother is apparently servicing around 3/4’s of the board.

You mom is the unsung hero of 2020. In a year of sorrow, pain and sadness, your mom was there for many of us. She needs to be given much appreciation for this. Also, please tell her I'm sorry about bringing Knight's mom over the other night to join in. Your mom always gets sensitive when she isn't the center of attention.
Whelp, they didn't and she didn't and no one was recommending that we cancel that trip when we took it. You don't know a damn thing about all the things she has done to keep herself and her kids safe so you don't need to be barking up that tree.

Come on Scooter...You didn't get approval from the boards to take a family vacation? You have the blood of 300,000 people on YOUR HANDS!