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Rep. George Cleveland, R-Onslow Doesn't Believe in Extreme Poverty in NC

like what? churches doing it all? we've had posts on this board talking about how if we get rid of entitlement programs, charitable people and orgs will simply pick up the slack.

While I'm all for scaling back government involvement in most programs, there is zero chance private industry can tackle the poverty problem by themselves. It's simply too far reaching and the scale of the problem is too grand to expect the many well intentioned charitable organizations out there to handle it by themselves.

How many impoverished people do you deal with on a daily basis out there in Fantasyland? I work in that world everyday and it's incredibly frustrating to see so many people sentenced to a life of poverty from the day they are born. All they know is dependence. At some point we as a society need to demand that our government actually do something that works.
I never said that. But every day in my job I deal with folks who are trapped in the poverty cycle with no clue how to get out. Hell I just had a family leave my office....grandma was about 30, daughter mid-teens, one child about 1 1/2, and pregnant with #2. What's the Left's answer...just keep the checks coming. It's heartbreaking.

you're right, pull the check from those fuck ups. they don't deserve shit
You're right. We need to cut taxes AND get rid of contraception.

Never said either....thanks for playing.

Once again I get attacked for even suggesting that we should expect more out of our government and actually have programs that work and produce results. No wonder we're up to our eyballs in dbet.
you're right, pull the check from those fuck ups. they don't deserve shit

No. They deserve real help. But you're content with programs that create a new generation of impoverished dependency about every 15 years. That's my definition of cruelty.
Never said either....thanks for playing.

Once again I get attacked for even suggesting that we should expect more out of our government and actually have programs that work and produce results. No wonder we're up to our eyballs in dbet.

Maybe so, but that's all I'm hearing about from conservatives these days. Well that and that there's no extreme poverty in NC. Please give us your answers instead of attacking the social safety net that keeps people alive.
How many impoverished people do you deal with on a daily basis out there in Fantasyland? I work in that world everyday and it's incredibly frustrating to see so many people sentenced to a life of poverty from the day they are born. All they know is dependence. At some point we as a society need to demand that our government actually do something that works.

I'm pretty sure I remember you as a very conservative poster. Why hasn't the free market corrected the poverty problem in America?

Seems you are calling pretty clearly for the government to fix a problem that the free market creates. In fact, the free market guarantees a poverty class. So on the one hand you are heartbroken by a situation that the very system you hold dear creates, and on the other hand the solutions you ascribe to create more poverty.
Never said either....thanks for playing.

Once again I get attacked for even suggesting that we should expect more out of our government and actually have programs that work and produce results. No wonder we're up to our eyballs in dbet.
Then name a program that will work. You deal with it every day. What's the solution? Because best I can tell, all you do is bitch about big government (the same government that puts food on your table, btw), without ever naming a solution.

My solution would be to design an economy where anybody who was willing to bust their ass 40 hours a week at heavy labor could afford to to put food on the table for a family. I think that would go a long way towards helping a ton of people who don't have the horsepower for the modern economy but still want to be productive. Today, that type of skill (or lack thereof) and work ethic puts you at the poverty line. But most 'pubs aren't interested in that- they just want to be intellectually lazy and suggest the poor are solely to blame for their lot in life.

I don't know that we are solving poverty in the best way possible right now. But the solution on the right- that somehow charitable organizations and hard living are going to raise folks out of poverty, may be the only thing worse than our current system.
I'm pretty sure I remember you as a very conservative poster. Why hasn't the free market corrected the poverty problem in America?

Seems you are calling pretty clearly for the government to fix a problem that the free market creates. In fact, the free market guarantees a poverty class. So on the one hand you are heartbroken by a situation that the very system you hold dear creates, and on the other hand the solutions you ascribe to create more poverty.

Most of the people I'm working with every day know only dependence and poverty. I've never said that the free market would solve poverty. None of the poeple I see are in their condition because of capitalism. If any thing it's the government that has trapped them and taught them to rely on programs to survive.

As a conservative I want government to be as lean as possible but I also want it to work. And I'm probably stupid to think this but I still have faith in our government that it can work if we just demand more. I want programs that break that cycle of poverty but I still want to maintain that safety net there that ensures that the ones who still fall through get the help that they need.
I have a couple of ideas:

1) More tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

2) More money for DOD & less wasted spending on education & job training programs.

I've never advocated either of those you shithead.

How about programs that actually work? The answer from the Left is always to throw more money at something and hope it works.
Then name a program that will work. You deal with it every day. What's the solution? Because best I can tell, all you do is bitch about big government (the same government that puts food on your table, btw), without ever naming a solution.

My solution would be to design an economy where anybody who was willing to bust their ass 40 hours a week at heavy labor could afford to to put food on the table for a family. I think that would go a long way towards helping a ton of people who don't have the horsepower for the modern economy but still want to be productive. Today, that type of skill (or lack thereof) and work ethic puts you at the poverty line. But most 'pubs aren't interested in that- they just want to be intellectually lazy and suggest the poor are solely to blame for their lot in life.

I don't know that we are solving poverty in the best way possible right now. But the solution on the right- that somehow charitable organizations and hard living are going to raise folks out of poverty, may be the only thing worse than our current system.

I don't recall anyone but me and my wife putting food on our table.

Most Dems aren't interested in doing things that actually work, they just want you to be stupid, dependent and need to keep those checks coming. The best vote buying scheme of all time. And the most shameful. Threating people with starvation and homelessness unless you vote for me and keep the checks coming.
I've never advocated either of those you shithead.

How about programs that actually work? The answer from the Left is always to throw more money at something and hope it works.

surely you jest, Mr. Kettle
Most of the people I'm working with every day know only dependence and poverty. I've never said that the free market would solve poverty. None of the poeple I see are in their condition because of capitalism. If any thing it's the government that has trapped them and taught them to rely on programs to survive.

As a conservative I want government to be as lean as possible but I also want it to work. And I'm probably stupid to think this but I still have faith in our government that it can work if we just demand more. I want programs that break that cycle of poverty but I still want to maintain that safety net there that ensures that the ones who still fall through get the help that they need.

This idea that the help is the entrapment is really clever, but it's bullshit. Its a cop out. The trap is the lack of opportunity to get out of poverty. As DeaconSig pointed out, a hard-working laborer in America is living in poverty. You are clamoring for a government system "that works" but you flatly reject programs that would help the poor like government-funded health care, education and training initiatives, contraception and contraception education, etc.
This idea that the help is the entrapment is really clever, but it's bullshit. Its a cop out. The trap is the lack of opportunity to get out of poverty. As DeaconSig pointed out, a hard-working laborer in America is living in poverty. You are clamoring for a government system "that works" but you flatly reject programs that would help the poor like government-funded health care, education and training initiatives, contraception and contraception education, etc.

I'm actually good with the programs that you listed as long as they actually work and do what they're intended to do. I only reject those programs that are obviously getting no results or those ones that are encouraging more dependence. There will always be por people. That's a fact. Some are in that predicament because of their own choices, some aren't. Whatever the cause I'm more interested in doing those things that help them to become as independent as possible and hopefully don't doom their children to the same life....or encourage dependence.

I'm not the cold hearted bastard that you are all probably envisioning. True love and compassion is wanting better for people and not just sentencing them to being the next lost generation.
I don't recall anyone but me and my wife putting food on our table.

Most Dems aren't interested in doing things that actually work, they just want you to be stupid, dependent and need to keep those checks coming. The best vote buying scheme of all time. And the most shameful. Threating people with starvation and homelessness unless you vote for me and keep the checks coming.

Too bad that threat is the truth. We've got a republican legislature in NC now. We'll probably have one after the next election as well, and a Republican governor too. So far they've accomplished the following for poor people in NC:

Put an anti gay marriage bill on the ballot
looked for ways to cut funding for head start, while contending that there is no extreme poverty in NC
Legalized corporate tax evasion (HB 619)
Worked to keep small and rural communities from offering broadband
Attacked the NC Association of Educators
Reduced medical malpractice liability to $500,000 (seriously, you're a vegetable and only get $500K)
Pushed for offshore energy exploration (jobs bill)
Cut funding to the UNC system
Played chicken with unemployment benefits

Where's the reform of the social safety net at the state level? Where's the state educational reform or investment?
I don't recall anyone but me and my wife putting food on our table.

Most Dems aren't interested in doing things that actually work, they just want you to be stupid, dependent and need to keep those checks coming. The best vote buying scheme of all time. And the most shameful. Threating people with starvation and homelessness unless you vote for me and keep the checks coming.

So instead of providing answers, you'll just resort to hyperbole and bullshit.

Next time, just admit you are bitching to bitch as opposed to having some actual ideas.
I don't recall anyone but me and my wife putting food on our table.

Most Dems aren't interested in doing things that actually work, they just want you to be stupid, dependent and need to keep those checks coming. The best vote buying scheme of all time. And the most shameful. Threating people with starvation and homelessness unless you vote for me and keep the checks coming.[/QUOTE]

this is so far beyond beyond stupid that it's insulting. the sad part is that you really believe this utter shit.
Abortion clinics on every corner is the only real answer. Hell I'd endorse giving a $100 stipend to every woman that got one.