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Conference Realignment Thread: New B1G divisions


Yeah, so before FSU is getting a new conference it looks like they will have to get a new president.

Yeh most of his arguments were shot down as well. It appears none of the administrators know wtf the acc deal is so FSU may as well stay. Besides they just won the ACC in hoops and most likely will win in baseball. Actually get competitive in football again and then make a case to leave. Move on, Nothing here to see!
The best thing FSU can do is to build a tradition within a conference.
Yeh most of his arguments were shot down as well. It appears none of the administrators know wtf the acc deal is so FSU may as well stay. Besides they just won the ACC in hoops and most likely will win in baseball. Actually get competitive in football again and then make a case to leave. Move on, Nothing here to see!

Do tell which of them were shot down.

They all seem pretty accurate. The only one I have seen anything close to a persuasive argument is that travel costs are shared, but I would think that number would still be higher for the Big 12 since it's probably more dispersed already.
Nice pick ups by the Atlantic 10 getting Butler and VCU to replace Temple and Charlotte.
You guys are living under a rock if you don't think that the football schools in the ACC (FSU, GT, Clemson in particular) aren't very unhappy with the current state of the ACC leadership and the apparent basketball bias led by the "Big 4" NC schools. You can find strong resentment on every single message board, and it's been there for years. This catastrophically bad TV deal (and make no mistake, for the schools that compete directly against SEC rivals this is nothing but another confirmation of minor league status) is going to just raise the temperature on that discontent even higher. There is no question that Swofford's power base is the Big 4 and UVa, and there's no question he's been an abject failure as commissioner. The natives are very, very restless and it could blow this conference apart at the seams. If the NC schools want to stay relevant, they need to appease the football schools and feeding Swofford to the fishes and getting a new commissioner with zero ties to the NC schools would be a huge head start in that area - but that's never going to happen.

GT has no interest in Big 12, and would probably prefer to stay in the ACC ... but there's no question that a substantially large portion of the fanbase and boosters would bite off Delaney's arm if he extended a B1G invite, and the academic staff would go along happily. In fact, if FSU continues to flirt like this with the Big 12, the quiet GT to the B1G talk is going to get louder and louder. I think you'll see Maryland (another school whose fans and boosters despise the current ACC leadership) really amp up their flirting with the B1G as well.

Wake and Duke stand the most to lose in this entire process. Backing the wrong horse (Swofford and the rest of the "Big 4" cronies) could be fatal.
Why would the big 10 want GT?

Large fanbase? No
Significant TV market? GT is 2nd fiddle in GA by a longshot. Ga Tech wouldn't exactly give the Big 10 a large footprint in the SE.

The truth of the matter is that GT really isn't much different from Wake and Duke.

That said, Swofford probably needs to go in order to keep the lunatic fringe segment of certain fanbases happy.
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Why would the big 10 want GT?

#1 - Carriage rights for the Big Ten Network in the Atlanta market and the state of Georgia. The BTN gets about .88 cents per basic cable subscriber in states with a team located in them, they get about .10 cents per subscriber in states without a team. Outside of ND, GT and UMD are by far the two most lucrative programs that the B1G can add.

#2 - The B1G needs to expand into more southern states to reverse the losing demographic curve they are on.

#3 - Tying to #2, GT would give them a footprint in one of the top 5 states in the country for recruits. The SEC is in 3 of the 5, the B1G is in only one right now (Ohio).
And by the way, it's no mistake that the 3 ACC schools who most recently won National Championships in football (FSU, GT and Clemson) are the 3 that are the most unhappy. They feel badly under-served by the conference as a whole.
Swofford sucks as commissioner for multiple reasons, such as endorsing an expansion plan that resulted in little additional revenue per school (despite his public affirmation that it would do so) and appearing woefully outdated on all issues related to broadcasting vis-a-vis emerging technologies and media outlets, but this whole "Big 4 basketball bias" stuff is just nonsense.
#1 - Carriage rights for the Big Ten Network in the Atlanta market and the state of Georgia. The BTN gets about .88 cents per basic cable subscriber in states with a team located in them, they get about .10 cents per subscriber in states without a team. Outside of ND, GT and UMD are by far the two most lucrative programs that the B1G can add.

#2 - The B1G needs to expand into more southern states to reverse the losing demographic curve they are on.

#3 - Tying to #2, GT would give them a footprint in one of the top 5 states in the country for recruits. The SEC is in 3 of the 5, the B1G is in only one right now (Ohio).

Cable subscribers in GA aren't going to be clamoring for the B10 network because of GT. Just like the ACC having BC hasn't really been as big of a media boost as suspected. Now if they could get Georgia, that would be huge, but Georgia is significantly more popular than GT.

People in GA are not going to suddenly start caring about Big 10 sports if GT was in the Big 10 any more than most Floridians care about the ACC. I think they would have a hard time trying to get the same rate out of GA that Ohio or Michigan pays for instance.

Expanding too far out of your regional footprint is never as good of an idea as it sounds, especially if the school is a reach. I think GT is a reach for the big 10. Out of all of the true SE football schools, it has by far the small fanbase and following.
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Not that this is really directly related, but the SEC is never going to take Clemson, FSU, or Tech because Kentucky, UF, South Carolina, and Georgia band together to block any new teams coming in from the state. That voting bloc won't be broken IMO.

So that leaves Clemson and FSU trying to get into the Big 12. I don't see why any conference besides the SEC or Big 12 would want Georgia Tech and the Big 10 definitely doesn't.
It has nothing to do with cable subscribers clamoring for it. The BTN is already in carriage on basic cable in Atlanta by every major provider, it just means that the B1G gets a far higher fee for each subscriber to those providers. In other words, adding GT would mean the BTN gets around .78 extra cents for every single cable subscriber in the state of Georgia, whether or not they ever watch the channel or care a bit about B1G sports. The same for UMD and the DC market.

Seriously, if you don't understand how cable content is priced and delivered, commenting in these threads is pointless.
And by the way, it's no mistake that the 3 ACC schools who most recently won National Championships in football (FSU, GT and Clemson) are the 3 that are the most unhappy. They feel badly under-served by the conference as a whole.

I guess GT forgets that the ACC saved their entire athletic program from certain destruction in the late '70s.
LMAO at the idea of the Big Ten extending an invite to Georgia Tech or Maryland.

There's only one school that the Big Ten is keeping tabs on, and it happens to be in South Bend, IN. If the Irish fall in line, the Big Ten will then grab Rutgers, NOT Maryland or GT.
And by the way, it's no mistake that the 3 ACC schools who most recently won National Championships in football (FSU, GT and Clemson) are the 3 that are the most unhappy. They feel badly under-served by the conference as a whole.

How most recently?

There's your answer.
How about this- If the football schools want SEC money, they should win at an SEC level. I see no reason why FSU, Clemson, and GT should earn as much as UF, USC, and UGA when the latter schools have been consistently outperforming them for years.
I guess GT forgets that the ACC saved their entire athletic program from certain destruction in the late '70s.

Wake Forest fans commenting on anyone saving a program from obscurity (which is where WFU is headed, fairly or unfairly, if the ACC breaks up) is hilarious. You guys should be on your knees every night praying that this conference holds together - the "good riddance FSU" quotes here are shocking. WTF do you think is going to happen if they and Clemson bail?
Wake Forest fans commenting on anyone saving a program from obscurity (which is where WFU is headed, fairly or unfairly, if the ACC breaks up) is hilarious. You guys should be on your knees every night praying that this conference holds together - the "good riddance FSU" quotes here are shocking. WTF do you think is going to happen if they and Clemson bail?

Wake Forest has never really come close to moving down from Division I athletics. Georgia Tech has.

and lol @ thinking FSU and Clemson are going to bail. That is almost as hilarious as GT fans thinking that the Big Ten wants them.
It has nothing to do with cable subscribers clamoring for it. The BTN is already in carriage on basic cable in Atlanta by every major provider, it just means that the B1G gets a far higher fee for each subscriber to those providers. In other words, adding GT would mean the BTN gets around .78 extra cents for every single cable subscriber in the state of Georgia, whether or not they ever watch the channel or care a bit about B1G sports. The same for UMD and the DC market.

Seriously, if you don't understand how cable content is priced and delivered, commenting in these threads is pointless.

Sure at .10 a subscriber. Doesn't mean they are going to want to carry the network at .88 a subscriber without the increased demand and viewership in the state to justify it. TWC doesn't carry MASN or NFL network. But they are going to fall in line over the B10 network in an SEC dominated state?

Networks get in pissing contests with cable providers all of the time over rates. But te Big10 network is going to demand that cable providers in GA pay through the nose for the network.

If that is the case, then Wake just as big of a draw because the B10 nework is on everywhere in NC and all of the cable subscribers would be forced to pay .88 per subscriber.
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