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'17 Specials & '18 Midterms Thread

Those same brainwashed rubes think the economy is wonderful under Trump and it’s the same economy.

The economic disappointment is [...] capitalism, not one administration or another. Blaming Obama isn’t going to change anything.

I have some quibbles but this is an extremely promising line of thought and you should pursue it as far as possible!!
Those same brainwashed rubes think the economy is wonderful under Trump and it’s the same economy.

The economic disappointment is American capitalism, not one administration or another. Blaming Obama isn’t going to change anything.
Well, yeah, except Obama is hailed by the Democratic party as a neuveau progressive and model President. His personal flaw was running as a populist outsider and governing as very much a capitalist insider.
Yeah except which part of what I said?
Well, yeah, except Obama is hailed by the Democratic party as a neuveau progressive and model President. His personal flaw was running as a populist outsider and governing as very much a capitalist insider.

Please explain to us how Obama was supposed to enact laws that you would have liked with a GOP Congress for 6 years and the most obstructionist Senate Majority Leader in U.S. history?
I bet we agree that one of Obama's biggest mistakes was not putting enough bankers in Leavenworth to fill the joint and making them payback the people they stole from. There was no excuse for not doing this.

We probably also agree Members of Congress should not be exempt from insider trading laws.

I'm not sure how many people know this but your credit score can vary by a ton depending on which bureau is used. It also varies by which style the business who is looking it up chooses. There should be laws stating a 700 is a 700 is a 700. This BS costs American consumers countless billions of dollars every year.
Obama's personal responsibility will be forever debatable, but it would be refreshing for Democrats to acknowledge how disappointing his presidency was - in terms of economic equality at least. They have written off all the Democratic losses during Obamas term as just rubes being brainwashed, when in truth, the results of his Presidency were very disappointing for so many people.

his presidency was a disappointment
right. then he’ll show the socialist tools what insufferable really is.
[h=1]In N.H. election stunner, a onetime refugee knocks off entrenched incumbent[/h]

He’s a veteran state representative who has railed against immigrants “getting everything” at the expense of people born and raised in the state. She’s a 27-year-old former Afghan refugee making her first run for political office.

So when the tally from Tuesday’s Democratic primary in Concord, N.H., was announced, even Safiya Wazir said she was astounded. She hadn’t just beaten state Representative Dick Patten, a 66-year-old former city councilor. She crushed him, winning 329 votes to his 143.

“When I heard the results, I was shocked, and I had this look, like, ‘Did I hear that right?’ ” she said Wednesday. “And I looked down and, oh my gosh, it’s true. It was absolutely outstanding. I couldn’t believe I won the primary.”

“It used to be the Heights would support a Heights person,” said Patten, her opponent, a former police dispatcher first elected to the New Hampshire House in 2010. “But the Heights has changed, basically, from what it used to be. We have many immigrants in there now, and she’s from Afghanistan so she was treated like the princess.”
Ray Buckley, chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, said Wazir represented an important generational, gender, and ethnic shift in the district, and her voice would be particularly significant for the state’s growing refugee community, who can now turn to someone with “experiences and challenges like them.”
He called her win “very exciting news” and said she ran a “real campaign” while Patten “misunderstood the mood of the electorate this year and believed he could win without making a significant effort.”
Patten accused immigrants of taking welfare benefits from longtime residents and questioned how Wazir can be a legislator and a mother.
“She’s got two kids with a third on the way,” Patten said. “How are you going to be in the State House with two kids and one on the way?”
Patten said he is now planning to support Wazir’s Republican opponent, Dennis Soucy, in the November election because Soucy and his wife “have been on the Heights for over 50 years.”

Geez. This guy.

Wazir’s unlikely path to New Hampshire politics began when she was 6, and her family fled the Taliban in Afghanistan and moved to Uzbekistan, where she was taunted by classmates who called her “terrorist” and “Taliban kid.”
She lived in Uzbekistan until 2007, when she was 16 and moved with her parents to Concord. She graduated from Concord High School and became an American citizen in 2013. Three years later, after juggling jobs at Walmart and the campus library, she received a degree in business from NHTI, the local community college.
Married with two daughters, ages 5 and 2, and pregnant with a third child due in January, she said she never considered running for office until earlier this year, when a friend who works for the New Hampshire Children’s Trust suggested she consider challenging Patten.

The Children’s Trust had given Wazir an “Unsung Hero Award” in February, in recognition of her involvement with Head Start, where she has served on the policy council, parent committee, and State Parent Advisory Committee. But Wazir said she didn’t immediately see herself as a candidate.
“When she said that, I was blown away,” Wazir said. “I was like, can I really do that?”

Wazir launched her candidacy in June, after a crucial endorsement from her mother, who promised to watch her children while she campaigned, and told her: “You’ve got this. Go for it.”
Despite nausea during the first trimester of her pregnancy, and 90-degree heat, she knocked on doors across the Heights, returning home so heat-stricken she said she “looked like a tomato.”
“I had no negative things said about me,” Wazir said. “People would open their doors and welcome me, and talk to me for 10, 15 minutes. That was warming for me.”

This is awesome. I feel like we're getting closer and closer to a point where the best Americans run for office regardless of their background.
Right. We don’t want a President who more loyal to a foreign country than to the US.
That's a great story. I love all the young moms running for office.

Meanwhile, in Texas(?):

That's a great story. I love all the young moms running for office.

Meanwhile, in Texas(?):

The GOP of the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s would have thought, “If an autocratic foreign government wants us to govern America so badly, maybe there is something we are doing wrong.”

But not today’s GOP.
The GOP of the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s would have thought, “If an autocratic foreign government wants us to govern America so badly, maybe there is something we are doing wrong.”

But not today’s GOP.
I mean, lots of American citizens and groups control twitter bots, especially for political propaganda - whole armies of bots even. It's very sad and pathetic, but probably not a Kremlin ploy. A lot of idiots just use spam retweet programs like Tweetly to just regurgitate the people they're following
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I mean, lots of American citizens and groups control twitter bots, especially for political propaganda - whole armies of bots even. It's very sad and pathetic, but probably not a Kremlin ploy. A lot of idiots just use spam retweet programs like Tweetly to just regurgitate the people they're following
