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ACA Running Thread

I actually give a fuck about this subject because it's relevant to my life. This isn't fucking jack off political gamesmanship for everyone. You'd do well to remember how many people you meet everyday who are served by the commie progressive policies that you and yours like to piss on.

So far I haven't been able to find out anything about your life. I will try again. Roughly how old are you and what kind of work are you in?
As long as someone else is paying the bill people don't pay attention to the premiums. It would be far better to eliminate the tax incentive for employer paid insurance and give taxpayers a credit.

Someone else paying the bill is the foundation upon which all liberal policies are built.
Someone else paying the bill is the foundation upon which all liberal policies are built.

You have completed the circle. Rare is the man who can swallow his pride, admit the mistakes of a misspent youth, and complete the full metamorphosis to full grown adult.
I talk to these types of folks all the time since their complaints often get routed my way. I'll pass your advice on.

Folks that fall into this bucket include small business owners, early retirees who were downsized and are waiting to turn 65, blue skilled collar workers like painters, dry wallers, contractors, etc. etc. etc. They are far from "fucking morons". And they don't want to go work at Harris Teeter or Starbucks 32/hrs a week to get insurance, but some do.

The real morons are those that drafted a law that said if you make 400% of FPL, you cant pay more than 9.5% of your income on health but if you make 401%, there is no cap on what you can pay.

The real morons are those that drafted a law that created a situation where insurance costs $20,000/year.

Ouch! That might have left a mark
I actually don't and in some respects think it offers us a unique opportunity to better manage costs. A lot of the innovation is being driven by very savvy large self funded insurers who demand their carriers control costs through very interesting tools.

Employers also have a very unique opportunity to interject wellness and the such into the equation, something insurers can't. You want your employer coverage? Sure, sign here after you let us weigh you, take blood and test you for nicotine. Based on these results, we will only pay your premiums if you enroll in x, y and z programs.

Employers are also much better at getting people enrolled then say the exchanges.

I am very skeptical of the benefits of separating it from employment.

That's all well and good, but you have to admit it leaves a pretty sizable gap in coverage given the nature of our economy and its reliance on part-time employment.
The Dems have no choice. Republicans are going to do whatever the fuck they want for the next 4+ years. So far they aren't doing shit in the vein of replacing or repairing Obamacare.

I am just so fucking tired of Republicans demonizing lower income Americans. These are the same fucking people that would have been working in factories making living wages during the baby boom, but now they make 9.25/hr working at Target and they are lazy, and helping them is socialism? It's not your grocery store cashiers fault that Humana and BCBS decided to start fucking the middle class.

How is that any different that Obama demonizing middle and upper income Americans who pay 95% of the taxes that they don't pay "their fair share", and "they didn't build that"? Again, the last year of political rhetoric was just the flipped version of the prior 8. Everybody who has ever had any iota of success is the greedy devil.
This is the issue. Until we address this, nothing else really matters. I am for a government paid universal base coverage but it needs to be limited coverage and therefore cost effective. It is a hard truth to be able to say that rich people are going to get better coverage but that is reality. We need to face that. We need a universal base coverage that promotes health for the entire population, but we simply cannot cover everything. The plan should be focused on prevention and cost effective solutions. If you are sick and need treatment that doesn't fall under the limited universal, government paid option then you either need to have supplemental insurance from the private market , you need to pay cash, or you can't receive the treatment.

If we want a system that actually works and doesn't bankrupt then that is how it is going to have to be. It is dumb that we are tied to employers and it is dumb that we think we can pay for everyone to be treated for pancreatic cancer. We end up spending billions trying to cure the 95% incurable. You don't need to have death panels. You simply don't cover evrything, because in the long run it will bankrupt our society.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Financially and/or morally?
How is that any different that Obama demonizing middle and upper income Americans who pay 95% of the taxes that they don't pay "their fair share", and "they didn't build that"? Again, the last year of political rhetoric was just the flipped version of the prior 8. Everybody who has ever had any iota of success is the greedy devil.

Ghandi = Failure
That's all well and good, but you have to admit it leaves a pretty sizable gap in coverage given the nature of our economy and its reliance on part-time employment.

Sure. And that's where a GI individual product fits in. I just value the benefits of employer offered care and think we need to encourage it when appropriate. The ACA didn't do this well.
I give you a reasonable response and you just side step. What a waste.

1) if the boards effect you so badly that you stress eat or have to work out your anger, that's enough internet for the day. People disagreeing with you online should not have that effect on you.
2) if you really want to see people display empathy so badly (and not seeing empathy effects you in such a negative way), you need to chill out and change your tone on the boards. Do you really think your extremely aggressive and accusatory posts will lead to empathetic responses? That's nuts.
1) if the boards effect you so badly that you stress eat or have to work out your anger, that's enough internet for the day. People disagreeing with you online should not have that effect on you.
2) if you really want to see people display empathy so badly (and not seeing empathy effects you in such a negative way), you need to chill out and change your tone on the boards. Do you really think your extremely aggressive and accusatory posts will lead to empathetic responses? That's nuts.
Your interpretation of this is enlightening. You believe that this politics board is the reason I'm upset about the topic? Wake up. There are a million upset women marching on DC the day after the inauguration, do you believe they are upset because of the OG board? Bernie Sanders is having "Save Healthcare" rallies in Michigan, do you believe those people are rallying to change opinions on the OG boards? Go outside in a public place and you are going to find people who are pissed that the ACA is going to be repealed. It's pretty clear this is gamesmanship to you, something to talk shit about on the internet like a sports score, something that won't really affect your life.
Echoes of 2010 already...

AURORA - When Berthie Ruoff arrived at the Aurora Central Library to meet with Congressman Mike Coffman, she was hopeful to find encouraging answers about the impending changes to the Affordable Care Act.
"My husband passed away and the only way I was able to get insurance was through the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare," Ruoff said.
When she walked in, she saw a crowd she didn't expect.
"There were hundreds of people here," Ruoff said.

There could be two outcomes of repeal/replace:

1. They keep most of the things that help people and call it their own
2. After they emasculate ACA and their plan fails, we are driven to a single payer or single payer plus system