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ACA Running Thread

2+ weeks since the Go Live and the system still sucks.

I'm wondering how long until supporters start using the Republican government shutdown as an excuse.
I think they would have already done it if they were going to do so.
Where there are problems, let's hope they get fixed.

If Pubs could focus on identifying problems and offering viable solutions/support, we'd all be better off in the long run, I think.

When your insight and ingenuity seem limited to being against "Obama" or "Obamacare" or "taxes" or "government" then a pox upon ye.
Agreed. Republicans need to recognize this thing isn't going away now. They should try to fix some of the problems and then take credit for working to improve the system instead of working 100% against it.
The technical issues go beyond the website.

Insurers say the federal health-care marketplace is generating flawed data that is straining their ability to handle even the trickle of enrollees who have gotten through so far, in a sign that technological problems extend further than the website traffic and software issues already identified.

Emerging errors include duplicate enrollments, spouses reported as children, missing data fields and suspect eligibility determinations, say executives at more than a dozen health plans. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Nebraska said it had to hire temporary workers to contact new customers directly to resolve inaccuracies in submissions. Medical Mutual of Ohio said one customer had successfully signed up for three of its plans.
if the pubs had a brain in their head, they would propose fixes under the auspices of Obamacare rather that blanching at the entire idea.

I think it would be more efficient to junk this monstrosity and replace it with a more market based solution. However, that is probably not happening, so just co opt it and try and make it work.
What is your more market based solution?
What are you considering the supply of care?
What are you considering the supply of care?

We need to build, staff and subsidize enrollment to at least one new medical school in every state. G.I. Bill-style funding for graduates who agree to repay their tuition in low/no cost community hospitals. We'd get more providers and thus greater access to care. Make a lot more sense than sending American college kids to El Caribe for med school and importing docs from overseas.
We need to build, staff and subsidize enrollment to at least one new medical school in every state. G.I. Bill-style funding for graduates who agree to repay their tuition in low/no cost community hospitals. We'd get more providers and thus greater access to care. Make a lot more sense than sending American college kids to El Caribe for med school and importing docs from overseas.

What about demand? How do we curve this aspect of medical trend? Cost per unit is only a part of the equation.
Increasing the number of MDs would certainly help bring down costs, but what about the other aspects of health care that drive up prices? I've worked with a company in the surgical supply business. They clear about 30MM in profits on 55-60MM in sales. I don't feel like they are alone. It's a damn racket out there for everyone in the industry.
What about demand? How do we curve this aspect of medical trend? Cost per unit is only a part of the equation.

I think increased supply would actually shrink demand. You have more clinics, you have more chance to do preventative maintenance and keep people vaccinated and screened.

Also, we need to have fewer disgusting fatbodies. FLOTUS is doing God's work.
I think increased supply would actually shrink demand. You have more clinics, you have more chance to do preventative maintenance and keep people vaccinated and screened.

Also, we need to have fewer disgusting fatbodies. FLOTUS is doing God's work.

Theres been a lot of research that demand increases with supply. We have a lot of pharmacies after all.

I don't disagree we need more supply...More NPs, more PCPs (& PCMHs), more Pas...But we need to tackle demand and force people to make cost/quality/efficiency decisions...
In health care it's generally not the cost per unit that counts, but the number of units.
I think increased supply would actually shrink demand. You have more clinics, you have more chance to do preventative maintenance and keep people vaccinated and screened.

Also, we need to have fewer disgusting fatbodies. FLOTUS is doing God's work.

In most areas, people aren't waiting weeks to get vaccinated and screened due to a shortage of medical professionals. As others have mentioned, doctors and clinics are a small part of supply.
What are you considering the supply of care?

I would start with allowing PAs and nurse practioners to open medical clinics providing primary care and not under the supervision of a MD.

I would change the licensing of MDs to provide admission to med school after 2 years of undergrad, followed by 2 years med school then into specialities. Specialities should take no more than 4 years.