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AG Roy Cooper Refuses to Defend State in HB2


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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He should probably just resign.

While the US AG Eric Holder in 2011 did say that AG's shouldn't have to defend the state if a law is "unconstitutional", I still think Cooper should either defend it or resign the position.

It could be argued that his "duty to defend" means that he just needs to show up and appear on behalf of the state. See Yale Law Journal article below:

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It's a win-win for him to resign.

"I cannot in good moral conscience defend this law because I believe it is unconstitutional. I will therefore resign so that the current administration may defend the law they passed in a rushed special session, without receiving input from opposition in the Senate, which cost state taxpayers $42k to have the session, and which has proven will be negative for the state's economy and future business growth."

He can then spend the rest of the year running for the governor position without having to also be the AG, a position he's going to be out of after the election regardless of if he wins the gubernatorial race or not. Win-win, move on and leave McCrory out to dry.
It's a win-win for him to resign.

"I cannot in good moral conscience defend this law because I believe it is unconstitutional. I will therefore resign so that the current administration may defend the law they passed in a rushed special session, without receiving input from opposition in the Senate, which cost state taxpayers $42k to have the session, and which has proven will be negative for the state's economy and future business growth."

He can then spend the rest of the year running for the governor position without having to also be the AG, a position he's going to be out of after the election regardless of if he wins the gubernatorial race or not. Win-win, move on and leave McCrory out to dry.

This would be the shrewd political move.
I saw this on FB and immediately thought of 2&2's impending board rant.
every time this has a new post and is bolded i get excited. then i look at the last poster information and get sad
Is the 2&2 thing because of comments about that crazy chick who wouldn't give marriage licenses? Or about Cooper? Asking for a friend.
Here let me help everyone out especially 2&2.

Roy Cooper symbolizes everything wrong with politics. His job is to enforce the laws as written, not use his position to voice his own opinions for his own personal political gain. If he wants to push his own agenda then do so as a legislator or governor, not from his position as AG. Almost every action that Cooper has taken since he obtained his position has been for his own personal political gain, whether or not his objectives coincided with the best interests of the NC citizens. The guy is a straight hack. For those who rail on McCrory, Cooper will be 10 times worse should he ever be elected. Additionally, Cooper should have been disbarred years ago. He is a bum.

Finally, Roy Cooper is such a piece of shit. Hey asshole, your job is to enforce the laws as enacted/written, not play wannabe politican-judge and determine what you think is or is not correct. Your "clients" in this case are the citizens that (rightly or wrongly) decided the law through the election of republican officials to represent their interests, and your job is to advocate for your clients, not yourself. I greatly support the rights of trannies, but this is just yet another example of Cooper pushing his own personal political agenda instead of doing his actual job. That stupid fuck symbolizes everything that is wrong about our current government.

Oh and if you think I am wrong. Well the role of government is to enact/enforce the will of the people absent a clear law controlling law to the contrary, even if it conflicts with their own personal views. Whether smart or stupid, the will of the people is the law. In Cooper's specific case, the first sentence of his job description on his own fucking website states: "The Attorney General is elected by the people of North Carolina every four years as the state’s top law enforcement officer and top lawyer."


It does not say he is a lawmaker, it does not say he is a political pundit. His job is to enforce the law as written. That's it. If the NC law says that trannies have no rights, then it is his job to fight for it to remain. If his own personal beliefs conflict too much with that position, then per the NC Ethical Rules he is to resign from his representation of his client.
This is just another pathetic example of this assclown pandering to millenials so that in several years he can run a campaign ad showing that he stood agains the trannies ban. Which is a fine ad to run, however his current job is not the pulpit from which he should preach. If he wants to be a fulltime politician, then resign from his current job and go be a politician. The douchebag has been a fucking self-serving hack for years now.
Here let me help everyone out especially 2&2.

Roy Cooper symbolizes everything wrong with politics. His job is to enforce the laws as written, not use his position to voice his own opinions for his own personal political gain. If he wants to push his own agenda then do so as a legislator or governor, not from his position as AG. Almost every action that Cooper has taken since he obtained his position has been for his own personal political gain, whether or not his objectives coincided with the best interests of the NC citizens. The guy is a straight hack. For those who rail on McCrory, Cooper will be 10 times worse should he ever be elected. Additionally, Cooper should have been disbarred years ago. He is a bum.

Finally, Roy Cooper is such a piece of shit. Hey asshole, your job is to enforce the laws as enacted/written, not play wannabe politican-judge and determine what you think is or is not correct. Your "clients" in this case are the citizens that (rightly or wrongly) decided the law through the election of republican officials to represent their interests, and your job is to advocate for your clients, not yourself. I greatly support the rights of trannies, but this is just yet another example of Cooper pushing his own personal political agenda instead of doing his actual job. That stupid fuck symbolizes everything that is wrong about our current government.

Oh and if you think I am wrong. Well the role of government is to enact/enforce the will of the people absent a clear law controlling law to the contrary, even if it conflicts with their own personal views. Whether smart or stupid, the will of the people is the law. In Cooper's specific case, the first sentence of his job description on his own fucking website states: "The Attorney General is elected by the people of North Carolina every four years as the state’s top law enforcement officer and top lawyer."


It does not say he is a lawmaker, it does not say he is a political pundit. His job is to enforce the law as written. That's it. If the NC law says that trannies have no rights, then it is his job to fight for it to remain. If his own personal beliefs conflict too much with that position, then per the NC Ethical Rules he is to resign from his representation of his client.
This is just another pathetic example of this assclown pandering to millenials so that in several years he can run a campaign ad showing that he stood agains the trannies ban. Which is a fine ad to run, however his current job is not the pulpit from which he should preach. If he wants to be a fulltime politician, then resign from his current job and go be a politician. The douchebag has been a fucking self-serving hack for years now.

Good effort, but I'm still waiting on 2&2's. Yours is lacking some of the personal vitriol and borderline lunacy that puts his posts on this topic over the top.
Well 2&2's hate has grown as smoldered over time to be more aggressive. Since sorry to disappoint those are 2&2's own words.
Lol solid work. I seem to remember he said something more scathing last week which was what I was going off of. Kudos for hunting that down btw
Here let me help everyone out especially 2&2.

Roy Cooper symbolizes everything wrong with politics. His job is to enforce the laws as written, not use his position to voice his own opinions for his own personal political gain. If he wants to push his own agenda then do so as a legislator or governor, not from his position as AG. Almost every action that Cooper has taken since he obtained his position has been for his own personal political gain, whether or not his objectives coincided with the best interests of the NC citizens. The guy is a straight hack. For those who rail on McCrory, Cooper will be 10 times worse should he ever be elected. Additionally, Cooper should have been disbarred years ago. He is a bum.

Finally, Roy Cooper is such a piece of shit. Hey asshole, your job is to enforce the laws as enacted/written, not play wannabe politican-judge and determine what you think is or is not correct. Your "clients" in this case are the citizens that (rightly or wrongly) decided the law through the election of republican officials to represent their interests, and your job is to advocate for your clients, not yourself. I greatly support the rights of trannies, but this is just yet another example of Cooper pushing his own personal political agenda instead of doing his actual job. That stupid fuck symbolizes everything that is wrong about our current government.

Oh and if you think I am wrong. Well the role of government is to enact/enforce the will of the people absent a clear law controlling law to the contrary, even if it conflicts with their own personal views. Whether smart or stupid, the will of the people is the law. In Cooper's specific case, the first sentence of his job description on his own fucking website states: "The Attorney General is elected by the people of North Carolina every four years as the state’s top law enforcement officer and top lawyer."


It does not say he is a lawmaker, it does not say he is a political pundit. His job is to enforce the law as written. That's it. If the NC law says that trannies have no rights, then it is his job to fight for it to remain. If his own personal beliefs conflict too much with that position, then per the NC Ethical Rules he is to resign from his representation of his client.
This is just another pathetic example of this assclown pandering to millenials so that in several years he can run a campaign ad showing that he stood agains the trannies ban. Which is a fine ad to run, however his current job is not the pulpit from which he should preach. If he wants to be a fulltime politician, then resign from his current job and go be a politician. The douchebag has been a fucking self-serving hack for years now.

No, his job is not to enforce the laws as written. It's also his job to uphold the law, and, more importantly, the constitution. In fact, he probably had to swear to uphold the both the federal and state constitutions when he took office. As an officer of the state, he is ethically obligated to represent all of its citizens. The duty here is similar to that of a prosecutor who learns he is prosecuting an innocent person. It could also just be because he doesn't think he has any chance of winning.

The AG of Pennsylvania refused to defend that state's gay marriage ban in the SCOTUS as part of the Obergefell case. As it turned out, she was right. (She's also being criminally prosecuted for unrelated reasons, but that's another story).

The caveat is that he obviously needs to believe in good faith that the constitution is implicated if he's going to make that claim. I think reasonable minds can disagree as to whether it's a political maneuver or not, but your assessment of the responsibilities associated with the job is dead wrong.
North Carolina oath of office:

§ 11-7. Oath or affirmation to support Constitutions; all officers to take.
Every member of the General Assembly and every person elected or appointed to hold any
office of trust or profit in the State shall, before taking office or entering upon the execution of
the office, take and subscribe to the following oath:
"I, ___________, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will support the Constitution of
the United States; that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina,
and to the constitutional powers and authorities which are or may be established for the
government thereof; and that I will endeavor to support, maintain and defend the Constitution
of said State, not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, to the best of my
knowledge and ability; so help me God." (1781, c. 342, s. 1, P.R.; R.C., c. 76, s. 4; Code, s.
3312; Rev., s. 2358; C.S., s. 3194; 1985, c. 756, s. 5.)
