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Barbara Bush Has Died


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
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In My Mind
Only second person to be spouse and parent of a US President, I think I read in recent days.

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I'm much more distraught over Harry Dean Anderson.
Only person to be spouse and parent of a US President, I think I read in recent days.


Wasn't Abigail Adams the spouse and parent of a US President?

But in any event, RIP. Glad she and H.W. got to see the Astros win the World Series last year - they are/were both huge fans.
Yep, sorry. Should have checked myself on that—she was the second.
Can you imagine how much ass he’s gonna be grabbin now?
Laura is cooler. She’s pro-choice and reads Russian lit and smokes cigs

While I think both are classy, Barbara Bush is on record as:

1. Saying an abortion should be the choice of the woman involved
2. Being for gun control
3. Openly advocating against discrimination, particularly speaking out against discrimination based upon race and sexual preference
4. In 1989, when most people still thought you could get AIDS from touching someone with the illness, she visited a hospital for orphans who had been abandoned because they were born with AIDS. There she held and kissed the children to help do away with the perception.
5. And the thing she was known for, literacy, she was so adamant about because she believed it was a major step in helping kids born into low income household to get ahead in life.

Barbara actually took a lot of heat from Republicans in her day, but always stood by her beliefs. That's pretty damn cool considering her status as immediate family to two Republican presidents.

Is it an embarrassment that this press release went out with the wrong date? Absolutely. As a PR person who has done this, I am sure the person responsible is mortified. However, is it the fault of the President and/or Melania, as people are making it out to be? Absolutely not. He probably didn't even see the actual document before it was sent out. This is actually one of the problems with our country today. Trump does plenty of dumb stuff to be called out on, but people are so insistent on bad-mouthing him that they blame him for things that aren't even his fault and, ultimately, that distracts from the stuff he is to blame for.
She seemed like a good person. Trump (or his team) bungling the release is a symptom of his diseased administration. He is lazy, and has filled positions with unqualified, lazy, and unethical pieces of garbage or individuals who don't want to work for him and their level of effort shows it (if he has taken time off to fill the position at all). And it starts from the top, his laziness, terrible work ethic, and sloppiness rubs off on those who work for him.
Is it an embarrassment that this press release went out with the wrong date? Absolutely. As a PR person who has done this, I am sure the person responsible is mortified. However, is it the fault of the President and/or Melania, as people are making it out to be? Absolutely not. He probably didn't even see the actual document before it was sent out. This is actually one of the problems with our country today. Trump does plenty of dumb stuff to be called out on, but people are so insistent on bad-mouthing him that they blame him for things that aren't even his fault and, ultimately, that distracts from the stuff he is to blame for.

I agree that Trump most likely never saw the document, and was not personally responsible. America wants to sensationalize everything today. However what it does reflect is the culture the administration has created, and the quality of staff it has hired. Company culture and values start at the top down and this error is just another in a long line of complete ineptitude by the Trump administration.