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Best 3some Ever?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
That's strong work Phillies.
Gimme a pool with Denise Richards and Neve Campbell and I'm good.

I probably wouldn't even make eye contact with Mendes in that one.

If we're talking "in their prime" I'd go Hayek being #1, but she's getting a little long in the tooth compared to the other too...
Currently I bet Mendes is the most naturally attractive, probably doesn't need much work, but Cruz has the most potential if she's done up, but I've seen some movies and a lot of candid pics where she just doesn't look that good. (relatively speaking)
Hard to fathom another man out there boasting an appetite for group sex more insatiable than the Fiesta Fox, although for whatever reason his preference leaned strongly toward the double pecker variety. Kreebie, Flipper, WEW, Bud, hell even that burnout Scuba danced with the devil once upon a moon. Ricky really liked teaming up with Country in particular, as he figured out a nifty way to use Country's prosthetic leg for extra leverage. Plus, you could put that peg leg anywhere and, so long as Ricky wiped it off afterwards, Country didn't much mind.

Yep, Ricky loved to make three. It behooved the more conservative of us Raiders to remain ever cognizant of that fact and take precautionary measures accordingly. I remember one time, Mason Dixon's fiancé had decided to crash over at the Barn. They go to bed, and about a half hour later, as Mason tells it, both he and his gal start experiencing furious manual stimulation of their nethers -- Mason of his flesh barbell, his lady of her chowder bread bowl.

Naturally, both of them just assume the diddling is being performed by the other. Wasn't until after their simultaneous climax that they heard the tell tale cackle of the Fiesta Fox. Upon hearing that distinctive crowing, Mason leapt out of bed, flipped on the light, and sure enough, there was Foxy in the middle, wiping both innocent parties' love juices off his hands and onto Mason's duvet, all the while grinning like the goddamn Cheshire Cat. If Ricky was a snake, he would've bit 'em. We didn't call him Foxy for nothin'.

Although initially he was upset and frankly a little confused and shaken by Ricky's ruse, Mason quickly saw the humor in Foxy's prank. Unfortunately, Mason's fiancée was another story. She never could shake the feeling that she'd been somehow violated. Try as he might, Ricky never understood this response, as he was pretty sure the gal had blown her lady wad, but what could you do? After several weeks of vacant stares and soulful whimpering, she returned the engagement ring to Mason with a short handwritten note wishing him a good life. You win some, you lose some.

Funny enough, only time Rick made a wet spot with two broads, both dames committed suicide within 48 hours, totally independent of one another. Honest injun. One bird stuck her head in a deep fat fryer at her place of employment, the other chose to exit this mortal coil via self-immolation, like one of them monks from 'Nam. As Foxy joked when he heard the crazy news, those chicas musta figured it would never get better than that fateful night with Ricky. Best to go out on top.
Holy shit, that's one of the best ones yet.

I was gonna say with your mom and dad, but Harv made that irrelevant.
If Harv turned out to be keeper, it would break the Internet.
Does anyone else feel like pos repping harv is just a disservice to the post? It clearly does not do it justice so it feels wrong somehow.
Harv's post is just incredible as always. Love seeing his name pop up on the boards.

In other news, I still can't wrap my head around Denise Richards in Wildthings. I mean, she's just unfathomably hot.
A threesome with identical twins -- I mean, that's incest, so I guess I can't get behind that, but intriguing. Still, I think the correct answer is two totally different types of babes. Like one hot Nordic babe and then a banging brunette honey.

IRL, every threesome story from anyone I know involves 2 dudes.
