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Boehner pulls vote on Sandy relief

IMO, this move was nothing more than Boehner trying to out-asshole Eric Cantor as a last minute play to the dimwit GOP base in order to save his spot as speaker.
Welcome to the party.

I guess. I too, have been an asshole who goes after both parties with equal force. The Republicans have made it tough to make it equal.
Agree, but historically the Senate is much worse. For the record, I'm not saying it is "profligate" but rather that it is likely that the bloated windbag will probably rail on federal spending while feeding at the trough which is typical of all pols. I actually agree with the emergency part of the bill. The other long term projects can wait for the normal appropriations process because if they are long term then they are not an emergency. There are probably some very worthy projects, but they should not be tacked on to an emergency bill just to get them passed easily.

As Peter King (R-NY) has told everyone. Those projects were not in the bill the House was going to vote on.

How many times does that have to be posted before it sinks in with you?
I guess. I too, have been an asshole who goes after both parties with equal force. The Republicans have made it tough to make it equal.

You used to be that guy until about 4 years ago.
Maybe Peter King should have spent more time making sure FEMA was fully funded and less time "investigating" Muslim mosque sites.
IMO, this move was nothing more than Boehner trying to out-asshole Eric Cantor as a last minute play to the dimwit GOP base in order to save his spot as speaker.

Yeah, I think their bromance is just about finished.
"Conservative activist groups such as Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth and Heritage Action all pressured congressional Republicans to vote against Hurricane Sandy relief"

WTF? Private wealthy benefactors dictating politicians' votes/decisions/insinuating lack of support for re-election...how did the US come to this?
"Conservative activist groups such as Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth and Heritage Action all pressured congressional Republicans to vote against Hurricane Sandy relief"

WTF? Private wealthy benefactors dictating politicians' votes/decisions/insinuating lack of support for re-election...how did the US come to this?

That part of the story shocked the hell out of me. How did these people get to be so awful?
Christie looks like a bad ass at this point, and shockingly, Cantor tries to hitch himself to Christie not Boehner.
That bit on NPR yesterday was pretty sickening.

I had a co-worker who was on the ball and called her insurance company the day after Sandy hit. She was able to arrange inspections, payments, line up contractors etc. and had her house rebuilt in a couple months. Her neighbors who waited a couple days hit a brick wall and had to wait forever for any movement.

It's like the insurance companies decided they were going to pay out X amount of dollars, and when they hit that limit, they were going to slow play the hell out of any additional claims.
It's a a pretty ridiculous set-up. FEMA pays the processing insurance carriers to facilitate the claims on a per-claim basis, regardless of payout. The insurance carrier actually makes more money when claims get paid. The problem is FEMA was overloaded and realized it was running out of money so it started getting stupidly strict (and wrong) on settlements and policy interpretations. The issue is the insurance company still got paid its fees for claims handling AND had to deliver the bad news.

the flood program is so fucking dumb.