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CBM: X-Men '97 finale; My Adventures with Superman S2 May 25; The Boys S4 June 13

Yeah. Season 1 was one long arc broken up by reruns. Seasons 2 and 3 were separate arcs broken up by Agent Carter. No clue what they'll be doing in January-March this time.

They really messed up by taking two of the best characters out of the show in such a formal and "final" way for a show that didn't even get made.

They did and Mockingbird was kind of the direction I wanted the show to go.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying having super powered people on AoS but I still think it would be better served having the super powered people be people that don't really have super powers. Obviously Black Widow and Hawkeye are tied up with the Avengers but maybe bring along Kate Bishop as a Hawkeye.
Season 1 set up May and Ward as a half step down from Black Widow and Hawkeye. Now it's hard to look at May as this uber badass when the director is a superstrong inhuman.

It drops midnight Pacific time.
How do you all want to handle Luke Cage spoilers?
Yeah. A lot of people felt that was too slow. I did it two eps at a time every two days, so it would be a week before fully discussing the show.
I'm trying to limit to 2 episodes per day, but I'm weak willed so undoubtedly will be done by Sunday, as per my usual for Marvel Netflix shows.

So far, so, so good.
I probably won't be able to watch until late tonight. I have to work now and I probably should do some work tonight. Ugh.
The only concern I have is that there are going to be so many "brawlers" in this universe. However, they've done a great job of distinguishing the heroes through character development and plot scope with these series, so it's not a very major concern.

Not knowing very much about the villain in this (Cottonmouth), his wiki page says that his abilities are:

Bionically enhanced jaw and neck muscles
Superhuman strength in his jaw
Steel teeth
Ability to open his mouth larger than the size of a human head
Good knowledge of the different poisons


Just to clarify, there are two Marvel villains named Cottonmouth.

One has:
Bionically enhanced jaw and neck muscles
Superhuman strength in his jaw
Steel teeth
Ability to open his mouth larger than the size of a human head

He looks like a snake and is a member of the serpent society.

The one on Luke Cage is the other one although I think he does have super powers. I'll be curious to see if he has super powers on the Netflix show.
Mild spoiler: Was that Marvel's first side boob? It was quite nice.
I'm gonna pay for it at work in the morning, but made it through the first 4 episodes. This show is good.
CBM: Luke Cage premieres on Netflix

The musical cameos in the first two eps are great. The soundtrack is fantastic.

I'm impressed how little the trailers gave away.

I need a black zip up hoodie with gold lining.

This site lists easter eggs by episode. Ep 1 has a ton of them. Nice bit of world building.

Going to do spoilers by 2 eps a night. So the first two eps are fair game now. Eps 1-4 will be fair game in 24 hours. And so forth.
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This show feels very current. Lots of commentary on race in America. I dig it.
Powered through 4 last night. Went to sleep about 1. Kids were up about 6. Oops.

Really enjoying the show so far. Very well done. Music is great.
That's ok, Luke doesn't like coffee either.
This show feels very current. Lots of commentary on race in America. I dig it.

Yeah, Marvel really didn't shy away from anything with how they did this show. Very impressed with the way they manage to have so many different tones to each show so it doesn't feel like a rehash of DD or JJ. It'll be interesting to see how they manage to combine all that for Defenders.
I watched two episodes last night and really like it. Daredevil is fine but it's a drag when the title character is kind of a zero. Luke Cage does not have that problem.