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Chat Thread 77: It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it

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All spelling. The comma use, etc I would read without noticing. I can't overlook spelling errors.

The only way that's at all excusable is if it's intentional misspelling in like, quoting a child's essay, or intentional for the sake of pronunciation. Otherwise, that's crazy. Maybe Woods has a weird book deal with his publisher or something. I'm guessing his audience doesn't mind too much, he's rich as fuck.
Bottom line for my specific workplace is that it's the authors' academic reputation on the line. If they don't care enough to give us something reputable, worth reading, and somewhat free from errors, that's on them. Most authors don't really seem to care, though, as long as they're getting published.
We were talking about grammar over Thanksgiving, and my dad admitted to being terrible at it. He pays a grad student to look over his grants and stuff. Blows my mind. He's so smart, and he sends me this subject line:

Can you correct any wrong apostrophe's here?

I kinda feel like he's trolling me.

This is so awesome.

My dad's one of those types that can't say "Italian" or "Korean" correctly, mostly because he's straight 'Murican. They always come out as "Eye-talian" and "Core-ean."
2 of the 3, yes. The third is a paralegal. Same concern -- I'm afraid she'd be bored in a receptionist's job given her experience and qualifications.

I'm working at an insurance agency as a marketing assistant. It's pretty good experience, but some of the stuff I would definitely say I'm over-qualified to do. I don't really get bored with it (yet) because I enjoy getting out of the office to do stuff like take pictures of cars and houses for the agency.

It probably helps that I know I will be moving on/going back to school in the fall.
Thanks, Bar Rafaeli, for your twitter post this morning.

I almost neg-repped you for insinuating that Bronson Pinchot could POTENTIALLY be a parody. His appearances on this board bring joy to my heart.

We need to pick a random day that will be designated Celebrity Doppelganger Day. We all post exclusively with our celebrity handles. Just need to dig up the list.

I need to remember my password!
I'm trying to identify movies on your DVD rack. I'm pretty sure I see Clerks. I assume the rest are pornos. Some classy. The others...un-classy. :naughty:
Those are my Bf's movies.
I'm working at an insurance agency as a marketing assistant. It's pretty good experience, but some of the stuff I would definitely say I'm over-qualified to do. I don't really get bored with it (yet) because I enjoy getting out of the office to do stuff like take pictures of cars and houses for the agency.

It probably helps that I know I will be moving on/going back to school in the fall.

I left my most recent job to plant a new church to do things a lot differently and had to find a part time job to help make up the difference between my old salary and what I get paid as the pastor of a tiny church plant (at least narrow the gap). I was really hoping to work as a receptionist - there were several positions open around here that were 8-1 or 9-2 each day that paid fairly well, but I never got any of them (the ones I followed up with stated they thought I'd be bored/overqualified and wanted someone invested in the job - I think they just weren't keen on a 30 year old dude being the office eye candy). The job search was rough. Granted, I was only looking for part time, so I could do my other job and really wasn't available on weekends (my wife works then), but I ended up having to get an acquaintance to pull some strings to get a job at a restaurant a step above fast food known for their bread and soup.

It's not bad - the job's not hard and I like working with people (and I'm very passionate about being able to afford insurance and food for my kids), but I do have some twinges of pride that make me want to explain that this isn't my only (or even primary) job sometimes - like when I saw someone I graduated with from Wake (but didn't know well) -I felt a need to assure them that 11 years removed form Wake, this was not where I ended up as a career.
I'm still mad at townie for ruining my saturday with the rock. Ended up going into work at 10PM last night and haven't left yet. Oh well, just finalizing up the big distribution to go out tommorrow or wednesday, absolutely no one is checking my work and if I screw up there's no way to get the money back. No big deal I suppose that I've been up for 32 hours.
I left my most recent job to plant a new church to do things a lot differently and had to find a part time job to help make up the difference between my old salary and what I get paid as the pastor of a tiny church plant (at least narrow the gap). I was really hoping to work as a receptionist - there were several positions open around here that were 8-1 or 9-2 each day that paid fairly well, but I never got any of them (the ones I followed up with stated they thought I'd be bored/overqualified and wanted someone invested in the job - I think they just weren't keen on a 30 year old dude being the office eye candy). The job search was rough. Granted, I was only looking for part time, so I could do my other job and really wasn't available on weekends (my wife works then), but I ended up having to get an acquaintance to pull some strings to get a job at a restaurant a step above fast food known for their bread and soup.

It's not bad - the job's not hard and I like working with people (and I'm very passionate about being able to afford insurance and food for my kids), but I do have some twinges of pride that make me want to explain that this isn't my only (or even primary) job sometimes - like when I saw someone I graduated with from Wake (but didn't know well) -I felt a need to assure them that 11 years removed form Wake, this was not where I ended up as a career.

I completely understand the feeling that you are expressing. Before I started the business, I would often consult with small businesses. The downside was that occasionally I would have to work in their retail center, etc. People would come in and sometimes I felt that I would have to explain that this was part of a bigger picture and that these clients were/are a part of the business that I started. I needed the clients to start the business, but it was still awkward at times.
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