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CPAC Panel includes white nationalist leader


Mar 17, 2011
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Way to go CPAC. invite and publicize an self-described white nationalist to one of your key panels of tye national convention that has each of rthe GOP's remaining candidates.


Here's what the Souther Poverty Law Center says about teh person CPAC honored by choosing him to participate in a panel discussion:

Peter Brimelow
Associated Profiles:
Sam Francis
Kevin MacDonald
Jared Taylor
Related Articles and Blog Posts:
'Paleoconservatives' Decry Immigration (2003)
'The Sage of Spooner': Finance Wiz has Ties to Neo-Nazis (2003) Date of Birth: 1947
Groups: VDARE
Location: Washington, Conn.
Ideology: White Nationalist
Peter Brimelow, a leading anti-immigration activist and author of the bestselling anti-immigrant tome Alien Nation, is the president of the VDARE Foundation, a nonprofit that warns against the polluting of America by non-whites, Catholics, and Spanish-speaking immigrants. He is also the most prominent contributor to the foundation’s VDARE.com, an immigrant-bashing hate site that regularly publishes works by white supremacists, anti-Semites, and others on the radical right.

In His Own Words
"It's the immigration, stupid."
— On the reasons for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, 2001

"The other aspect of this rapid population growth is that it's very rapidly shifting the racial balance in the country — contrary to [Sen. Ted] Kennedy's assertion. In effect, the 1965 Act choked off immigration from the traditional sources of immigration to the U.S., namely Europe, and it allowed a small number of third world countries to capture the inflow, as I said. And, above all, Mexico. The Mexican government, the Mexican ruling class, appears to have simply made the decision to export its poor to the U.S."
— VDARE.com website, 2005

"The mass immigration so thoughtlessly triggered in 1965 risks making America an alien nation — not merely in the sense that the numbers of aliens in the nation are rising to levels last seen in the 19th century; not merely in the sense that America will become a freak among the world's nations because of the unprecedented demographic mutation it is inflicting on itself; [and] not merely in the sense that Americans themselves will become alien to each other, requiring an increasingly strained government to arbitrate between them."
— VDARE.com website, 2006

A former editor at Forbes magazine and past columnist at the conservative National Review, Peter Brimelow is one of the leading voices in the anti-immigrant movement. Interestingly, he is himself an immigrant (from England), a fact that he regularly brings up when he worriedly notes that his son, with his "blue eyes" and "blond hair," could grow up in an America in which whites have lost their population majority. For Brimelow, immigration itself is not the problem — it's the influx of non-whites that is destroying America.

Brimelow's racial views about America first gained attention in 1995, when he published Alien Nation, a book that argued that America is historically white-dominated and should stay that way. The book was written in a genial style and was careful to treat black Americans as part of the polity. Although the book was well reviewed in some places, it included strong veins of racism and xenophobia. Brimelow described the role of race as "elemental, absolute, fundamental." He said that white Americans should demand that U.S. immigration quotas be changed to allow in mostly whites. He argued that spending tax dollars on anything related to multiculturalism was "subversive." He called foreign immigrants "weird aliens with dubious habits." At one point, he wrote that if one enters an Immigration and Naturalization Service waiting room, just like walking into a New York City subway, "you find yourself in an underworld that is not just teeming but also almost entirely colored." By 1997, Brimelow was warning that by 2008 the GOP would no longer be able to compete in presidential elections because the racial makeup of the electorate would be changed by non-white immigration.

In 1999, Brimelow started the Center For American Unity. The Center's most important project is a website called VDARE.com, named after Virginia Dare, the first white English child born in the New World (in 1587). Brimelow has written that he once planned to bestow Dare's name on "the heroine of a projected fictional concluding chapter in Alien Nation, about the flight of the last white family in Los Angeles." He was, he said, "dissuaded." VDARE.com posts anti-immigration articles by Brimelow's twin brother John; right-wing columnists like Paul Craig Roberts and Joseph Fallon (Brimelow's main researcher on Alien Nation); and defenders of The Bell Curve — a highly controversial book arguing that whites are more intelligent than blacks — like Steve Sailer.

Brimelow's site also carries archives of columns from men like Sam Francis, the late editor of the newspaper of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, a group whose web page has described blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity." It has run articles by Jared Taylor, the editor of the white supremacist American Renaissance magazine, which specializes in dubious race and IQ studies and eugenics, the "science" of human "race betterment" through selective breeding.

More recently, VDARE.com has even begun to publish the writings of Kevin MacDonald, an anti-Semitic psychology professor at California State University, Long Beach. MacDonald accuses Jews of "dominating" the "movement to change the ethnic balance of the United States by allowing mass, non-traditional [i.e., non-white] immigration." MacDonald writes that Jews, believing "the masses ha[ve] to be deceived," frame their appeals in universalistic language that Jews would never apply to their own community. Behind those appeals is "the Jewish agenda." MacDonald also mentions "the famously heavy Jewish role" in television news.

In 2007, Brimelow created the VDARE Foundation to provide funding for the VDARE.com website, which, according to a 2008 personal plea posted by Brimelow, faced staffing vacancies and funding shortfalls.
Sorry... I thought this was a Ron Paul thread.
stunning, yet not suprising silence over something that so obviously wrong.
Nobody posted here in the 4 hours before you posted, and only one person post in the 2 hours between your initial post and your 2nd post declaring victory.
If tihs had been a different topic there would be 50 resp9onses.

My bad, don't expect you RWers to know how respond without taking to your masters first
what a shock you want Jason Whitlock fired for his racist tweet, but don't have a problem with your fellow conservatives supporting white nationalism.
My fellow conservatives? RJ I thought you knew me better than that. Do you think I give a fuck about CPAC or any of those fake ass wannabe Christians? Fuck No.

I just care even less for serial complainers who are looking to be offended every fucking day. Especially ones who come onto college sports teams message boards and copy and paste emails they get from some sort of "we're all victims" email chain.
I don 't know what the fuck you are talknig about. But if that's directed at me, you so full of shit that it's amazing.

Once in a while when intentionally lie you should man up and admit that you making things up out of thin air.

But you are a dickless wonder who gets off by lying thinking it makes you look cool.
I don 't know what the fuck you are talknig about. But if that's directed at me, you so full of shit that it's amazing.

Once in a while when intentionally lie you should man up and admit that you making things up out of thin air.

But you are a dickless wonder who gets off by lying thinking it makes you look cool.

RJKarl hates personal attacks.
He made the first one. If you attack me, I will attack you back.

There's a really easy way to avoid this happening. Don't throw the first punch.
He made the first one. If you attack me, I will attack you back.

There's a really easy way to avoid this happening. Don't throw the first punch.

Watching RJ puff up after one of his internet scraps never gets old.
That's right make it about me not the issue that CPAC went out of its way to give an avowed white nationalist credibility at their most important event of every four years.

Yep it's about RJ not that CPAC condoned and is promoting Brimelow's racist ideas/
Yep it's about RJ not that CPAC condoned and is promoting Brimelow's racist ideas/

I don 't know what the fuck you are talknig about. But if that's directed at me, you so full of shit that it's amazing.

Once in a while when intentionally lie you should man up and admit that you making things up out of thin air.

But you are a dickless wonder who gets off by lying thinking it makes you look cool.
