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CT65: hakuna matata

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The fact that mods can add extra tags is interesting. Explains how there were suddenly like 15 douchey tags deleted off the last chat thread all at once in the midst of the "Ph is Black?" discussion. Guess we know where those came from too. #modshipforlife
I wish the daily show would go to commercial so I can get ready for bed! Need a TV in the potty room.
I wonder what kind of God powers the admins have. Can they like hack into our computers and take pics of us through our web cams and steal our Papa Johns rewards points? That's what I want to know.
I wonder what kind of God powers the admins have. Can they like hack into our computers and take pics of us through our web cams and steal our Papa Johns rewards points? That's what I want to know.


Not my PJ reward points!
I wonder what kind of God powers the admins have. Can they like hack into our computers and take pics of us through our web cams and steal our Papa Johns rewards points? That's what I want to know.

Yes. cookout and myself have some serious dirt on you guys. You wouldn't believe how many porn sites to which RJ belongs.
I'm assuming at some point the other mods (who are pretty uniformly cool) will simply frag the rogue mod who has got to annoy the shit out of them. Like 'Nam.
Do you have my nudes?

Yeah, got those.

Doesn't show up for me.

I'll just assume it shows my ass looking phenomenal.
Don't let Manifest Destiny hear there are pics floating about of ITK's ass.
PM please.

Also, pretty sure I hooked it with two of those chicks in that call me vid back in schooooollll

nice. gotta kill the signal now...keep it real!
Just took a typing test. 110 words per minute. That's pretty good, yeah?

I think I have a talent now.

That's pretty solid. Online gaming helps a lot with typing. What test was it? I've found my speed varies a lot depending on the test and the text. I like to occasionally hop on play.typeracer.com and pwn noobs. When a passage comes up that I already have memorized word-for-word I can KILL it.

Also, ever since taking a full-time programming job, I might have actually gotten worse at typing. My mind is just constantly going in so many directions at once that typing regular English has gotten slower.
AND FUCK. Just pwned my first race on typeracer at 107 WPM (passage from the dark knight I really didn't know).. then got completely fucked over on my second race. I won my fifth grade spelling bee but couldn't spell "Shepherd". Also I'm drunk, and my eyes didn't pick up on what I was missing (the h after the p) until I'd mistyped it (and deleted it) like 7 times.
Eh. I'm drunk. Had a great 2 yr anniversary dinner tonight with DF09Toy. She also got me the Blueprint3 on Vinyl [and I'm Wide Awake It's Morning finally came in the mail. BOOYAH! (Luter elevators commence)]

TOWNIE WARN HERSHEY IMMA COMING THE WEEKEND OF THE 15th (As soon as AceOfWake confirms that he can give me a ride from B-more).
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