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Dan's 6-part Wellman interview now online

There is not one shred of evidence to support this claim - he hasn't even hinted at the idea of a benchmark for W/L next year - every comment he made yesterday supported the idea of 'multiple years left on his contract' and VALUES. There is nothing more I would love than for Premier Wellman to come out and say "This is where we need to be next year..." but all we get are these fluff interviews and the condescending "Our fans are passionate" BS speech.

Did the exact same thing with Dino. Fired him the next year. And he'd just given him an extension.

If there's one thing that is certain - Wellman will support [Redacted] until the day he's fired.

I actually find the "multiple years" dodge to be especially telling. He can't say he extended him, because he didn't. Everyone knows he only has 2 years left and that's a common time for an extension, so he won't come out and say he has 2 years left.

I realize it's infuriating to listen to someone have to pull out values and culture and the Mercer win to find good things to say about our dumpster fire. There are some good signs in there if you hunt for them though.
Did the exact same thing with Dino. Fired him the next year. And he'd just given him an extension.

If there's one thing that is certain - Wellman will support [Redacted] until the day he's fired.

I actually find the "multiple years" dodge to be especially telling. He can't say he extended him, because he didn't. Everyone knows he only has 2 years left and that's a common time for an extension, so he won't come out and say he has 2 years left.

I realize it's infuriating to listen to someone have to pull out values and culture and the Mercer win to find good things to say about our dumpster fire. There are some good signs in there if you hunt for them though.

The difference was that Dino was winning. A lot of us didn't like Dino and the way he coached, but we were #1 in the country and Dino got an extension. He's got Bz back publicly when it makes absolutely no sense. He's tied himself so tight to this cinder block that it can't end well for RW. If he made comments about demanding success but allowing Bz more time, that would be hard to swallow, but better than the "oh, heavens yes" crap.
The difference was that Dino was winning. A lot of us didn't like Dino and the way he coached, but we were #1 in the country and Dino got an extension. He's got Bz back publicly when it makes absolutely no sense. He's tied himself so tight to this cinder block that it can't end well for RW. If he made comments about demanding success but allowing Bz more time, that would be hard to swallow, but better than the "oh, heavens yes" crap.

If Hatch and the BOT are behind Wellman, why do you think Wellman will suffer any adversity for this irrationality? When everyone in power is irrational, nothing outside of a revolution can change things.
RW is not stupid, but he is the epitome of LOWF. He actually said his goal was to return to the historical competitiveness levels defined as - winning against the lower tier teams and pulling the occasional upset. Not acc tittle, not #1 rankings, not final fours. The freaking goal is winning a few games the right way. LOWF.
And its like I've said before...it just seems like Ron believes you can't win "the right way" AND be very successful at the same time. He makes it sound like you have to be one or the other.
If Hatch and the BOT are behind Wellman, why do you think Wellman will suffer any adversity for this irrationality? When everyone in power is irrational, nothing outside of a revolution can change things.

I think the board of trustees are behind him because they believe RW. After two more years and we're still not qualifying for the CIT, I think he's going to be held accountable.
My concern with this is that the quality of home opponents will go even further down the chain of Ken Pomm rankings in order to secure more [Redacted] wins and 'success'. Doesn't mean our ACC competitiveness will increase.

This is exactly right. The quality of our non-conference scheduling has dropped precipitously (and purposefully, for that matter).
Wellman and his use of the word "we".

Unless he was hiding in Bz's pocket, he wasn't on that bench.

He is in this with his buddy. "We". They are a team, and they're in deep.
I just read this paragraph and it seems to fit here:

"Organizations that take the word of overconfident experts can expect costly consequences. As Nassim Taleb has argued, inadequate appreciation of the uncertainty of the environment inevitably leads economic agents to take risks they should avoid. However, optimism is highly valued, socially and in the market; people and firms reward the providers of dangerously misleading information more than they reward truth tellers. One of the lessons of the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession is that there are periods in which competition, among experts and among organizations, creates powerful forces that favor a collective blindness to risk and uncertainty."

We've got our big donors who apparently value the optimism versus many of us on this board who would much rather her the truth.
It's like everyone forgot the PR blitz that Wellman went on the prior seasons when we first began to experience ultimate sucking. This year we had false hope because he didn't go on his PR tour during the season but it now appears he saved all of his bullshit for the end. Same excuses as before, same bullshit as before. It insanity because during year 1 and year 2 when we were calling for Buzz's head it was the same excuses, nothing has changed since then including Wellman's excuses.
I just read this paragraph and it seems to fit here:

"Organizations that take the word of overconfident experts can expect costly consequences. As Nassim Taleb has argued, inadequate appreciation of the uncertainty of the environment inevitably leads economic agents to take risks they should avoid. However, optimism is highly valued, socially and in the market; people and firms reward the providers of dangerously misleading information more than they reward truth tellers. One of the lessons of the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession is that there are periods in which competition, among experts and among organizations, creates powerful forces that favor a collective blindness to risk and uncertainty."

We've got our big donors who apparently value the optimism versus many of us on this board who would much rather her the truth.

That's pretty much what happened with the Romney campaign this year. They listened to optimists instead of hard facts and good analysis.
Out of Conference Average Attendance
11-12: 7,035
12-13: 7,739

ACC Average Attendance
11-12: 10,315
12-13: 11,238

12-13 ACC without CP3 day: 10,871

Those ACC numbers are very generous. We should oppose the proposed Joel renovations as Ron would be able to say that our sellouts increased dramatically thanks to Bz.
My two takeways from the article were that, one, Ron doesn't know shit about the game of basketball (and he's on the freakin NCAA committee) and two, that he is in love with Bzz.
Question re: attendance, whats the student policies these days, do you even have to camp out for Duke/UNC?
Did the exact same thing with Dino. Fired him the next year. And he'd just given him an extension.

If there's one thing that is certain - Wellman will support [Redacted] until the day he's fired.

I actually find the "multiple years" dodge to be especially telling. He can't say he extended him, because he didn't. Everyone knows he only has 2 years left and that's a common time for an extension, so he won't come out and say he has 2 years left.

I realize it's infuriating to listen to someone have to pull out values and culture and the Mercer win to find good things to say about our dumpster fire. There are some good signs in there if you hunt for them though.

I'm too lazy to find your rationale about any Wellman quotes from last April or May saying that [Redacted] probably only has one more year then. Just like I'm tired of hearing about our players gaining 25 pounds of muscle over the summer. Those stories will come out about Washington around August or so. Book it.
RW: Well if you look at our attendance this year, it was up.

MTOW: Was it?

RW: Yeah it was. We track this very carefully, as you can well imagine. Our student attendance was up 55 percent this year over last year.
I don't dispute that one. Wasn't student attendance almost non-existent last season? This season, we had big weekend games and some momentum from two big home wins. I think that one is probably right. Doesn't mean much though.
Couple thoughts:

- I wish when Ron talked about what a good guy and great representative Bz is, Dan had countered with: "We're talking about the guy who said 'Fuck you' to a fan, right? The guy who was caught on camera being an awful sport vs. VT?"
- With the mention of how good Daniel Green was looking, but how he might not come back 100%, Ron is already preparing his excuses for next season.
- I'm so tired of hearing the freshmen as an excuse. First of all, Bz inherited two very good players in CJ and Travis. Second, he ran off a number of other great players (say what you will about character - Skip inherited a bad apple in Josh Howard and turned him into a national POY). Third, this is Bz's THIRD YEAR - it's his fault that Green (maybe) was the only ACC-caliber player in his first recruiting class. Fourth, new coaches win with freshman-laden lineups all the time - not necessarily Top 25-caliber winning, but at least being competitive.
The increased attendance propaganda is so absurd, based upon all the free tickets and gimmicks they cooked up to try to get people to come to games. Also, unless I am mistaken was out win total the same this year as last year?