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F is for Fascism (Ferguson MO)

"is that your Bible", Trump responds "it's a Bible".

this guy is a joke. got out of hiding in his bunker, someone gave him whatever Bible is on hand and pushed him out the door to the Church.

what a fucking joke this POS is...

As two corinthians says...
Turns out other countries still respect journalists and don't like them being gassed and assaulted for a photo op.

I'm going to disagree some with ryan cooper's "paying people handsomely" statement because I don't think that's quite accurate. When the lower end of salaries for a dangerous and potentially fatal job is 30k or so I would argue, like teachers, that's a job too important to low ball the workers. Pay a better salary and get better caliber of employee.
Watching the national guard and DC cops forcefully remove peaceful protestors with tear gas and flash bangs so that Donald could walk across the street was one of the worst moments I’ve ever felt as an American. Police and conservatives are alienating and radicalizing people at an incredible rate over the last week.

The vast majority of the city police in question do not work for conservatives, they work for Democrat city councils and mayors. There is absolutely nothing stopping Democrats from pulling the police off the streets and/or downsizing the response. Why aren't they doing it? The police aren't out there responding of their own accord, they are there because they are told to be. This is not a conservative vs protest issue, this is a Democrat vs protest issue. The Trump-specific nonsense aside, conservatives have literally nothing to do with the vast majority of these confrontations. Why don't the Democrats in charge simply pull the police completely off of the protests? Keep them several miles away so we can see the peaceful protests play out?
The vast majority of the city police in question do not work for conservatives, they work for Democrat city councils and mayors. There is absolutely nothing stopping Democrats from pulling the police off the streets and/or downsizing the response. Why aren't they doing it? The police aren't out there responding of their own accord, they are there because they are told to be. This is not a conservative vs protest issue, this is a Democrat vs protest issue. The Trump-specific nonsense aside, conservatives have literally nothing to do with the vast majority of these confrontations. Why don't the Democrats in charge simply pull the police completely off of the protests? Keep them several miles away so we can see the peaceful protests play out?

Why don't have a problem with Trump attacking innocent American citizens with cops on horseback, tear gas and flash bang grenades to clear a path for his photo op?

Last night night, Trump showed his desire to become Bull Connor 2.0 and you are totally silent about it.
I feel we ask this all the time but as the country continues to move forward republicans seem to never be on the right side of history

I feel we ask this all the time but as the country continues to move forward republicans seem to never be on the right side of history

winless since the boston tea party
The family's autopsy shows at least one more cop needs to be charged with murder for having his knees on the back of Floyd.
Only if he had popped a cialis first. Brad already confirmed his shit doesn't work without chemical assistance. Which help explains why he is such an asshole. It doesn't help explain his idiocy, of course, but 1 out of 2 ain't bad.

Hahahaha... the reference to needing chemical assistance a few weeks back was a joke. My shit works just fine but no surprise you bought it hook, line, and sinker as you are a gullible mark.
of course RJ would dodge 2&2's entire premise to whatabout Trump. RJ, why don't you try confronting authoritarianism as it stands, rather than deflecting to the usual partisan bullshit
Hahahaha... the reference to needing chemical assistance a few weeks back was a joke. My shit works just fine but no surprise you bought it hook, line, and sinker as you are a gullible mark.

you and rj, just making folks dance
I feel we ask this all the time but as the country continues to move forward republicans seem to never be on the right side of history

Yeah another reason I don’t understand “social conservatism” as a concept. When has “standing pat” or simply maintaining the status quo ever won out across multiple generations as being on the right side of history?
You seriously think these people have the tragic death of George Floyd on their minds while doing this?


These are opportunists exploiting a tragic situation. It's heartbreaking to see and completely unproductive.

lol this was a post in response to ph talking about wall street

i am trying to think of situations where wall street have been opportunists exploiting a tragic situation, heartbreaking to see and completely unproductive?

for all teh white misquoting and misappropriation of mlk, the focus is always on his nonviolence and never on his anticapitalism
of course RJ would dodge 2&2's entire premise to whatabout Trump. RJ, why don't you try confronting authoritarianism as it stands, rather than deflecting to the usual partisan bullshit

Yeah democrats at the local level can do a better job handling the police force (and plenty of other issues at the local level). I was looking at the national level but the local level is arguably more important as far as practically making a difference - beyond where the president tries to send the military into local communities.
Yeah democrats at the local level can do a better job handling the police force (and plenty of other issues at the local level). I was looking at the national level but the local level is arguably more important as far as practically making a difference - beyond where the president tries to send the military into local communities.

Seemingly just one governor talking back to Trump about deploying the national guard in their state.
And nothing screams “I’m taking a stand against police brutality” or “We need more racial justice” like stealing 7 pair of Air Jordans or torching an Arby’s.

well every time protesters took the peaceful route you fucking assholes ignored them..

And fuck Arby's and fuck Air Jordans. They are shit consumerables, and taking them sure has your sphincter all tightened up, so it is working fuckwit
of course RJ would dodge 2&2's entire premise to whatabout Trump. RJ, why don't you try confronting authoritarianism as it stands, rather than deflecting to the usual partisan bullshit

Because it was such obvious BS. The militirazation of police is a Republican concept. It was promoted by a GOP Congress and in many cases GOP governors like in MO, MI and PA (the previous governors created much of this).

By MDMH wants to re-elect Trump if he doesn't get everything he wants. How he wants it and gets it now.