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F is for Fascism (Ferguson MO)

I'm so tired of this. You unsympathetic assholes who don't see the problem need to wake up.

NORTH MIAMI, FLA. (WSVN) - A therapist who works with people with disabilities is telling his story after he said police shot him while he was trying to help his patient with autism.

Cellphone video was released Wednesday afternoon showing Charles Kinsey lying on the ground with his hands in the air, telling officers that weapons are not necessary. “When I went to the ground, I’m going to the ground just like this here with my hands up,” Kinsey said, “and I am laying down here just like this, and I’m telling them again, ‘Sir, there is no need for firearms. I’m unarmed, he’s an autistic guy. He got a toy truck in his hand.”

In his hospital bed, Kinsey said, he was attempting to calm an autistic patient who ran away from a group home. Kinsey could be heard in the video saying, “All he has is a toy truck. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.”

He is also heard asking his patient to calm down. “Rinaldo, please be still, Rinaldo. Sit down, Rinaldo. Lay on your stomach.”
The ordeal went on for a few minutes before Kinsey said one of the officers shot him. “I’m like this right here, and when he shot me, it was so surprising,” Kinsey said. “I thought it was a mosquito bite, and when it hit me I had my hands in the air, and I’m thinking I just got shot! And I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me, he said, ‘I don’t know.'”

The YouTube video is down. The video can be found in the link.
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Hey man, if black guys would start complying with police and stop putting themselves in these situations, we could fix the problem!


How many times do I have to say that that doesn't prevent every incident? I've explicitly said that in almost every single post in this thread and yet you continue to ignore it. I pointed out several high profile incidents where it in all likelihood would have prevented a death. If it went down like it appears in that incident, that guy shouldn't be a cop. No question.
How many times do I have to say that that doesn't prevent every incident? I've explicitly said that in almost every single post in this thread and yet you continue to ignore it. I pointed out several high profile incidents where it in all likelihood would have prevented a death. If it went down like it appears in that incident, that guy shouldn't be a cop. No question.

I think the punishment should be a little more stiff than that. Same for the cops who handcuffed the man after he was shot.
Ph, you have really become a sanctimonious myopic asshole. I don't know who your clown friend is. There have been more people murdered in Chicago this year than all of the unarmed black men killed by the cops in 2015. Not to mention the fucking insane amount of black youth in prison instead of finishing high school or the staggering unemployment in the black community.

Where are the fucking endless threads about criminal justice sentencing reform and school choice? Or security in poor areas?

Or if you want to focus on law and order the chances of being wrongfully incarcerated being one in 3,000 or so vs. 1 in 143,000. I don't see shit about better public defenders. Blacks have real problems in this country, but this is about problem 24 in helping real equality, but assholes like you are actively fucking your own people because this an easier road to electoral power and stupid fucking papers, as well as city settlements by greedy fucking lawyers.

If you spent the time you waste here and God only knows where else bitching and instead went and read to inner city minorities and mentored kids, you'd make a much bigger difference in black lives. But it isn't that they matter, it is that YOU do. Feel good about being an internet warrior for a hour or so and then when you go to bed think about if you want to make a real difference. It would be a pleasure to rarely see you around these parts again.

As for the "play by the rules" nonsense, just because it isn't the number one problem, whites need to take this seriously. No one should be killed for selling a 75 cent cigarette. Respecting the thin blue line isn't the same as saying that we don't need a better means of policing or that minorities are disproportionally poor and subject to more police interaction and therefore, by definition harassment, because poor people live in higher crime areas. If conservatives did a better job addressing other serious concerns, there would be more trust and less political grandstanding leading to less chasing of our own tails.

Both parties have been disgusting on this in the media. Don't follow their lead and get you heads out of your asses.

And yes, I've been face down on the concrete with a police gun to my head for "stealing my own car," and lived in Section 8 housing as a kid. My wife taught the last 13 years in Title I schools and I know the broken justice system. You want to fix things, get off these boards and go fucking volunteer and start letter writing campaigns to your school boards and local reps.
Ah yes, the "if you talk about one problem, you have to talk about every problem at the same time" rationale. C'mon man.
I think the punishment should be a little more stiff than that. Same for the cops who handcuffed the man after he was shot.

Agreed. I'm not sure what the typical punishment is for shooting someone in the leg but he should get that unless there's something missing from that news coverage, which doesn't seem to be the case.
I'm not talking about the driver. The passengers have nothing to do with the driver committing DUI.

If it's a DUI they absolutely do have the right to identify the passengers because they are witnesses to a crime.
Ah yes, the "if you talk about one problem, you have to talk about every problem at the same time" rationale. C'mon man.

Priorities. A black man is 6 plus times more likely to go to jail that a white man. A black man is twice as likely to be killed by an officer (7.2 to 3.6 per million) than a white man. This is the fucking problem.

A black child has a 31 percent drop out rate compared to 14 percent for whites. This affects tens of millions, not hundreds, this is the fucking problem.

In 2013, among the race groups, Asian households had the highest median income in 2012 ($68,636). The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $57,009, and it was $33,321 for Black households. This is the fucking problem for millions.

Why isn't this getting the lion's share of your attention? And again for whites, this should make you extremely concerned without a fucking video on CNN about what we are and aren't doing for people.

You aren't prioritizing. Don't grandstand, push where the greatest difference can be made.
Again, no one should be shot over a 75 cent cigarette and my cafeteria worker doesn't need to be pulled over 46 times. But priorities.

It will be just as bad Tuesday when the D's trot out their seven moms (at least one of whom had a son who tried to get a cop's gun and another who was shot by some idiot non-cop) as the exploitation of the mother who personally blames Secretary Clinton for her son's death in Benghazi. Are these the fundamentally biggest issues of the day? No.

You are smarter than this, bigger picture man.
It was 52 times...over half the time he got off. That shows how bad the stops were.
How many times do I have to say that that doesn't prevent every incident? I've explicitly said that in almost every single post in this thread and yet you continue to ignore it. I pointed out several high profile incidents where it in all likelihood would have prevented a death. If it went down like it appears in that incident, that guy shouldn't be a cop. No question.

Which illustrates the flaw in your reasoning that BLM shouldn't be protesting the actions of the cops. Until every incident is prevented, they have the right to demand change.
Agreed. I'm not sure what the typical punishment is for shooting someone in the leg but he should get that unless there's something missing from that news coverage, which doesn't seem to be the case.

Well the usual punishment for a layperson would be a charge for attempted murder....

You're onboard?
Which illustrates the flaw in your reasoning that BLM shouldn't be protesting the actions of the cops. Until every incident is prevented, they have the right to demand change.

They have the right to protest regardless of the incidents. However, how do you think we should prevent these incidences from happening? Race relations and biases are so built into our evolutionary human brain that I'm afraid that as long as policing is a profession racial biases will exist. The only way I think to stop this is to sign into law things that limit police power at the time of stops. Trying to stop people from being enharently bias seems like a impossible task
Rj, again, I'm saying it is a problem. But we have to prioritize. We can get real criminal justice reform, rehear and reduce crack sentences, eliminate time for possession offenses, use drug courts and tie in school attendance for minors instead of time in juvy or other service. The War on Drugs seems to be a War on minorities. (J/W 2016). Have to cite, don't want to get Melinia'd.

We have to address the graduation gap. Children reading at a 4th grade level by 4th grade have a 90 plus graduation rate. Our poorer schools are underfunded, the kids often lack basic nutrition and real child care. this is leading to a wage gap, more minorities in poorer neighborhoods with more crime, greater police interaction as a result, more cops to protect, but ultimately also to end up handing out petty fines and having bad interactions.

Our legal system is badly broken. PD's are outgunned and outpaid. The cycle is vicious.

Single parents are likely to have children who become single parents. We're killing our kids, blacks especially.

Well the usual punishment for a layperson would be a charge for attempted murder....

You're onboard?

Sure. Then let the courts/judge decide but if that is the most fitting charge like you say then he should at least be charged.
Again, many of you would be so depressed during one of my lectures/roundtables on the 4-6 amendments. Your rights under these have been gutted.
You have to start justice reform on the street level. A higher percentage of white kids smoke pot than black kids. There are 3-5 times as many white kids as black kids. Yet almost 4 times as many black kids get arrested for pot. This has to stop. It gets kids into the system which is hard to escape.

Also on the street level, we've got to make it illegal to use poor populations as ATMs for city funding. A red light ticket may not harm you, but when you stopped multiple times a year and convicted every year, people get warrants and records.

We need to incentivize teachers to teach in bad neighborhoods and rebuild the schools.

If there is money to give tax breaks to companies who move to a city, there has to be money to help build supermarkets in the inner-city. Too many places don't have any places for people to buy healthy food which is a building block for health and success.