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Facebook Gold from Crazies

I don't want to sully the Star Wars thread with this crap, so I'll post it here:

The new movie is "promoting white genocide" say those behind the Twitter hashtag.

The Force is with the Internet as it (im)patiently awaits the release of the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Not everyone is looking forward to the chance to revisit a galaxy far, far away, however; a social media movement is asking fans to #BoycottStarWarsVII.

The hashtag, which started appearing on Twitter Sunday night, expresses objection to the fact that The Force Awakens features lead characters who aren't white males, with its users accusing the movie of pushing a sinister multicultural agenda.

"#BoycottStarWarsVII because it is anti-white propaganda promoting #whitegenocide," read one tweet from an account calling itself "End Cultural Marxism." (A subsequent tweet from the same account read "A friend in LA said #StarWarsVII is basically 'Deray in Space,' " — a reference to civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson. "Jewish activist JJ Abrams is an anti-white nut.")

Another Twitter account, calling itself "Captain Confederacy," similarly griped that "SJWs [Social Justice Warriors] complain about White artists 'misappropriating' culture created by blacks but then celebrate a non-White Star Wars." Yet another complaint read that the movie should be boycotted "because it's nothing more than a social justice propaganda piece that alienates it's core audience of young white males."

That's pathetic. How insecure do you have to be if you are upset about a black guy being the hero in a movie? In a fictional galaxy far far away?

Christian American white men, the most persecuted minority in the world, according to christian American white men.
Lamar Odom isn't famous because he od'd in a whorehouse. He's famous because he was a professional basketball player for many years (and he had been married to a person who is part of a famous family). So if Troy Aikman was on his deathbed, it wouldn't be news?

It shouldn't be news on any NEWS channels. It can get all the stupid play it wants on ESPN. I don't watch that dross unless live sports are on.
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I don't want to sully the Star Wars thread with this crap, so I'll post it here:

The new movie is "promoting white genocide" say those behind the Twitter hashtag.

The Force is with the Internet as it (im)patiently awaits the release of the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Not everyone is looking forward to the chance to revisit a galaxy far, far away, however; a social media movement is asking fans to #BoycottStarWarsVII.

The hashtag, which started appearing on Twitter Sunday night, expresses objection to the fact that The Force Awakens features lead characters who aren't white males, with its users accusing the movie of pushing a sinister multicultural agenda.

"#BoycottStarWarsVII because it is anti-white propaganda promoting #whitegenocide," read one tweet from an account calling itself "End Cultural Marxism." (A subsequent tweet from the same account read "A friend in LA said #StarWarsVII is basically 'Deray in Space,' " — a reference to civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson. "Jewish activist JJ Abrams is an anti-white nut.")

Another Twitter account, calling itself "Captain Confederacy," similarly griped that "SJWs [Social Justice Warriors] complain about White artists 'misappropriating' culture created by blacks but then celebrate a non-White Star Wars." Yet another complaint read that the movie should be boycotted "because it's nothing more than a social justice propaganda piece that alienates it's core audience of young white males."

That's pathetic. How insecure do you have to be if you are upset about a black guy being the hero in a movie? In a fictional galaxy far far away?

Christian American white men, the most persecuted minority in the world, according to christian American white men.

Shit, the black guy will probably die anyway.
That's pathetic. How insecure do you have to be if you are upset about a black guy being the hero in a movie? In a fictional galaxy far far away?

Christian American white men, the most persecuted minority in the world, according to christian American white men.

There isn't much difference in the diversity of this cast compared to every film but the original. The other five had a white female lead character, black guy main character, and a black voice actor. So does this one.
This guarantees a 30 year old white kid in a Jar Jar Binks mask shoots up a movie theater on opening night in protest.
I say boycott the movie if Jar Jar Binks makes an appearance.
I, for one, can't wait until they cast a black James Bond.

Also, I'm loving the phrase "sinister multicultural agenda."
There was some talk of casting Idris Elba as James Bond earlier this year and people lost their minds.
There was some talk of casting Idris Elba as James Bond earlier this year and people lost their minds.

I thought there were rumors he was going to be a Bond villain. Can't have the villain cooler than Bond though.
A bunch of these same people lost their damn minds when there were rumors of Donald Glover being cast as the new Spider Man. He would have been perfect as Peter Parker.
This is about greed, not multiculturalism. The multicultural stuff is in the movies just so they can sell more tickets and stuff worldwide. Who knows what the makers actually believe. They are in it for the money and not much else. Meanwhile, crazies on all sides obsess about race. America.
This is about greed, not multiculturalism. The multicultural stuff is in the movies just so they can sell more tickets and stuff worldwide. Who knows what the makers actually believe. They are in it for the money and not much else. Meanwhile, crazies on all sides obsess about race. America.

I'm guessing the makers actually believe they can assemble the best cast to make the best movie they can. :noidea: