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Funny things you've done while drunk

while visiting friends at app i ripped a phone off the wall in a dorm common area kitchen, then proceeded to try and cook it in the microwave.

all that accomplished was setting off the fire alarm
I'm glad I'm not the only Wake person to visit App and wreak havoc
One time doofus and numbers came over to my place to watch sports. They had a ton of leftover catering/platter sandwiches from an event earlier that day, so they brought them as provisions.

We started drinking and someone had the idea of playing "shots or sandwiches" to get rid of the food. Role a die: 1) Even? Take a shot. 2) Odd? Eat a sandwich.

There's a good amount of suspense (and schadenfreude) waiting to see if you're about to down your 4th straight sandwich or 4th shot in a row.
Peed everywhere and anywhere is my best answer

Seems like there's a lot of that. My worst one was one night when I was living in a double room in Poteat. I got drunk, past out in the lower bunk in my clothes, and woke up with no pants on. My roommate told me that I got up in the middle of the night, walked over to the closet, opened the door and started pissing. He threw me into a chair and I just kept pissing all over myself. When I was done, he took of my pants and threw me back on the bed.

I have absolutely no memory other than waking up in wet underwear.
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I was drinking one night at a party on Polo Road and woke up the next morning in a chick's bed at Elon College with no idea how I got there.

She told me that we met at a party on Elon's Campus*, and when I got back to my apartment that afternoon my car was still there.

To this day, I have no idea how I got to Elon that night.

*I also gave her a fake name
So I am at a party at the Deke house one night, pretty much blind drunk. We are out back for some reason and I notice a ladder leading up to some windows. Someone says those windows are into the girls' bathroom. So, naturally I climb up and start peeking in the window. I can't really see very clearly but there are some chicks gathered at a mirror and they are talking. I think I saw one girl squatting on a toilet but it was from behind...

Well one of them sees me through the window and screams at me - "you asshole!". I scamper down the ladder and, in my drunken state, panic. I figure I am headed to jail for peeping. For some reason I decide the answer is to run away. So I run like I have never run, before or since. I crossed the road in front of the Deke house and ran across the fields toward campus - I think those fields are where the soccer stadium is now? I ran like the wind, I tell you. I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest and yet still I ran. Sprinting is not a strong enough word for what I did that night.

After I was back on campus I finally stopped and settled down. I don't remember the rest of the night but I think I hit up a few more frat parties by myself since I had lost all my friends back at the Dekes... (In full disclosure, I was not a member of any fraternal organization, but freely partook of their generosity in the form of free beer and ladder access)
I think a paragraph or two got accidently left out of that last one
So I am at a party at the Deke house one night, pretty much blind drunk. We are out back for some reason and I notice a ladder leading up to some windows. Someone says those windows are into the girls' bathroom. So, naturally I climb up and start peeking in the window. I can't really see very clearly but there are some chicks gathered at a mirror and they are talking. I think I saw one girl squatting on a toilet but it was from behind...

Well one of them sees me through the window and screams at me - "you asshole!". I scamper down the ladder and, in my drunken state, panic. I figure I am headed to jail for peeping. For some reason I decide the answer is to run away. So I run like I have never run, before or since. I crossed the road in front of the Deke house and ran across the fields toward campus - I think those fields are where the soccer stadium is now? I ran like the wind, I tell you. I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest and yet still I ran. Sprinting is not a strong enough word for what I did that night.

After I was back on campus I finally stopped and settled down. I don't remember the rest of the night but I think I hit up a few more frat parties by myself since I had lost all my friends back at the Dekes... (In full disclosure, I was not a member of any fraternal organization, but freely partook of their generosity in the form of free beer and ladder access)

I assume that since the Spry Soccer Stadium had not yet been built, that this was when there were two DKE houses. If that is the case, there were no "girls" rooms. Just two bathrooms in the East and two in the West. Therefore you were just as likely to see a dong. Nice work.
Blacked out on the way to FanFest in Natal this summer at the World Cup. They were handing out handfuls of condoms as you walked into the gate. I took what they handed me and thought they were mints so I proceeded to act like I was shoving the whole handful in my mouth. Then I started to open one individually. Someone eventually said hey buddy those aren't mints so I shoved them in my pocket and moved on. Finally figured it out what had happened later that night when I pulled out a pocket full of condoms and started asking where they came from.

Went to a party in Boone my junior year with my roommates and as we approached the door a massive girl walked out and wanted 7.00 cover. We had a pretty decent pregame so all of us were feeling it by then. They had left their wallets in the car so they turned to me to pay the cover. I was never going to pay it so I took out my wallet, looked at my roommates and said "they have a cave troll". It was a fun sprint back down the hill to our car.