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If Oprah runs in 2020, who would be next?

All the Oprah talk had me thinking about Oprah's role in the rise of Obama. I distinctly remember Michelle and Barack being in Oprah and Barack telling a story about how he felt like a big shot as a Senator working in DC, then called home to brag to his wife only to be asked to pick up ant traps on the way home.

Looked it up to make sure I hadn't screwed up the memory. Can't find the video, but this is from a summary on Oprah's website, from 2006:

Even though Senator Obama often spends part of the week in Washington, D.C., Michelle never lets him out of his household responsibilities.

Senator Obama recalls a time he was excited about introducing a bill on nonproliferation, but nuclear weapons were far from Michelle's mind. "I called Michelle and I'm saying, 'Look, this is going to be a terrific piece of legislation,'" he says. "She says, 'We have ants.'"

Michelle asked the senator to stop for ant traps on the way home. "I'm thinking, 'Is John McCain stopping by Walgreen's to grab ant traps on the way home?'" he says.

"If he's not, he should be," Michelle says.

Anyway, if Oprah really wants it, she'll win. But 2020 is so far away. We will have many many other things to freak out about between now and then.

2020: Year of the anti-Trump billionaire?

At least Steyer is putting some of that money into the mid terms. Based on his other ads, I assume the ads will be of him telling people to support Dems.
People are hyped about Oprah because there’s no obvious charismatic Dem in the pipeline. A Dem wonk donk like Mondale or Kerry will get beat.
Well, the problem is, Oprah may not be what is best for the country, but if the Dems run who is best for the country, they'll likely lose again to Trump.

I despise the idea of nominating someone simply to stop Trump. There are just too many "Nobama!" undertones. But I also despise the GOP for making Donald ****'ing Trump the president of the United States.
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I'm not even sure where Oprah stands politically, beyond being pro woman and LGBT. Dems didn't have an obvious successor at the DNC the way that they did at 2004 with Obama (and that's a pretty big failing on them), but there is still a lot of time to find someone.
People are hyped about Oprah because there’s no obvious charismatic Dem in the pipeline. A Dem wonk donk like Mondale or Kerry will get beat.
People are hyped about Oprah because there’s no obvious charismatic Dem in the pipeline. A Dem wonk donk like Mondale or Kerry will get beat.

I kinda disagree a little on 2 fronts. First, I've heard that Harris has charisma, though I've never heard her speak. And Booker has some charisma, and Gillibrand has a little. Maybe Hickenlooper too as a governor type, though not Bullock and not sure about Inslee. But yeah, no one who obviously oozes charisma. Second, the old saw that Dems need to fall in love to get out to the polls has a lot of truth to it, especially with the left wing of the party. But this next time around may well be the exception to that rule because nearly everyone outside of the Trump base despises Trump and will show up to vote for Generic Dem over him. The historic house of delegates races and the governor's margin of victory here in VA are a testament to that. And the reasons why are the lily white exurbs that used to be reliably red turned light blue, and the enthusiasm gap was considerable. I see this trend continuing in the mid-terms, and as long as Trump is still in office, into 2020. This is why Dems calling for his impeachment are off base in their thinking.
when was the last time Oprah ran to anything except maybe the buffet or the crapper to paint it black?

Unfortunately, Donald Trump has lost touch with himself and reality. He's not even the same person who made this statement. He has become some weird embodiment or caricature of the worst parts of America. The guy literally supported Hillary Clinton when she ran in 2008. For the life of me, I'll never figure out how that wasn't a bigger talking point.

So, this doc does a really good job of painting a picture of that transformation (mostly sans Trump).

There's an entire generation that unwittingly went down an ugly hole with Rush Limbaugh & Bill O'Reilly, and Donald Trump is the perfect poster child.

Their platform is so fucking weird... but, man... do they know how to create a boogeyman. Just say the words 'death tax' or the name "Kaepernick" to a random old guy @ a WF game, if he turns red... you'll know he's been compromised.
People are hyped about Oprah because there’s no obvious charismatic Dem in the pipeline. A Dem wonk donk like Mondale or Kerry will get beat.
Sounds like another strategy to win the popular vote and lose the electoral college. You think Oprah wins Florida and the rust belt?
Sounds like another strategy to win the popular vote and lose the electoral college. You think Oprah wins Florida and the rust belt?

Yes. The list of people with high credibility in middle America and with the coastal elites pretty much begins and ends with Oprah.

But that's not my point. My point is there's no 2020 list. So people are excited about the prospect of somebody they like maybe possibly running in 2020.
Yes. The list of people with high credibility in middle America and with the coastal elites pretty much begins and ends with Oprah.

But that's not my point. My point is there's no 2020 list. So people are excited about the prospect of somebody they like maybe possibly running in 2020.
"high credibility"? Which Obama voters voted for Trump because of Trump's "high credibility"?