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Inside Hillary Clinton’s secret takeover of the DNC

There was a memo signed 8/26/15 which provides the HRC campaign some direction over staffing and strategy although it specifies in the memo that it is only related to the general election. It is in the nbc news link above. You can read it yourself.

Do you have a Hillary blow up doll tucked away somewhere in that McMansion?
Hillary isn't running anymore. This nonsense will cause damage to the Dems in 2018 and 2020 you can bank on it
Hillary isn't running anymore. This nonsense will cause damage to the Dems in 2018 and 2020 you can bank on it

The DNC will still be around. Better to sort this out now than have it sorted out in 12 months by voters.
The DNC will still be around. Better to sort this out now than have it sorted out in 12 months by voters.
Exactly. This isnt a Bernie-Hillary issue, it's a DNC integrity issue. You can't beg for unity and then blatantly fuck over non-establishment movements within the party.
I can hear the primary conspiracy theories starting now
nope, Biden missed his chance and is too old. He should have done it last year, dispute his family issues. you snooze you lose...time to move on!
Biden eh has a bit of a retread feel. Gillibrand sp? Maybe Harris. Maybe somebody completely out of left field like Mark Cuban?

Harris has a lot of potential, IMO. I think it’s less than ideal for her to run in 2020, but she’s probably the best of a lackluster dem bench, at the moment. I also think that the dirt on her (e.g., the handful of CA-based scandals) just won’t matter in this political climate. What don’t you like about her?

I like the idea of Gillibrand, but can’t really point to a single thing that she’s done despite being in the spotlight for the last few years.

I think the outsider-for-president experiment should be declared dead. Cuban can’t even run a good basketball team these days. What is the foreign policy analogue for overpaying Harrison Barnes?
Gillibrand was big in getting coverage for vets and 9/11 first responders.

It's a shame Sherrod Brown is too old. A Brown/Gillbrand ticket would be very solid. It's been about 100 years since a first time Dem who is over 60 won.
Gillibrand was big in getting coverage for vets and 9/11 first responders.

It's a shame Sherrod Brown is too old. A Brown/Gillbrand ticket would be very solid. It's been about 100 years since a first time Dem who is over 60 won.

I think a Harris/Brown ticket would win in a heartbeat. I still think a Clinton/Brown ticket would have beaten Trump/Pence.

ETA: I agree with you re: Gillibrand. I just wish that she had a better resume at this point.
Gillibrand was big in getting coverage for vets and 9/11 first responders.

It's a shame Sherrod Brown is too old. A Brown/Gillbrand ticket would be very solid. It's been about 100 years since a first time Dem who is over 60 won.

Not Brown. And Joe is too old. You're from CA, so you know Harris much better than I do. I'm thinking the 3 strongest Dems in a general election would be Gillibrand, Hickenlooper and Harris. Maybe Booker. The trouble with Gillibrand, Harris and Booker is they all come from very blue states, which is why Hickenlooper might be interesting.
Hickenlooper needs to get in the public eye.
She then turned around a day later and said she found no evidence of the rigging.

Like how did she think this was going to play with the Bernie base?
Not Brown. And Joe is too old. You're from CA, so you know Harris much better than I do. I'm thinking the 3 strongest Dems in a general election would be Gillibrand, Hickenlooper and Harris. Maybe Booker. The trouble with Gillibrand, Harris and Booker is they all come from very blue states, which is why Hickenlooper might be interesting.

Hickenlooper is too old. One of the Castro brothers needs no be on top of the ticket. Julian might be the better one. He was Mayor of San Antonio and Secretary of HUD. '

Castro/Harris would be a great ticket, but I'm not sure America would go for two people of color. How about Castro/Gillibrand or Castro/Cong. Tim Ryan of Ohio?
So this was all a ploy to sell a book? Jesus...Dems need to get their shit together.

Seems like she's talking specifically about vote rigging not the assorted shenanigans that excerpts from her book.

Tom Perez is on On Point right now.
Please report back to let us know what Chairman Perez says on NPR.