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Is it worth having kids?

No. We're not done. I grew up with a little sister and always wanted two. My wife was an only child and always wanted a big family. We settled on two.
Teaching kids to be as independent as reasonable at every stage is important for all concerned. As toddlers learning to potty, take a bath, dress themselves, brush teeth, put on shoes and socks, pick up toys and mess, and go to sleep on their own is key to parental sanity. Temper tantrums are best handled with a consistent plan. Don't involve yourself in the drama. Praise their positive actions.
Teaching mothers to let kids be independent is even more important. I lost some battles with #1 that I'm sure I'll win with #2.
i want to have either 2 or 3 kids. 1 is only child syndrome, over 4 is too expensive. i definitely prefer boys but i don't have a huge preference...just as long as i have at least one boy. also i really want my kids to know my pre-elderly parents (and vice versa), so having kids before i'm 30 would be ideal (i'm 24).

i really hope 90% of my conversations don't revolve around my kids. that's really scary to think about.

i agree with everyone saying independence is key. i want to be the quiet chill dad who only intervenes when they get out of line.
I'm 25, married this year, just graduated law school and started my first "real job" in August. We definitely want to have kids, but are also terrified. It will probably become a realer possibility for us once the terror subsides a little. Or are you all going to tell me the terror never subsides?
my son is 14 days old today. it is incredibly awesome. can't wait to get home to see him.
A lot of similarities between myself and Willis. Our sons are pretty much the same age. Still working on potty training. Hard to do with a son could literally could give a shit about a dirty diaper if it interrupts having fun.

Throw me in this group as well. My soon to be 20 month old keeps me on my toes, but he is such a cool little kid now that we got out of the first year. Wife and I never met until we were both in our late 20s, married at 32, the kid came when I was 37. I have no qualms about being an "older" first time parent. But since I just dropped another $20 bucks on diapers that might last less than a few weeks, I am looking forward to trying to get potty training started in the next year.

The only major obstacle to adding another is biology - wife just turned 40 and the egg pool might not last, but then again, not adverse to adoption. Gonna see what shakes out (or doesn't) over the next few months.
yesterday, i was putting together a Hello Kitty mega blocks set while watching ICarly on TV. :)
We just 5 minutes ago dealt with enough projectile vomit to paint a room. Still wouldn't trade him in.
I'm 29 and single but I want kids. My nieces are 18 months old and are really cool. They crack me up all the time.

Teaching mothers to let kids be independent is even more important. I lost some battles with #1 that I'm sure I'll win with #2.

Yep. I once heard a wise friend of mine say that it is a mother's job to let children know that their parents love them unconditionally, and it is the father's job to let the children know that ONLY their parents love them unconditionally.
That is a good one, jhmd.
Yep. I once heard a wise friend of mine say that it is a mother's job to let children know that their parents love them unconditionally, and it is the father's job to let the children know that ONLY their parents love them unconditionally.

Actually, it's catchy and trite, but it's false because it over looks most siblings and all grandparents.
Nope. It's dead on. My sister and parents sure as hell don't love my son as unconditionally as I do when his diaper is full of poop.

"The best thing about grandkids is that you can give them back."