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Is someone threatening my dog?


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Mar 16, 2011
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Today, I got a stamped envelope addressed to "Occupant". The handwritten letter inside said:

I am sure you have been told before that your dog barks incessantly and also whines and cries for hours on end -- Your neighbors find this very annoying and hesitate to call Animal Services without giving you a chance to rectify the situation, but if we have to, we will --

My dog is a 7 year old basset/beagle mix we rescued 5 years ago. Like many dogs, he suffers separation anxiety and like many beagles he bays and whines a lot. Now that he's closer to a senior dog, he doesn't exhibit these traits as much as he used to, but his separation anxiety has become amplified since our other dog passed away earlier this year.

The only complaint we've gotten from our neighbors is from the first week we had him as a puppy. That was from my wife's long time neighbor and friend. Otherwise, nothing. We know the neighbors on each side, but not the neighbors behind us in another development.

When we're away during the day, he stays in our large patio with a doggie door to the yard where plays, lays out, and takes care of his business. These are pretty nice accommodations. One of us is at home most days with the baby, so he's been inside much more than usual the last 5 months. Sometimes we're away in the evenings and we leave him outside as well, but this is no more than once a week.

We walk him somewhat regularly but he has severe arthritis in one leg so he can't go too often and when he does, no more than about a blocks and back.

Normally, I wouldn't really pay much attention to this, but my wife said that she's heard of people killing annoying dogs by putting poison in dog treats and throwing them into the yard. The fact that this person went to such lengths to stay anonymous instead of talking to us face to face makes me think this is possible.

My wife is calling Animal Services today to get some recommendations. Any ideas how to handle this? Has anybody dealt with anything similar to this?
Set up a cam so you will know what your dog is doing while you are away. If someone wanted to poison your dog I doubt they would write a letter.
Fuck it. Let them call Animal Control. Just make sure that you leave water outside for the dog. He probably goes outside and barks at people walking by.
I've been on the other side of it. I don't care at all if dogs bark during the day. But anyone who leaves their dog in the back yard barking all night (I'm not saying you do this, only you and your neighbors know that) is begging for someone to shoot their dog.

Is there really a chance he bays and whines for hours at a time? If so, keep him inside when you leave.
You should read up on the McAfee guy who has been on the run in Belize. Could give you some pointers as to how to flee when someone kills your dog and you retaliate by killing them.
Is there really a chance he bays and whines for hours at a time? If so, keep him inside when you leave.

He does bay and whine a lot, but given that he's inside most of the time nowadays, I think the complainer is overreacting to a few incidents. He sleeps a lot.

Animal Services said there's nothing they can do. If other people call, they'll just send someone out to make sure he's not being abused and being treated fine. He gets treated regularly for his arthritis and he stays on a relatively cool patio and can go outside whenever he wants.
If they are too much of a pussy to give their name when complaining, I doubt they would do anything. But keep the letter protected in case you need it to be dusted for prints later on.
Its Florida, be careful. Your gonna find out your dog is running a dog porn ring while you are out.
I think the video idea is a good one. See how much/often he is barking. Imagine a neighbor who works second shift trying to sleep during the day, or someone with a small child that can't nap. If the video shows the dog is barking more than you suspect, consider a bark collar and/or additional training to help with his anxiety (hello, Cesar Milan?).
Wrangle a gator from somewhere, put it in your yard, and record and play the sound of your dog barking/howling really loudly. Hopefully the neighbor gets eaten.
Leave your dog outside all day. Tell your neighbors to suck your dick.
Shock collar. I use it on mine when I go into the office and they learn pretty damn fast.