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Muslim immigration supporters:
"While 16% of French Muslims support ISIS, only .005 of them commit terrorist acts. Therefore immigration is not a problem."
NRA supporters:
"While 16% of gun owners have some form of mental illness, only .005% of them commit violent crimes. Therefore mentally ill people with guns are not a problem."
Didn't Rudy G himself say on stage at the RNC that we're only talking about a small percentage of the population that's a problem and most Muslims are fine?
Cultural Enrichment
Young Muslims Threaten Nudist Bathers With ‘Extermination’
A group of young Muslim men threatened men, women, and children at a swimming pool in Germany because they were offended by the fact the bathers were nude.

A swimming pool in the town of Geldern in the North Rhine-Westphalia region of Germany is home to bathers who prefer a more “natural” form of swimming. Nudists at the pool were verbally abused by a group of young Muslim men who threatened them because they consider swimming in the nude ‘indecent behaviour’. The group of Muslims not only threatened the male bathers but also spat upon them and several women and children, reports Junge Freiheit.

A total of six Muslim men were involved in the incident and are described by witnesses as being in their mid 20’s, all with full Islamic-style beards. The men insulted and threatened the nudists in both German and Arabic, yelling “Allahu akbar” at the bathers along with other Arabic insults.

One of the nudists, a mother, claimed that the young Muslims told her: “We [German] women are all sluts and they would exterminate all of us.” The woman said the men all knew German quite well and at least some of them were likely second or third generation German Muslims. “This contempt, this potential for aggression made me really afraid,” she continued and according to other witnesses the men referred to the bathers as “infidels”.

A staff member at the pool, Lisa-Marie Theunissen, described the incident to German media saying: “We had asked the men to be quiet,” after visitors to the facility had complained to the staff about being threatened and harassed. According to reports the group of Muslims, described as being “southern looking”, then went to a water skiing facility and extended their threats and harassment to the staff there whereupon they were chased out by one of the staff.
Listen up Germany, Mutti Merkel and friends are gonna culturally enrich your racist asses whether you like it or not.
24 Cases of Migrant Sexual Assault At Music Festival
Bremen police have admitted that they have at least 24 alleged sexual assault investigations open following a cultural festival where women say they were sexually harassed by young migrant men.

“Breminale” is a multi-day festival in the city of Bremen designed to celebrate the different cultures in the city. Police have revealed that some have used the festival as an excuse to harass and sexually assault at least 24 young German girls. The perpetrators are all said to be asylum seekers and authorities say they currently have 5 suspects, all Afghan nationals aged 17-18. The migrants are said to have committed the crimes in broad daylight, reports German broadcaster ARD.

The main incident occurred at a concert of punk band “Alltag” at around 3:05pm. The sexual harassment was so brazen and obvious to the crowd and the band that the band even stopped playing music in order to tell the migrants to stop groping and attacking the young girls at the concert.

Two of the victims of the attack came froward to German media to give their side of the ordeal. The pair of teens aged 17 and 18 claimed they were groped with one saying: ” I was pinched right on the chest.” The other girl claimed that the sex attackers were widespread among the crowd: “I would say definitely more than half of the women who were at this show and stood toward the far front, were touched by these types. I would say definitely 30 women.”

Harald Lührs, head of the Bremen Police Commissariat for sexual offences, said that the phenomena, known in the Arab world as “taharrush,” is totally new to them. ” We have not had groups of women deliberately surrounded in Bremen. There has never been sexual touching on this scale. This is a new problem for the police to deal with,” Mr. Lührs said.

Expert on Islamism, Ahmad Mansour, blamed the attacks on cultural differences between the Islamic world and western Europe noting that: “These are not isolated cases. These are people who come from certain cultural backgrounds who have enjoyed certain educational methods, with patriarchal structures which certain religious understandings bring favour to, and that has to be mentioned.”

Mr. Mansour himself is an ex-Islamist who warned earlier this year that young Muslim migrants’ cultural differences could be much more pronounced than the German government could have expected at the start of the migrant crisis. Both migrants and German-born Muslims are more prone to radicalisation according to Mr. Mansour who refers to the teens as “Generation Allah”.

The festival attack is the latest mass sex attack that has occurred at a European music or folk festival in Europe. Earlier this month in Sweden a similar mass sex attack occurred and 40 young women reported being assaulted. Only days ago another music festival was targeted, not for sex attacks but by a Syrian migrant who attempted to target festival goers in a suicide attack, but was turned away and ended up killing himself in the detonation, injuring 12 others.

Now let's go back to pretending these things are not happening or are no big deal.
France's crucial tourism sector being hit hard:
At the Mont-Saint-Michel, a spectacular medieval abbey that is one of France’s top tourist destinations, business at the Sodetour Group, a chain of local hotels and restaurants, slumped by up to 70 percent for months after the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris. It has never fully recovered.

American and Japanese visitors in particular canceled reservations, even though the site, perched on an isolated rock off the northwest coast of Normandy, is far from Paris. Gilles Gohier, the chief executive, said he had to tell nearly a third of his 230 employees to go home for four months, and temporarily shut half of his five hotels and four restaurants. Since then, he has eliminated 17 positions and is hiring new employees only on temporary contracts.

Business had just started to revive when the Bastille Day massacre in Nice happened. Cancellations jumped by 20 percent and were expected to rise further after this week’s killing of a priest in Rouen, located in lower Normandy, an attack carried out by militants claiming allegiance to the Islamic State.

“What happened in Rouen shows that it could happen here, or anywhere,” Mr. Gohier said. “This makes it impossible to plan for business in the future,” he added.
In France, growth in nightly hotel room bookings after the Paris attacks fell to single digits from 20 percent. After the Brussels bombings, bookings went negative, and after Nice, bookings fell by double digits, said Mark Okerstrom, the chief financial officer of Expedia, a global travel website.

In Belgium, where Islamic State attackers bombed the Brussels airport and subway in March, killing 32 people, the economy has already suffered a nearly €1 billion loss in business and tax revenue, the government said this week. The biggest hits were to hotels, restaurants and tourism. Concerts, carnivals and sporting events were canceled, sapping revenue from the entertainment industry.
I tried to find the 1M number on a reasonable website, but I literally only found far right conservative blogs that didn't explain a lot, or that Breitbart article (which is somewhat the same thing).

Do you think this is because some news outlets ignore certain stories while others look for them, or do you think the number is false?
How many white people do you think have been arrested? I'm thinking more than 900

Seeing as the overwhelming majority of native born Brits are white and not Syrian that's probably a safe assumption. Good point.
The Germans form the Nazi Party, the blacks form gangs, the Italians form mobs and the Muslims form ISIS. The common denominator is being poor sucks. No religion or race is better than the other. Not sure all the crazy ass white christians choosing Donald Trump as their standard bearer is really the time to look down your nose at Islam.

If there are multiple gods, its becoming more and more likely that those gods are just really really nerdy video game developers of an advanced society competing against eachother in a game to see who can get more followers.
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are these refugees or invaders?

I'm not sure why that matters. At least in the U.S., illegal immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate than citizens, but for some reason people (like Trump and his Mexican rapists comment) focus on illegal immigrant crime rather than just crime in general
I'm not sure why that matters. At least in the U.S., illegal immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate than citizens, but for some reason people (like Trump and his Mexican rapists comment) focus on illegal immigrant crime rather than just crime in general

Seeing as their presence here represents a crime, hence the term "illegal immigrants", I'm skeptical this is true. But if we're talking crimes like rapes and murders, you might very well be right. Then again, if they weren't here in the first place, none of those rapes or murders they do commit would have happened.