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Israel Attacked and its Response

When Israel promises to commit a genocide, and then I see it start to happen, I’m not waiting on them to then deny their culpability in doing the thing they said they were going to do.
Idk man. If anyone's deserving of a little grace here it's probably the folks with family in the region.
You're right. I honestly didn't connect the poster with the post. I could have made the same comment and directed it to a number of other posters.

Any civilian life lost is a tragedy, and it's equally sad no matter the source of the violence or the religion of the victim.
I posted an entire rundown of the context of the events yesterday - most of which Israel set up for itself, and you dismissed it all by saying “or maybe you just shouldn’t trust Hamas”.

For the last week we have seen footage of absolute destruction with thousands dead and injured, hospitals forced to evacuate, with Israel officials making proclamations to the press that they were going to destroy Gaza.

None of those facts were disputed. Why should the public not believe at first that Israel did what they said they were going to do? I have a hard time understanding how that is gullibility. So is it gullible to see Israel take credit for it, and then suddenly backtrack when the body count starts rising? When does the credibility come in to play?
look. there is no conversation to be had. you are right and if someone doesn't agree with you fully you throw around this condescending superiority.

You asked what was the world supposed to think. I offered a thought around waiting rather than making immediate determinations and not trusting Hamas and followed it by saying BOTH groups are delivering lies and propaganda because it's a war. But you win... i'm out. Congrats
This is why things continue to go the way they go.
Reasonable people- Damn Israel and Hamas keep doing horrible things.
Something horrible happens.
Israel defenders- fuck Hamas for blowing up a hospital
Gaza defenders- fuck Israel for blowing up a hospital.
Reasonable people- I don’t know they both could be responsible they keep doing bad shit.
Defenders- no the other side keeps doing bad stuff, emotional buzzword like genocide, no it’s your side, buzzword, no yours,
Pretty good information comes out that one side is the true responsible party.
Well yeah but can you blame them because of X, Y, Z that has happened.
Great but we are talking about this singular event.
On to the next tragic event we go.
look. there is no conversation to be had. you are right and if someone doesn't agree with you fully you throw around this condescending superiority.

You asked what was the world supposed to think. I offered a thought around waiting rather than making immediate determinations and not trusting Hamas and followed it by saying BOTH groups are delivering lies and propaganda because it's a war. But you win... i'm out. Congrats
That’s not fair. If you make a sweeping dismissal of my perspective I deserve the right to defend it. You are summarizing my trusting situational context as “trusting Hamas” - which in turn excuses you ignoring context as “not trusting Hamas”. There is more nuance to the discussion beyond choosing which propaganda to trust.
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How awful of certain posters to encourage waiting for facts to come out before throwing out allegations of mass murder and war crimes. There are no winners.

Unlike in every round of Sheep, Windy is a source of reason here.
I’m just suggesting you try encouraging posters without being a dick.
Right, the guy with a Palestinian daughter in law jumped to conclusions based on Israel's own initial admissions last night, then gets told his post is gibberish once the sun rises by all you Monday morning Quarterbacks. The facts Delta'd since last night and people are emotional. Maybe stop antagonizing with this kind of shit posting.

People could also be forgiven for thinking Israel bombed a hospital when they’ve done it dozens of times in recent years and warned people in Gaza they would do it again this week.

The facts were always the facts. They never delta'd. What changed were the points of information available to prove the facts. And once those were in place denying the facts or maintaining the world was justified in gun jumping is just off.

Sorry for anyone with direct ties to the conflict, especially anyone who may have someone actually in Gaza, Israel, the West Bank or Southern Lebanon right now. I can relate to that given the experiences of close friends in Colombia who have been victims of armed carjackings, nearby bombings and, in one especially awful case, the assassination of a teenager in front of his mother.
Western militaries aren’t purposely going out of their way to kill 1,300 civilians and kidnap 200 more. That’s why your anecdotes from something the west did 15 years ago is what no one particularly wants to read a day after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. So just try shutting the fuck up for a bit.
"We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima," Stahl said. "And, you know, is the price worth it?"

"I think that is a very hard choice," Albright answered, "but the price, we think, the price is worth it."
This is a pretty easy statement to make -

“I can see why people thought that Israel bombed the hospital, but the evidence I’ve seen today is pointing towards it being a misfired rocket from Hamas”
Why tf does Kathy Hochul need to go to Israel? Heads of state, or diplomats visiting on behalf of a state, I can wrap my head around. But what the hell is Hochul going to do besides take some photos, waste money, and create a security headache for a bunch of people?
Why tf does Kathy Hochul need to go to Israel? Heads of state, or diplomats visiting on behalf of a state, I can wrap my head around. But what the hell is Hochul going to do besides take some photos, waste money, and create a security headache for a bunch of people?
Never discount the influence of the Jewish community in NY Politics.
Never discount the influence of the Jewish community in NY Politics.
Oh for sure. That's definitely not lost on me. It just feels really self serving when there's something close to 2 million Jewish people in NY she can show her solidarity with if that was the point of the trip.
Oh for sure. That's definitely not lost on me. It just feels really self serving when there's something close to 2 million Jewish people in NY she can show her solidarity with if that was the point of the trip.
I am told not to assume anyones motivations for going to Israel at the moment, so uh, safe trip, Governor Hochul.