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Israel Attacked and its Response

This entire thread (recently at least) has been opposing viewpoints on which side is doing things that are terrorism or civilian killing. I've disagreed strongly with folks who think Israel is just defending themselves and not out here slaughtering civilians as well.

I would expect reasonable minds to see that both sides have committed terrorist acts and Israel is currently in the middle of committing war crimes with no inkling of stopping any time soon. Obviously, the fact that reasonable minds cannot agree on this, is why this conflict has been going on for literal centuries.
Agreed, but we all know that there is absolutely a group think consensus on this board of educated people who largely skew moderate liberal and condescend disagreement with the status quo. I fight with that consensus on nearly every thread on the politics board, and it’s no different here.
How else would you consider that in the last 90 minutes someone has posted a letter from the CA University board of regents harshly rebutting 300 ethnic studies academics as antisemetic - academics who are presumably experts in their field, extremely familiar with the perspective of Muslims, and just coincidentally the half dozen people on this thread all agree on terms with the board of regents? There is an obvious skew of perspective here.
This is not a style over content criticism then. The concession is the point - a word is inaccurate if it is not applied completely and fairly. Who is demanding Milhouse concede that Israel is committing terrorism? No one.

Some posters might need agreement to enjoy themselves, but I’m not responsible for that.
god dammit i said both were committing terrorism you argumentative putz
“Invest this energy in one thing;
Erasing all of Gaza from the face of the earth.
That the Gazan monsters will fly to the southern fence and try to enter Egyptian territory.
or they will die.
And their death is evil.
Gaza should be erased.
And fire and smoke on the heads of the Nazis in Judea and Samaria.
Haron is also a Jew who will shake the earth of the world.
A vengeful and cruel IDF is needed here.
Anything less is immoral.
Just unethical.”
How else would you consider that in the last 90 minutes someone has posted a letter from the CA University board of regents harshly rebutting 300 ethnic studies academics as antisemetic - academics who are presumably experts in their field, extremely familiar with the perspective of Muslims, and just coincidentally the half dozen people on this thread all agree on terms with the board of regents? There is an obvious skew of perspective here.

So you agree with the professors that the 10/7 attacks should not be referred to as terrorism ?
god dammit i said both were committing terrorism you argumentative putz
Obviously I missed that, I apologize. As I said, I was and still am defending the silly stupid people who believe the term terrorism is weaponized. I posted that well before we started discussing this letter.
So you agree with the professors that the 10/7 attacks should not be referred to as terrorism ?
The letter, from 9 days after the attack, says “irresponsibly wield charges of terrorism and unprovoked aggression [which] have contributed to a climate that has made Palestinian students and community members unsafe, even in their own homes”.

This is an accusation of propagandizing, not a semantic quibble over definitions.
The letter, from 9 days after the attack, says “irresponsibly wield charges of terrorism and unprovoked aggression [which] have contributed to a climate that has made Palestinian students and community members unsafe, even in their own homes”.

This is an accusation of propagandizing, not a semantic quibble over definitions.

It says:

We call on the UC administrative leadership to retract its charges of terrorism, to uplift the Palestinian freedom struggle, and to stand against Israel's war crimes against ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinian people.

It is clear that they don't want it called terrorism because they don't believe it is terrorism. Do you concur with that framing by the academics ?

The real propagandizing is the accusation of ethnic cleansing and genocide.
I’ll let mdmh 12 years ago answer
Who are you to say that someone isn't truly opposed to terrorism? When a Muslim speaks up for themselves, and stands up to prejudice and bigotry disguised as jingoistic/patriotic bullshit, he supports terrorism? You're not fooling anybody with that crap. No dumbass racist with an american flag and shotgun telling american born Muslims to "go back to their country!" is preventing terrorism. I don't need to read Salman Rushdie to know that.
I have 5 pages of search results where I reference terrorism, so I’m not going to soft shoe these bullshit denouncements for you. You’ve got a college education and a lifetime of experience and wisdom, stop being so goddamned reactionary, you’ve no excuse for it.
You're doing a great job of not answering the question. Must be something to that.
I’ve already stated my position on this, but if I have to repeat it - The term “terrorism” is applied very narrowly and with bias such that it’s use serves more as propaganda than description. “Terrorism” as you are attempting to use it only descibes tactics and motivations that you disapprove of as illegitimate based on who is using those tactics and who has that motivation.
Dude...might be time to step away and get some rest.
You aren’t in control of this premise. Hopefully you will grow up someday and learn to discuss nuance.

LOL. There's no nuance in this premise. The 10/7 attacks were absolutely terrorism. You have literally spent days of you life posting about it in the past three weeks and refuse to even call them terrorism when they meet every definition of the word ? These "academics" are wrong and so are you.
Dude...might be time to step away and get some rest.
Why are you “dude”-ing me? I’m arguing with a guy who just responded “great” to a member of the Knesset publicly calling for the annihilation of Gaza.
It’s amazing how so frequently on this sub people say the grossest most perverse shit and it gets ignored and the passersby would rather pile on a reductive argument about rhetoric. I make a post about Israel using white phosphorus and biff doesn’t say jack shit but he’s got some very strong opinions about the language of college protestors.
Why are you “dude”-ing me? I’m arguing with a guy who just responded “great” to a member of the Knesset publicly calling for the annihilation of Gaza.

You're accusing me of not using my education after you post a tweet in a foreign language that no one understands ?