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keeper: still a HUUUUUGE douchebag

A private conversation is definitely not the same thing as posting on a public message board that anyone, including potential applicants and potential hirees, can see.

Far more prospective students go to the Pit than read DeaconSports. A comment overheard there could have much more of a negative impact on the University as a post on a message board. I would bet the percentage of perspective students/employees that look at DeaconSports before they are hired is infinitesimal (they are all busy reading OGBoards :thumbsup:)
I believe he is saying that even if you are not LGBT, you should be concerned about the bigotry and marginalization they face, as represented by keeper's comments.

Far more prospective students go to the Pit than read DeaconSports. A comment overheard there could have much more of a negative impact on the University as a post on a message board. I would bet the percentage of perspective students/employees that look at DeaconSports before they are hired is infinitesimal (they are all busy reading OGBoards :thumbsup:)

you may be right. And if an employee was talking in the Pit loud enough for everybody around him to hear, and if, when confronted about his offensive comment, he dug his heels in and refused to budge about it, and in fact went even further ("anti-American"), then I would have no qualms in reporting it to someone.
Couple of points, in no particular order:

1. keeper is a fucking idiot;
2. keeper says a lot of what he says to get a rise out of folks;
3. his comments were offensive;
4. I personally wouldn't write an email complaining about what he did, but I can't castigate others who feel moved to do so; and
5. For whomever said he defends all ex-coaches, he has never once defended Coach Caldwell. I'll leave it as an exercise for the readers to figure out why.

My apologies DinDC. In the firestorm of all the back and forth I lost track of those saying "y tattle on Keepr?" and those saying they were going to make their concerns heard. You were in the latter category and I lost track of that.

Feel free to get in 1 negrep...
Interesting phenomenon that many of the same people who sarcastically joke about the "serious business" nature of the internet are often the same people who do in fact take this board way too seriously.

Couple of points, in no particular order:

1. keeper is a fucking idiot;
2. keeper says a lot of what he says to get a rise out of folks;
3. his comments were offensive;
4. I personally wouldn't write an email complaining about what he did, but I can't castigate others who feel moved to do so; and
5. For whomever said he defends all ex-coaches, he has never once defended Coach Caldwell. I'll leave it as an exercise for the readers to figure out why.

My apologies DinDC. In the firestorm of all the back and forth I lost track of those saying "y tattle on Keepr?" and those saying they were going to make their concerns heard. You were in the latter category and I lost track of that.

Feel free to get in 1 negrep...

No hard feeling here! I'm just glad to see most people on the right side of the issue, even over on DS.
I just view people who are anti-gay in the same vein that I see people who are racist. It's a personal viewpoint, but I don't view it as just another opinion like "favorite player" or "should a coach have been fired".

Maybe this is just me though.
Keeper: "Last year that guy called me a racist because I said I thought highly of Senator Helms. He said he took that up the WFU ladder whatever that means."

I think he'll find out that this is a very different guy contacting Hatch this time.
As an employee and public figure representing Wake Forest University, Keeper should be held to a high standard of conduct. He would not be allowed to voice these offensive, barbaric, anti-intellectual, and hateful opinions on the basketball court, on the street, or on campus. Why should he be allowed to express them on a public forum read by those including current students, alumni, potential students, local fans, and parents, some of whom being members of the LGBT community? Calling people who want this University to maintain an utmost public reputation of acceptance and love "fucking pathetic" is superfluous
As an employee and public figure representing Wake Forest University, Keeper should be held to a high standard of conduct. He would not be allowed to voice these offensive, barbaric, anti-intellectual, and hateful opinions on the basketball court, on the street, or on campus. Why should he be allowed to express them on a public forum read by those including current students, alumni, potential students, local fans, and parents, some of whom being members of the LGBT community? Calling people who want this University to maintain an utmost public reputation of acceptance and love "fucking pathetic" is superfluous


Now it's time to watch the Caps kick some Ranger ass. I'll be back.
Don't sound so smug about people mocking religions and religious people.

I think I can speak for most in saying that we would all be reacting a little differently if keeper wasn't employed by the University.

smug? Why would I be excessively prideful about religious people being mocked? If anything, it makes me sad, just like Keeper's remarks.

I was just pointing out that WFU related people have made bigoted remarks before. I thought of an example that I personally can most closely remember. I know he's held to a different standard as an employee, but I was also commenting on the fact that a precedent will be set from here on out.
As an employee and public figure representing Wake Forest University, Keeper should be held to a high standard of conduct. He would not be allowed to voice these offensive, barbaric, anti-intellectual, and hateful opinions on the basketball court, on the street, or on campus. Why should he be allowed to express them on a public forum read by those including current students, alumni, potential students, local fans, and parents, some of whom being members of the LGBT community? Calling people who want this University to maintain an utmost public reputation of acceptance and love "fucking pathetic" is superfluous

If I'm remembering this right (correct me if I'm wrong), you were the guy spouting all the extreme and incendiary language about religious people. You really showed "acceptance and love" there, didn't you? Although I'm not personally offended by anything I've ever read on any message board, your speech looks to me equally offensive, equally barbaric, and equally hateful to anything Keeper has said. Would you be okay tattling on a WFU employee for spouting the same kind of close-minded opinions of religion that you yourself have posted?

Bottom line for me: every opinion on a message board should be tolerated, no matter how offensive, no matter how repulsive, and to go after someone in the real world for it is incredibly lame.