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Louie returns April 9 at 10:30 (summer TV thread)


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Mar 16, 2011
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Pretty excited about White Collar this season. It had a good finish last season that set up this season nicely and added a nice plot. Covert Affairs is candy at this point, but it was nice for a night that I don't have any other regular shows.

Sepinwall's take on both.
I like both shows, especially White Collar. Glad they're both back.
Looking forward to True Blood, Dexter, & Entourage.

And Mad Men. Remember Mad Men?
You mean the Mad Men that doesn't production on next season until August? It's probably going to come back in January.
Can't wait for white collar and like covert affairs too. Main show that I am pisses they cancelled that would have started back this summer is Dark Blue.
Burn Notice is close too. USA can finally stop running Law and Order SVU and NCIS 23 hours a day now.
Louie comes back in a couple weeks as well

Thanks for that heads up. Might have missed that since I am not a FX regular.

Saw the premiere of Love Bites on NBC last week. Was pretty good, particularly story involving Jennifer Love Hewitt. Don't see it having much staying power though.
Both "White Collar" and "Covert Affairs" are both TiVo season passes for me. Network tv should be ashamed that basic cable is simply kicking their ass.

Before "Covert Affairs" I didn't think too much of Piper Perabo, but she really does it for me on that show.

As for new tv show recommendations, I'm anxiously awaiting "Jon Benjamin Has a Van". I think he's brilliant, I mean the highest level of brilliant and it looks like he has total creative control of this show.
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Thanks for that heads up. Might have missed that since I am not a FX regular.

Saw the premiere of Love Bites on NBC last week. Was pretty good, particularly story involving Jennifer Love Hewitt. Don't see it having much staying power though.

Love Bites has an interesting story. NBC banked on it as a hit early. The pilot got bad reviews. Then they kept pushing it back. Now they're just killing it off. The lead actors have moved on. Along with that, the lead actress got pregnant, they changed another lead actress, some weird TV background stuff.

DeacHead, same for me about Perabo.
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I really like White Collar. Covert Affairs is OK.

USA has a lot of good shows. I also like In Plain Sight and Brun Notice.
White Collar is amazing. Watched last season's finale again on Sunday- I forgot how excited I was for how it's going to set up this season. Also really excited for Covert Affairs.
Love White Collar, Covert Affairs is ok. Royal Pains comes back soon too. USA network has really good shows.
I loves these shows as well. I try to model my professional wardrobe after the chick in Covert Affairs. I have developed quite the girl crush on her.

Also, is it me, or have they been saying for at least two years now that Rescue Me is in its final season?
Love Bites has an interesting story. NBC banked on it as a hit early. The pilot get well reviewed. Then they kept pushing it back. Now they're just killing it off. The lead actors have moved on. Along with that, the lead got pregnant, they changed another lead actress, some weird TV background stuff.

Based on the pilot, it's a shame it has no chance going forward. Racy stuff by NBC standards.

Pilot had 3 separate stories:
1) Girl lies and says she is a virgin, so guys will pay attention to her at bar. Pretty funny the next day when the guy is explaining the night to his friends: 1 friend is pro-banging a virgin while the other is anti-banging (too much pressure, she will be clingy, etc)

2) Guys loses job; comes home that morning to find his fiancee enjoying a bachelorette party gift: he is jealous of fiancee's love of a new vibrator, particularly when she tells him after using it she thinks she had her 1st orgasm ever.

3) A married guy and a single guy(Darrell from The Office) are flying from San Fran to Miami for a bachelor party. See Jennifer Love Hewitt at airport and married guy tells Darrell she is #1 on his "List", the list of celebrities your spouse can sleep with consequence-free. Anyway through a series of slightly believable circumstances, married guy sits next to JLH in 1st class, and she wants to join the Mile High Club.

I know it was just a TV show, but JLH is definitely going on my list after that episode.
They have to do this season becasue Leary and Lenny Clarke went on a three month bender.
Looks like I'm the same as most here; love White Collar, want to love Covert Affairs but it's not quite there yet. The former has some great actors, and while a bit formulaic, is just done very well. Piper's a very likeable lead for CA and I love the show premise, but I never got the sense they were sure what they wanted to do with any character in the first season nor do I yet care about anyone other than Annie.

Very interested to see where they go with WC this season. Until I am shown a corpse, I'm not going to believe Kate is actually dead, so have to wonder if she's behind the surprise heist from Adler; as intriguing as the idea is, unlikely they'd completely 180 the show by having Neal have masterminded it, and doubt Mozzie could pull it off himself.
Looks like I'm the same as most here; love White Collar, want to love Covert Affairs but it's not quite there yet. The former has some great actors, and while a bit formulaic, is just done very well. Piper's a very likeable lead for CA and I love the show premise, but I never got the sense they were sure what they wanted to do with any character in the first season nor do I yet care about anyone other than Annie.

Very interested to see where they go with WC this season. Until I am shown a corpse, I'm not going to believe Kate is actually dead, so have to wonder if she's behind the surprise heist from Adler; as intriguing as the idea is, unlikely they'd completely 180 the show by having Neal have masterminded it, and doubt Mozzie could pull it off himself.

Kate is dead.

"I will not skirt that issue. Kate is dead. Kate has passed away," - From the actor who plays Peter

. Kate really is dead: It's tough to imagine Neal's love Kate coming back from an explosion as deadly as the one witnessed at the end of Season 1, but fans out there -- including Kelley -- still believe that she may still be lurking. "Kate's not dead, is she?," Kelley pressed. "Kate's dead," Eastin confirmed (again). Eastin is show runner.

Kate being alive is a popular theory, but when pitching the show Eastin had Kate dying and never coming back.
Kate wasn't an interesting character and her plot dragged down Season 1.