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Manning Buyout Negotiations Have Begun

Is RJ five years old?

Also, to answer Diggler: Josh Pastner.
He could achieve mediocrity in a modern setting.
Classically, Les Robinson could get that sweet, sweet mediocrity.

Hate being called on your lazy, childish bigotry...got it!
Hate being called on your lazy, childish bigotry...got it!

I don't believe for a second you've ever in your life experienced real bigotry.
And anything you have experienced online, you've definitely amplified to serve your "martyr shtick" for, apparently, years.
How old are you? Fifty something? Sixty something? Seventy? Grow up.
As a Prof and PhD candidate in Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East I regret to inform you that, despite your WASP upbringing and brainwashing, there is no commandment or law regarding anything about cursing. “Taking the Lord’s name in vain” refers to swearing a false oath which is not relevant in the modern world.

I learn something every day, and this morning - I felt great because before I could even finish my coffee, I had already checked that box for the day. I don't have to learn anything else!

Thanks Dixie!
About 30% of posts on this thread prove that people have absolutely no idea how contracts work or how they are different from being at will employment.

And a post like this indicates you have absolutely no idea how an employment contract is actually enforced. At the end of the process it is extremely similar to at-will employment, the only difference is the potential recoverable damages in the event the person is fired, which is monetary only. It isn't like the employer is actually forced to continue to employ the person; it just has to pay some amount for damages that is arguable and will ultimately be settled. Given that Wake apparently signed the worst employment contract in history with Manning that already set itself up for financial ruin, there is extremely minimal downside to fighting it. Contracts are made to be broken, that is the reason they exist.
My source has said from day 1 that Manning will be back next year. The leaks of the buyout negotiations is all bullshit so everyone can believe Wake tried but the excuse in the end will be the buyout is too high. I really dont wanna believe it but thats what it is folks.
would you rather have danny manning, les robinson, jeff [Redacted], or josh pastner as your coach? (I'm considering taking issue with the "worst coach in acc history" comment.)

I mean clearly Pastner. He just finished 5th in the conference.

Maybe take him out of the equation and debate among the other three studs. Now that would be one helluva argument lol.
Manning has no pride if he doesn't agree to a decent buyout. So he's just going to sit there, throw his lollipop in the dirt and continue to rob WFU for another year?

He is a national embarrassment; arguably the worst D-1 coach in the history of college basketball - certainly the worst in ACC history. You are an abject failure.

Take your $12 million buyout (or whatever), the money you made off Wake, Tulsa and Kansas and the $60 million you earned in the NBA and GTFO of here. Go fucking count your money and laugh about how you hoodwinked one of the most prestigious school's in the country. You win.

I get the frustration. I sure am. But I think this type of irrationality undercuts all the reasons for buying out Manning and moving on. First, national embarrassment is when you are caught getting a blowjob in a booth at Friday's (Louisville) and then get caught buying hookers for recruits (still Louisville). National embarrassment is when you try and cover up the murder of one player but another player (Baylor), or the death by cocaine of a player just drafted #1 overall (Maryland). Those are all national embarrassments. Losing 18-20 games a years is hugely frustrating and unacceptable. It's not embarrassing. The worst D-1 coach in history of basketball ... I just find that type of declaration amateurish, foolish.

Worst in the ACC all-time? Lefty's cover up in Maryland begat Bob Wade. Really good high school coach. Tragically bad college coach. Bob Staak started a point guard (after Mugsy) named Cal Boyd. I don't think he'd get playing time at Winthrop today. He played 30+ minutes for us. For years. Anyway. We haven't finished higher than tied for 9th in the ACC since Dino's last year. Manning has been given six cracks at it. One with a 1st-team ACC player in John Collins, and never finished higher than 10th. Do the math, not the overplayed angst.
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There’s much more reliable information on him being gone than getting another season. I wouldn’t start freaking out yet.

Are you referring to sportsnut's post about negotiations hitting an "impasse?" I don't quite understand what his source is talking about on these negotiations, because what would be an impasse that prevents his firing if that's what Currie has set out to do, and has ostensibly lined up the donor money to do it? Obviously we don't know enough about the contract and how it's written, but why would you enter into or attempt to begin negotiations if you didn't already have your financial ducks in a row? And you would have done your legal due diligence on what leverage you may actually have, if any.

You don't just check the temp on Danny's willingness to leave and then back off cuz 'ol stubborn Danny won't budge. Either you've decided to piss or get off the pot. Right?

But if Currie's only play -- the hope that Danny will be magnanimous and be happy with negotiating a lump sum settlement outside the terms of a very peculiar contract -- is to make a desperate plea to get him to "resign" then we are duly screwed.

I would hope that at the very least, the contract stipulates that Wake can pay the money out over the 5 years, with an equal predetermined AAV, or pro-rated amount each year. We should be able to come up with that money if its spread out over 5 years from donors right? Right?

Oh dear, what a disaster. First the Bzzaster, and now Wellman's Folly.
My source has said from day 1 that Manning will be back next year. The leaks of the buyout negotiations is all bullshit so everyone can believe Wake tried but the excuse in the end will be the buyout is too high. I really dont wanna believe it but thats what it is folks.

gotta tell us your source level
I mean....Manning can’t possibly be happy right? Yes he makes a ton of money but he’s already earned way more than that in his career. He has to be miserable every single day. I’d take 50-75% of what’s owed just for it to be over with.
My source has said from day 1 that Manning will be back next year. The leaks of the buyout negotiations is all bullshit so everyone can believe Wake tried but the excuse in the end will be the buyout is too high. I really dont wanna believe it but thats what it is folks.

Last week you said he was gone. Where does your “source” fall on the Source Grading Scale.
Last week you said he was gone. Where does your “source” fall on the Source Grading Scale.

This is the important question. Without a source level this means nothing to me.
You have a good chance of being right on this BigBoy8. Every week your position changes, so either way you’ll be right. Sounds like a Tier 1 source to me.
my level one source said there is a 60% chance manning stays and a 60% chance he is gone, with a 40% chance wake fires him but keeps him on as coach.
What my source has said and what i predict is 2 different things. my source has said Manning will be back but i never wanted to believe it and ive assumed Currie isnt dumb enough to bring him back.
What my source has said and what i predict is 2 different things. my source has said Manning will be back but i never wanted to believe it and ive assumed Currie isnt dumb enough to bring him back.

But what level is your source?
stop paying attention to bigboy8

Everyone relax, Currie has already made the decision, a few games aint changing it. If Currie has already put his feelers out to other coaches that hes gonna make a change then a few wins wont matter. this to go along with what sportsnut posted saturday about what he heard and i dont think we have anything to worry about. Manning should be gone.

The buyout money is there, you underestimate the ability Currie has to raise money, he did a hell of a job doing it at KState. Getting the right coach at Wake is more important to Currie than saving money on the buyout.

David Glenn reported buyout negotiations are underway. He never said anything about the buyout being too much, he said it could be at a school like Wake cause its one of the smaller schools but he never stated anything about the buyout being too much. Where there is smoke there is fire and theres alot of fire about Manning being gone.

My source has said from day 1 that Manning will be back next year. The leaks of the buyout negotiations is all bullshit so everyone can believe Wake tried but the excuse in the end will be the buyout is too high. I really dont wanna believe it but thats what it is folks.
What my source has said and what i predict is 2 different things. my source has said Manning will be back but i never wanted to believe it and ive assumed Currie isnt dumb enough to bring him back.

So you’re getting direct information from a source and post it on here, but choose not to believe that information? Seems legit.
So you’re getting direct information from a source and post it on here, but choose not to believe that information? Seems legit.

Sounds like a Tier 4 Level D source to me.