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NY Town clerk refuses to sign same sex marriage licenses


Mar 17, 2011
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She has a right not to believe or support any process due to religous beliefs. However if her job requries her to sign all legal marriage licenses, she doesn't have the right not ot perform her duties.

She should be summarily fired. She can find another job if she's unwilling to do what her job is.
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Just kidding, wanted to rile RJ up. If she is hired to sign same sex and opposite sex marriage licenses and doesn't do so she should be fired or reassigned, but this isn't really that big of an issue. It is one person being stubborn.
Just kidding, wanted to rile RJ up.

She should probably unionize and demand more salary since the number of marriage licenses is bound to go up. When she was hired, there was only opposite sex marriage. She should share in the record profits the Town Clerk's Office will be making off same sex and opposite sex marriages!! :)
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If she can get the other six people (or whatever) in that town hall to unionize, more power to her.
I'm sure there are thousands of unemployed people who would gladly sign gay marriage licenses whether or not they believed in it.
This is like the pharmacist who refuses to give out a morning after pill.

If it's your fucking job, do it and quit being a stupid cunt about it.
Similar thing happened in CA a year or two ago. A transexual went to the DMV to get a new license with a different name and gender. A few days later, a bunch of religious propaganda and a nasty letter arrived at the guy's house. They traced it back to the DMV clerk who was promptly shit canned. Vatican urged Catholic civil servants in Spain to refuse registering civil unions. Religious zealots don't do themselves or their faith any favors when they refuse to do their jobs in non-theocracies.
Yep. Why do people think that their personal political or religious opinions are allowed to determine what aspects of their job they will do?

Interesting point. Not exactly political or religious (just moral), but when I waited tables, there was a girl who wouldn't serve alcohol to pregnant women even though it was required of us. She just got someone else to do it when it became an issue.
Interesting point. Not exactly political or religious (just moral), but when I waited tables, there was a girl who wouldn't serve alcohol to pregnant women even though it was required of us. She just got someone else to do it when it became an issue.

Did she ask women if they were pregnant or just fat?
This seems to be much ado about nothing, at least so far. From the article:

“If there’s any possible way to not do it legally, then yes, I would not want to put my name on any of those certificates or papers,” MacEwen told POLITICO. “That’s their life, they can do it, but I don’t feel I should be forced into something that’s against my morals and my God.”

MacEwen said she’s written her state senator — Republican Patty Ritchie, who voted against legalizing gay weddings — to determine her legal options.
Don't take government work if religion impedes your ability to follow the law.
Don't take government work if religion impedes your ability to follow the law.

Obviously. But the law didn't require her to violate her religious or moral beliefs when she took the job, apparently.

If it now does then she should resign. Or battle it out in the courts. But I think she'd lose that battle.