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Official Hoops Coaching Search Thread - Welcome Danny Manning!!!

Dude, dv7, you need to shut the fuck up.

I mean, of all fucking fanbases, Wake Forest fans are kings of self-deprecation. We've got tons of warts and few illusions about them. I'm not trying to say Wake is the greatest school in the universe because it's not even close.

If I went to another school's message board and started running my mouth, I wouldn't expect the red carpet to be rolled out for me while I talked shit. Give me a fucking break and leave the LOWF bullshit at home.
this is what happens when schools courting Shaka realizes he is not coming....same MO every year. Just like clockwork.

You troll other boards this time every year when Shaka flirts with other schools to get a raise? Good to know.
Back to our pursuit of Shaka!

Dude, dv7, you need to shut the fuck up.

I mean, of all fucking fanbases, Wake Forest fans are kings of self-deprecation. We've got tons of warts and few illusions about them. I'm not trying to say Wake is the greatest school in the universe because it's not even close.

If I went to another school's message board and started running my mouth, I wouldn't expect the red carpet to be rolled out for me while I talked shit. Give me a fucking break and leave the LOWF bullshit at home.

I'm being as LOWF as you are not being a complete twat.

But keep taking that #publicschoolfilth joke to heart. You smell terrific.
I'm being as LOWF as you are not being a complete twat.

But keep taking that #publicschoolfilth joke to heart. You smell terrific.

Oh yeah, I forgot that you wrote the book on decorum and grace. Won't bat an eyelash bullying and tearing down fellow Wake fans, but heaven forbid we talk straight to a visiting fan talking shit on the message board you started ... to bully and tear down fellow Wake fans in the way you saw fit.

If this dude was making a similarly dumbass defense of [Redacted] you'd have his head on a spike. So just stuff that in your twat and shut the fuck up.
Wait, are people serious when they use #publicschoolfilth? I always thought that was just what we used with Brasky and the Stratts to get a rise out of them.
Oh yeah, I forgot that you wrote the book on decorum and grace. Won't bat an eyelash bullying and tearing down fellow Wake fans, but heaven forbid we talk straight to a visiting fan talking shit on the message board you started ... to bully and tear down fellow Wake fans in the way you saw fit.

If this dude was making a similarly dumbass defense of [Redacted] you'd have his head on a spike. So just stuff that in your twat and shut the fuck up.

Pretty sure I never said you couldn't do what you were doing. I just called you out on it.

Compare yourself to me all you want. I'm a fucking asshole though.
Well this thread has gone off the rails...
Like that whisper campaign against Stevens? That comment just seems silly.

There was never any public acknowledgement that we went after Stevens. Either way, it was clear Butler was the model Wellman was trying to follow being a fellow private school and all. The same isn't true for Shaka and VCU. Give it some time. You'll see. Whoever we end up with will be paraded as the top choice and the whisper campaign will proceed.
There was never any public acknowledgement that we went after Stevens. Either way, it was clear Butler was the model Wellman was trying to follow being a fellow private school and all. The same isn't true for Shaka and VCU. Give it some time. You'll see. Whoever we end up with will be paraded as the top choice and the whisper campaign will proceed.

Oh yeah, I forgot that you wrote the book on decorum and grace. Won't bat an eyelash bullying and tearing down fellow Wake fans, but heaven forbid we talk straight to a visiting fan talking shit on the message board you started ... to bully and tear down fellow Wake fans in the way you saw fit.

If this dude was making a similarly dumbass defense of [Redacted] you'd have his head on a spike. So just stuff that in your twat and shut the fuck up.

But, yeah... that guy (I think he's a clown, as you might have noticed in my comment to him earlier, or maybe you didn't? Unbothered), anyway.... that guy was comparing Wake to VCU as basketball programs.

You (and others, granted) were the ones that whipped out the USNWR rankings as some sort of magical trump card when it had fuck all to do with the argument. Who fucking cares about academic rankings when we are talking about sports? He didn't talk shit about Wake's academics, did he? No. No, he didn't. He said that our basketball was shit recently -- which in the past 4 years is true. That clown went too far saying last 10. At that point, maybe you should have gone RSF (I think it was him) and confronted him on the basketball numbers over the past 10 years instead of twatting it and bringing up academic numbers like they mean a fucking thing when talking basketball.

So yeah, you acted like a twat. Learn from it.
Fuck decorum and grace. How about you don't try to switch subjects to fight a strawman?

Oh, and if I wanted to rip fellow Wake fans, I'd tell you that the Mike Mussina thing happened well over a decade ago. Get the fuck over it already. That is Little Ole Baltimore Orioles.
Agreed that there are some differences in perception of Stevens/Butler but I think this whisper campaign business is a bit overblown. We'll give it some time and we'll see. Don't be so sure of yourself every once in a while.
Better yet, we don't see as Shaka comes to Wake.
Agreed that there are some differences in perception of Stevens/Butler but I think this whisper campaign business is a bit overblown. We'll give it some time and we'll see. Don't be so sure of yourself every once in a while.
Better yet, we don't see as Shaka comes to Wake.

It already started. This week people were posting that they heard Shaka wasn't sure about dealing with recruiting restrictions. The vague "settling" comment in Dan's column is another example.
Yes, there are rumors by people who thinks Shaka isn't coming to why he might not. There are lots of rumors going around. Doesn't make them a whisper campaign.
It seems the settling comment(s) was made prior to any decision from Shaka.
By those standards, almost any comment about a coach can be considered a "campaign".
holy shit at the messy diarrhea this thread has become

shaka has turned down everyone so far. he turned down us. bfd

during the entire season we were operating under the assumption we weren't going to get him. lets not lose our fucking heads until we're for sure fucked right in the ass by ronald again.
But, yeah... that guy (I think he's a clown, as you might have noticed in my comment to him earlier, or maybe you didn't? Unbothered), anyway.... that guy was comparing Wake to VCU as basketball programs.

You (and others, granted) were the ones that whipped out the USNWR rankings as some sort of magical trump card when it had fuck all to do with the argument. Who fucking cares about academic rankings when we are talking about sports? He didn't talk shit about Wake's academics, did he? No. No, he didn't. He said that our basketball was shit recently -- which in the past 4 years is true. That clown went too far saying last 10. At that point, maybe you should have gone RSF (I think it was him) and confronted him on the basketball numbers over the past 10 years instead of twatting it and bringing up academic numbers like they mean a fucking thing when talking basketball.

So yeah, you acted like a twat. Learn from it.
Fuck decorum and grace. How about you don't try to switch subjects to fight a strawman?

Oh, and if I wanted to rip fellow Wake fans, I'd tell you that the Mike Mussina thing happened well over a decade ago. Get the fuck over it already. That is Little Ole Baltimore Orioles.

Sigh. OK, I was going to let you have the last word after you confirmed that you're an asshole, but I'll make one more last post about this since the VCU guy left.

The VCU fans' position has been that VCU is a really special place to be and why would he ever want to leave Richmond and blah blah blah. It's not purely about the court. It's about the total package. A lot of that rests on reputation for an institution on the whole, and one of the major selling points at Wake (and challenges for its basketball program) is the fact that our academics are so good. We're comparing colleges. And not just Wake to VCU, but VCU to UCLA et al and VCU to the blue-chip institutions of which one inevitably will win Shaka over. You know this, though, because you're not dense.

What this miniature e-spat between the two of us is about, sadly, and ironically in your case, is The Wake Forest Way. You want to look like we're good dudes to another fanbase. Like we're the classy ones and would never talk shit back. So we can come off looking like we're above all that and sour grapes and so the few dozen lames on the VCU message boards can say, "Wow, Wake fans were way better than those Marquette douches. They were cool and civil." Who gives a shit? The dude is a troll. His entire purpose on this board was to stand up for VCU and report back to all his buddies what we were saying, and fumble and distort it at that.

This has nothing to do with turning our noses up at the "less fortunate" -- give me a fucking break. Nor does it have anything to do with public versus private institutions. Wake is so expensive now that it's a terrible value compared to its public peers. Objectively, VCU is not a good school. When you're evaluating and comparing schools ... that's relevant. Sorry I'm not sorry that I was a little twatty about it.

And the avatar thing? Are you taking your insults out of the dolphan playbook? That one really stings.

Since I'm positive nobody really wants to read this shit, I propose a moratorium on this foolishness so we can go back to the emotional rollercoaster of the coaching search. Deal?
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Irish already agreed with that post a few hours ago.

I'll humor your point. Do you think Wake has had coaches like Saban and Wooden?

Yeah, he agreed with part of your post. He left out the part where you chimed in that pro humanitate was just an excuse to justify losing. And he also told you earlier to run off and read about John Wooden when you suggested we shouldn't embrace certain types of coaches - the implication being coaches who don't focus on trophies can't be accomplished. You've been handed two unbelievable examples of successful coaches (perhaps the two best coaches in the history of their respective sports) who have as the cornerstone of their coaching philosophy not to focus on results. And rather than acknowledge that philosophy can obviously work, you want to turn this into a discussion about whether Wake has had coaches like those guys? LOL. We're trying to hire a NEW coach.

Where he agreed with you was that Shaka turned us down some folks will say he wanted to do things the wrong way. I agree with that too. We'll hear all sorts of stuff about why Shaka wasn't the right guy if he turns us down. That's because folks will look to rationalize why his election to stay at VCU doesn't matter.
I didn't say "Pro Humanitate" was an excuse to justify losing.