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Rejecting words and actions which perpetrate, support or encourage white supremacists

It did pass the House.


False dichotomy. In all the cases, one side has the right to make its statement, and someone else has the right to make its displeasure known. The Ravens can sign that QB, and the fans can stay away. The leftists who appeared in VA were spoiling for a fight. They got it.
False dichotomy. In all the cases, one side has the right to make its statement, and someone else has the right to make its displeasure known. The Ravens can sign that QB, and the fans can stay away. The leftists who appeared in VA were spoiling for a fight. They got it.

"That QB." Damn dude. He has a name.

So the Confederates and Nazis simply brought their speech and the "leftists" brought weapons to look for a fight? That's how you're going to play it?
False dichotomy: In all the cases, one side has the right to make its statement, and someone else has the right to make its displeasure known. The Ravens can sign that QB, and the fans can stay away. The leftists who appeared in VA were spoiling for a fight. They got it.

I don't like FIFY posts in general, but this one is too easy.
Here's a good take I got from Facebook.

It is wrong to punch protesters. But it IS ALSO different from the people who punched black marchers. These protesters did not come unarmed, or peacefully, and everything in their behavior has made it clear they were spoiling for a fight. Even if they were not spoiling for a fight, they are espousing clear, known evil: no matter what the president said last night, the core of the protest was clearly white supremacist, Nazi, and neo-Confederate. You don't pick "blood and soil" and "the Jews will not replace us," as your chants, or wave a Nazi flag if you're just there to protest a statue coming down. As has been said elsewhere, that flag, those "seig Trump" cries, those slogans are not just "freedom of speech," they are intentional calls for action, which are not protected Constitutionally. The Civil Rights marchers were marching unarmed to promote an American ideal that was not being fulfilled: equality under the law. These guys are marching carrying weapons and determined to eliminate that great American ideal. Comparing the two the way you are is a false equivalency. It's still wrong to punch them. But...when they come with their guns, and their threats, and their own determination to pick a fight, and the sheer obscenity of their cause--at what point does it become essential that someone confront them? At what point is it not just right, but heroic to fight back?
Trump hasn't even called Heather Heyer's mother. I believe this only time in at least the past fifty years a POTUS has been so callous as not to make this call. Trump is devoid of human empathy and class.
Baltimore finally did something of value.


Baltimore Quietly Removed All 4 Of Its Confederate Statues Overnight
The city council voted unanimously to rid the city of the monuments.

All four of Baltimore’s Confederate statues were removed overnight, just days after a white nationalist rally erupted into chaos and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Baltimore City Council voted unanimously Monday night to immediately take down the monuments after more than a year of indecision.

City crews began the removal process at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday and finished around 5:30 a.m. Wednesday, according to The Baltimore Sun. Hours earlier, President Donald Trump had defended the white nationalist demonstrators who gathered in Virginia this weekend, ostensibly to protest the removal of a Confederate statue.
They were perfectly safe to do it in the middle of the day, the nazis are scared of any city that's minority dominated.
Anyone who still supports Trump after he said there were "good people" at the Friday night march of tiki torches, shouts of "Blood and Soil", shouts of "Jews will not replace us", shouts of "white power", shouts of Sieg Heil" andgiving the Nazi salute while walking through the streets of Charlottesville is as morally bankrupt as Trump. He tried to equate Nazism with those who protest bigotry. If you want to support Ryan or McCain or Romney or Rubio or others, that's fine, but to support Trump after yesterday shows you have put party over morals and our nation.


I cannot stand the argument "Just because I support Trump doesn't make me a racist".

Very few people if any are arguing this.

We're saying Donald Trump has some racist tendencies and we want all good people who abhor racism (including Trump supporters) to tell the president that we will not tolerate giving cover to racists, Nazis, white supremacists and other deplorables.
Hugh Hewitt on MSNBC a few minutes ago saying he doesn't think Trump is a racist or bigot--nor are most of his supporters. He says they are just "indifferent" to how they sound, or unaware of how what they say may be perceived or how it might affect others. Or negatively impact the Trump/Republican broader agenda.
Here's a good take I got from Facebook.

It is wrong to punch protesters. But it IS ALSO different from the people who punched black marchers. These protesters did not come unarmed, or peacefully, and everything in their behavior has made it clear they were spoiling for a fight. Even if they were not spoiling for a fight, they are espousing clear, known evil: no matter what the president said last night, the core of the protest was clearly white supremacist, Nazi, and neo-Confederate. You don't pick "blood and soil" and "the Jews will not replace us," as your chants, or wave a Nazi flag if you're just there to protest a statue coming down. As has been said elsewhere, that flag, those "seig Trump" cries, those slogans are not just "freedom of speech," they are intentional calls for action, which are not protected Constitutionally. The Civil Rights marchers were marching unarmed to promote an American ideal that was not being fulfilled: equality under the law. These guys are marching carrying weapons and determined to eliminate that great American ideal. Comparing the two the way you are is a false equivalency. It's still wrong to punch them. But...when they come with their guns, and their threats, and their own determination to pick a fight, and the sheer obscenity of their cause--at what point does it become essential that someone confront them? At what point is it not just right, but heroic to fight back?

Our local paper this a.m. had a story of an African-American who had the shit beaten out of him in the front of a parking garage later Saturday afternoon by some white supremacists while 1 of their friends held a gun on his friends.

Some local updates include the lawsuits beginning. The women in the car that was hit on 4th Street weren't even part of the counter protestors - they just turned down 4th Street to go home. They and some other folks who were hurt have now sued Kessler, Duke, Spencer, a bunch of other folks and organizations like Evropa whatever and Stormfront for $3mil on a few different theories. It'll be interesting to see what happens there. You can't get anything from Kessler because he doesn't own property or have a job, but some of these other folks and organizations are likely at least a little liquid. I have no idea whether the organizers can be held liable for the actions of the 1 killer. The City PD story is that they had prearranged to provide protection to the park via a certain ingress and egress route, and the white supremacists were all over the place and not following that route. Kessler & Co deny same.

The City may also be looking at some liability. 4th Street was supposed to be cordoned off as part of their safety plan, and no one appears to have an idea as to why it wasn't. That's an oops. And the editorial in our paper openly wondered if the cops were standing back because they were heavily criticized after the Klan rally last month for declaring an unlawful assembly and tear gassing the crowd after some folks started throwing shit at them. This is going to get interesting from a legal perspective.
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