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Rejecting words and actions which perpetrate, support or encourage white supremacists

Having a few in-laws in the rural south I'm not so sure most this recent surge of white hate isn't directly a result from Obama being elected. I had to refrain myself from starting a fight with my sister in law's father in his house over the holidays.

Oh, there's no doubt that's been a big part of it. But that's not the same as any of this irrational, bigoted, hyperbolic response actually being Obama's fault. Of course.
Has he acknowledged the Minnesota mosque bombing yet?

Nope. Just like he didn't acknowledge the killing of a US vet who protected tow Muslim girls on a bus in Portland from an attack by white supremacist.

If white supremacist kills someone in America, Trump is OK with it.
i'm absolutely sure that i'm superior to anyone who thinks Barack Obama is to blame for the death of Heather Heyer

But at least Trump is more careful than Obama when he talks about racially charged events. At least that's what Hannity says...

So what? Condemning or criticizing racism = privileged elitism?

How antiquated. We wish.
Just saw this pop up on the internets.
The View Of Charlottesville, From Berlin

To equate Robert E. Lee with Hitler would be lazy, and bad history. Hitler's name is invoked too casually, and too often.

But since the white supremacists protesting the removal of Lee's statue in Charlottesville brandished swastikas, and openly made the Nazi salute, the connection to 1930s Germany was invited by the marchers themselves.

Seeing the images of young men carrying torches and chanting was perhaps surreal in Washington, but among Berliners there was an added layer of disbelief. While President Trump was being criticized for not explicitly condemning the white nationalist groups responsible for Saturday's violence, Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman called the march "absolutely repulsive" and denounced the "outrageous racism, anti-Semitism and hate in its most despicable form."

One reason for not preserving Hitler's bunker was that it was feared that the site might become a place of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis; a place of violence and shameless celebration of a history that should be shameful. On Saturday, in a park in Charlottesville, a statue of General Lee became just that. The fact that marchers said their goal was to "take back America" seems especially ironic, since they were celebrating one of the very people whose explicit aim was to dismantle the nation.

Often the argument for preserving Confederate statues and allowing Confederate flags is that we should not forget our history. In Germany, Nazi buildings are extremely hard to come by — nearly all have been destroyed. Yet Germany certainly has not forgotten anything: There's just a recognition that remembering and memorializing are two different things.
I don't think he's racist, because I don't think he cares about anyone, of any race, unless they're of some use to him. I think he's a sociopath.

If a minority group advanced one of his desires, he'd love them until he no longer needed to.

He cares about two things, money and himself. Everything else is a resource to be used.
The fact that BKF is calling out people on the thread instead of denouncing the POTUS lack of condemnation with regards to Saturday is expected, but still tremendously misguided and sad.
I don't think Trump should call Heather Heyer's mother. I'd say most presidents should make the call, but Trump, through his overall shittiness, has forfeited the right to assume his presence is welcome, and that goes double in a situation where his rhetoric emboldened the perpetrators. Can you imagine having to take a phone call from Trump in the worst week of your life?
hey i'm really sorry about your daughter. she seemed like a great, fantastic person. it's a shame that she was on one of the sides that day in Virginia. I want to let you know that we're going to get to the bottom of this whole thing very soon I can promise you that, okay? I'm already bringing back a tremendous amount of jobs back to the country, and it's going to have a big, tremendous impact on the racial hatred in this country. we have to get people working again. do you have a job? okay that's very nice. see you were probably working when this terrible, awful thing happened. again, i'm very sorry about what happened in Virginia. we're going to fix this I promise you that. have a nice day. bye bye.
I think you know.

Pod Save the People had a bonus episode with UVA activists. They didn't seem to have as much of a problem with the policing because they said it was better than the police acted during the KKK rally, when they cracked down on the counter protesters.
Trump has shut down the WH Manufacturers Council and the Policy Council.

See the biggest snowflake of all, might as well shut it down before there's no one left.
I went to the memorial service for a little while this morning. Extremely sad, and from all accounts, Heather was a good and caring person. There was a large police presence around the downtown mall. I wondered why and 1 friend told me that there had been some chatter on alt-right sites that they were going to try to disrupt the memorial service. Seemed to go off just fine, and I didn't see any identifiable white nationalists. If there was such chatter, it's effin' unbelievably stupid chatter. You've all been sued. Everything you say and do from here on out should be to distance you and your organization from the murdering fuck.

The other word all over the street is that our local chief had essentially told his folks to largely stand down, although he is publicly refuting that assertion. I had posted earlier that today's local editorial was wondering about that, given how roundly criticized the police were for what many viewed was an unnecessary show of force (for wearing riot gear and using tear gas) last month. Seems astonishing to me that, given the tiki torch march through UVA and the fighting at the end of that march, and given you had several hundred armed to the teeth folks wandering around Cville Saturday morning, that the City could take such an approach. I have a friend in the City Attorney's office. I think they're soon going to be a lot busier, unless insurance companies take it over.
hey terrible thing that happened in virginia. your daughter. both sides really. i condemn both sides. the fake media refuses to talk about the alt left. so much violence. I condemn the violence. you
know i have the best ideas. the thing that is really going to help these people is jobs. the best jobs. did you know that i personally created over a million beautiful jobs since i've been president. the best jobs. i have the best organization. made lots of money. that's why i'm president. did you see that big beautiful red map? i won bigly. that's what i do. i am the best negotiator. i was on a phone call with duerte. great guy. i'm meeting with him next week at my vineyard in Virginia. it's the largest on the east coast. we make some great wine.

Pod Save the People had a bonus episode with UVA activists. They didn't seem to have as much of a problem with the policing because they said it was better than the police acted during the KKK rally, when they cracked down on the counter protesters.

I believe the biggest problem from the Klan rally was the police didn't have great sound amplification equipment. Things went well until they were trying to escort the Klan out, some folks tried to block their egress and were arrested. Then some folks were pissed, perceiving the cops to be on the side of the Klan and started chanting something like "the cops are with the Klan". Then a handful started throwing rocks and stuff at some of the cops, and 1 counter protester pepper sprayed a cop. That's when the cops said they'd declare it an unlawful assembly and use tear gas. Trouble apparently was most folks didn't see the folks throwing shit at the cops and couldn't hear them, so many folks thought the cops were over the top declaring it an unlawful assembly and using tear gas. But if Chief Thomas is so thin skinned that he used the complaints from last time as an excuse to stand down when you have several hundred armed and violent protesters roaming downtown this time around, the soon to ensue investigations aren't going to go well for him and the City. Hell, the City already looked unprepared because they waited until last week to try to move the demonstration in what was obviously a losing position.