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SCOTUS decisions

We're going down the two parent family thing again? Facepalm
We're going down the two parent family thing again? Facepalm

But, but, but I thought you guys were in favor of marriage....

Perhaps it is just the trendy type of marriage. Wanna see my surprised face?
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But, but, but I thought you guys were in favor of marriage....

Would you rather have a child raised by two female married parents, or a single mother? No hedging, honest answer.
Kinda amazed that Cruz, Huckabee, and Santorum think anti-LGBT policies are their ticket to the White House. Roy Moore thinks the same path will lead to Alabama Governor.

CA Lt Governor Gavin Newsom will almost certainly be the next CA Governor. Lightweight empty suit machine hack who became a Dem pariah when he allowed gay marriages in SF as Mayor in 2004. Was shunned at the Dem convention. Now hailed as a hero. Will win in CA and Moore may be able to win in Alabama, but can't see a hardcore anti-LGBT agenda winning nationally in 2016.
Reading a lot of conservative blogs/ articles saying the same reasoning in the gay marriage means that concealed carry permits are now transferable across all 50 states, and all states have to recognize them. Any thoughts?
Should have figured. It was only a matter of time before the slippery slope led to gun nuts trying to gay marry their guns.
What an offensive red herring.

Some of were in favor of marriage before (and after) it was cool. I am sorry to hear that something you read on the internet that you didn't agree with offended your sensibilities.
I guess you could analogize that concealed weapon permits should be transferred but I don't think you can glean that at all from the actual decision. The rationale behind the decision as I read it is that the fundamental right to marry is a protected right now for both same-sex and different-sex couples and as such states cannot deprive anyone of this constitutionally protected right even if the marriage was performed out of state. The focus is on the "fundamental right" (term of art) protection rather than on any "states have to recognize all licenses from other states" argument so the "we can transfer these concealed carry permits from state to state now because of this case" group doesn't really make much sense to me.

Maybe someone else has a different take though.
I guess you could analogize that concealed weapon permits should be transferred but I don't think you can glean that at all from the actual decision. The rationale behind the decision as I read it is that the fundamental right to marry is a protected right now for both same-sex and different-sex couples and as such states cannot deprive anyone of this constitutionally protected right even if the marriage was performed out of state. The focus is on the "fundamental right" (term of art) protection rather than on any "states have to recognize all licenses from other states" argument so the "we can transfer these concealed carry permits from state to state now because of this case" group doesn't really make much sense to me.

Maybe someone else has a different take though.

In DC vs Heller, where gun ban was overturned, they ruled 2nd amendment rights were fundamental.
You make people spell out the dumbest shit for you.

Marriage equality doesn't mean gay and lesbian couples HAVE to run and go get married. It affords them the opportunity now, which they didn't have before in many states. It provides some legal benefits and protections that were previously unavailable.

It is entirely unrelated to your two-parent household/poverty/black/american family/ideals/america/greatness of the 1950s/dreamworld canard, which we've addressed on far too many other threads already. We get that it's one of your favorite talking points, and I know that just the sight of the word "marriage" in a thread gets you going. But that's not what this ruling was about.

Thank you for explaining these thoughts to me. I don't know what I would do without you. I will now make a note.

Marriage is now a good thing, unless we're talking about poor people. Then? It is wildly overrated and a vestige of a bygone era that never really was.

It is all so clear to me now.

Do you find my position on the importance of a structured family ambiguous? I suppose I could bring it up some more....

The math, and logic, and reason, and common sense prove that two married parents are better than an unmarried person.