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Senate Dems pussying out again


Mar 17, 2011
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WTF is wrong with Reid?

It looks like he's afraid to bust his troops into line to change the filibuster rules. He's not going to do the "talking filibuster" nor will they implement a "41 votes" plan which would make Republicans actually vote to create a filibuster.

Which five Dems are afraid of their own shadows? What's Harry Reid afraid of?

Reid should lose his job and the Dems who are pussies should be primaried.
They are scared of losing their seats. Mainly out west somewhere. This is the same reason he killed any gun legislation. They rarely fight for anything.
They are scared of losing their seats. Mainly out west somewhere. This is the same reason he killed any gun legislation. They rarely fight for anything.

This is why nothing of any importance gets done. It's why I'm for blanket, across the boards spending cuts. It may hurt in some areas, but at least cuts would be implemented. Otherwise they will always protect their own turf in order to save their seats and nothing gets cut.

I can't believe they killed gun legislation, though.
They are scared of losing their seats. Mainly out west somewhere. This is the same reason he killed any gun legislation. They rarely fight for anything.

The only western Dem Senator that could possibly lose over filibuster is Reid. Plus no one care about filibusters. By Tuesday 99+% of public would have forgotten about it. Further most of the public would support it.

Obama should have them to the WH tomorrow morning and tell Reid it's either get it passed or he'll put Schumer in as Majority leader.
This may come as a shock to RJ, but Harry does not work for Barry. It's called separation of powers, etc.

WTF is wrong with Reid?

It looks like he's afraid to bust his troops into line to change the filibuster rules. He's not going to do the "talking filibuster" nor will they implement a "41 votes" plan which would make Republicans actually vote to create a filibuster.

What's Harry Reid afraid of?


The only western Dem Senator that could possibly lose over filibuster is Reid.

Seems you have answered your own question.
Which is why he shouldn't have the leadership position.
This may come as a shock to RJ, but Harry does not work for Barry. It's called separation of powers, etc.

He supposedly works for the people of NV and the country. allowing filibusters as they are currently done harms both dramatically.
This may come as a shock to RJ, but Harry does not work for Barry. It's called separation of powers, etc.

Yeah, Obama isn't going to tell Reid what the Senate must do or not do with their own rules. It doesn't work like that. And he for damn sure isn't picking their majority leader.

Reid is juggling a lot of issues, and he may have calculated that the GOP Senate might be the only hope for any compromise wok on debt issues, and to antagonize them with filibuster reform would be counterproductive. Basically, he might need the GOP Senate to lead/control the House Pets, and, therefore, might not want to make them more antagonistic. I don't agree with this tack, personally, but that case could be made. Remember, these guys are colleagues, and work together for years. The Senate is much less likely to ram things over each other than any other body in Washington.
Reid's barking on the issue was simply a way to get the base riled up. He knows that Dems have in the past and will continue to use the filibuster rules to their advantage when they are in the minority. It simply isn't good Senate policy to change the rules when it suits you. It isn't rocket science.
Reid's barking on the issue was simply a way to get the base riled up. He knows that Dems have in the past and will continue to use the filibuster rules to their advantage when they are in the minority. It simply isn't good Senate policy to change the rules when it suits you. It isn't rocket science.

Absolute crap. Each year McConnell has been Minority Leader,he has set a record for the use of this. You can't conflate anyone else in the history of the US with the level of obstructionism of Mitch McConnell.

It's right there on the record and no one is even close.
Reid's barking on the issue was simply a way to get the base riled up. He knows that Dems have in the past and will continue to use the filibuster rules to their advantage when they are in the minority. It simply isn't good Senate policy to change the rules when it suits you. It isn't rocket science.

Now hold on. The last set of changes in the filibuster rule -- that allows the minority to simply full-stop the will of the majority of the Senate, without so much as lifting a finger -- are abysmal. They absolutely, unequivocally need to be removed, returning the Senate to its former method of functioning. Which is to say-- being able to function at all. The changes that were bad policy are the rules that are now in place. The problem is that the minority won't relent, even though they will get rammed by the same crippling stupidity when they take over the chamber.

The current rules are terrible because they ensure that neither party can ever enact the legislation on which they ran, were elected for, and won a majority based upon. A super-majority is now necessary for the elected majority to implement and test any of policies on which the campaigned. That's simply absurd, and not the way the chamber was intended to operate. There was never an intent to require 60 Senate votes to pass anything, as is the case now. When a party take over the Senate, they should be able to enact their platform to see if its works. Dems or Pubs. That's the point -- you ran on a platform, convinced the majority of voters you were right, and now need to put theory into action. That's how a healthy government works. But now, instead, the minority simply prevents any of those policies from ever seeing the light of day, blocking all policy changes and simply banking on winning the next cycle. We never learn a damn thing about anything. Nothing gets done. No one discovers who was actually right on an issue. And the country slowly wobbles its way toward the ditch.

Every American should be for filibuster reform -- which is simply a return to the Senate rules as they were originally written and intended. Otherwise, this country will stay locked in paralysis, while our problems multiply and no solutions are ever implemented.
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Regarding the thread title. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...chances are it is a duck. Maybe Senate Dems are just a bunch of 'wussies' when it comes down to it. RJ seems to have a thread like this about every month or so how the Democratic leadership is wussing out. Maybe that is just what they do?
Pubs crush Dems at the business of politics because they operate with less concern about whether they're being "fair" to the other side in their actions, and always exploit advantages to the hilt. They don't question themselves as much, and are more decisive. Progressives and liberals, by their very nature, are constantly trying to balance their innate philosophical belief in the validity of all opinions with their need to strike when they have the upper hand. So they get less when they do have control (see, supermajority), and get rolled more when they don't (see, Bush era). Conservatives have a political ruthlessness that the Dems always fail to match, though recently they've started taking notes. Obama seems to finally understand this dynamic, after a first term largely consisting of trying to compromise from a position of strength, and mostly getting nowhere.
Or you could say the positive side. That conservatives merely operate with more conviction :). But for the most part I agree. Republicans operate more efficiently except for the Tea Party which has swung some of the advantage to the Democrats. TP has introduced some uncertainty into a party that amongst other things is often ver sure of itself.
Reid's barking on the issue was simply a way to get the base riled up. He knows that Dems have in the past and will continue to use the filibuster rules to their advantage when they are in the minority. It simply isn't good Senate policy to change the rules when it suits you. It isn't rocket science.

Between the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and fillibusters at a exponentially higher level than the past, this is B.S.