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Share your phobias


Ain't played nobody, PAWL!
Sep 3, 2011
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Inspired by the Victoria Falls thread, what are you afraid of? Also, what are you not afraid of that most people fear?

For me it starts with claustrophobia. I have no real strong fear of heights, but put me in a technically challenging cave, and I'm freaking out.

Animals: snakes, killer bees, sharks. I'm out of element, Donnie, with all of these.

roaches. i know it's stupid because snakes and spiders and all of the normal things that people are afraid of don't bother me all that much (not that i LIKE them. but i'm not all that scared of them). but roaches freak me out a lot.
roaches. i know it's stupid because snakes and spiders and all of the normal things that people are afraid of don't bother me all that much (not that i LIKE them. but i'm not all that scared of them). but roaches freak me out a lot.

Like individually, or the idea of infestation?
Claustrophobic and I have issues with vertigo. I can't go up/down steps without holding on unless I go really fast and I definitely can't stop and stand on steps. The hockey games that we've gone to have been difficult because we sit in the nosebleeds.
well, both. i was thinking individually, but yeah, the idea of infestation is way worse.

My wife shares your fear, but with all bugs - especially spiders. I have no fear of bugs other than killer bees.
roaches. i know it's stupid because snakes and spiders and all of the normal things that people are afraid of don't bother me all that much (not that i LIKE them. but i'm not all that scared of them). but roaches freak me out a lot.

exactly this, including snakes/spiders not bothering me.

My other thing is the moment I can no longer touch the sand (when I'm out in the water) at the beach and dangling feet in water where I cannot see the bottom (ie: lakes, rivers). The unknown of what could be below me is too much. I could never get scuba certified in NC because the idea of diving in a quarry makes me want to vomit.

Somewhat similarly- long, low bridges over water.
I don't care for elevators. Not a phobia per se, because I ride one probably 10-12x a day, but I don't care for them nonetheless.
Thunderstorms and electrical shock. I have gotten better over the years but I still avoid leaving the house during storms, will not shower because I am afraid of getting shocked, I don't change lightbulbs, hated when I had to be near the electric fences at the farm in DK, etc. I am convinced I died via lightning strike in a previous life.
Bees. Not a fan. Got stun while on the toilet as a kid...never really got over that

and mild claustrophobia.

check out this mobile, modular nightmare

At 6'2", 240, very few spiders could really hurt me. I am their god. Their are plenty of snakes that could kill me with one bite.

I've maybe seen 3 snakes in the wild in my life. Spiders I see all the time. It's not the idea they could hurt me that bothers me, it's the idea that they could crawl in my ears, nose, and mouth while I'm sleeping, or could just appear on me or in front of me at any time.
i don't mind spiders
can't stand snakes

my premise:
those that hate spiders - aren't bothered by snakes
those that hate snakes - aren't bothered by spiders
I don't mind small spaces, but I freak out a bit if I'm in the middle of somewhere I can't see an easy way out of. Mainly it hits me in the middle of a crowd.

ETA: don't like spiders, don't mind snakes.
I never had an issue with tight spaces until I spent an hour laying in a MRI tube with my face 1/8" from a plastic wall. That was extremely uncomfortable. I have no idea how professional athletes deal with having MRIs all the time. There's a reason, I suppose, why they invented those new open MRI machines.