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So if Scott Walker wins tomorrow...

Skydog Deac

Well-known member
May 6, 2011
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It will be seen as a great triumph for Pubs and a repudiation of the labor unions. There will be much blathering about how the unions are weak and that this predicts great things for the Pubs in the general election.

I really don't agree with this thinking. I think the fact that it's even close speaks louder for the Dems. Number one, people hate recalls, they think elections should speak for themselves, whether they are happy with the person's work or not. People don't like the recall process. Number two, Walker has outspent his opposition 10:1, with 20 mill from out of state donors. Meanwhile, the Dems have mounted a grass roots campaign, with millions actively involved and passionate. This grass roots goes against those in rural Wisconsin just watching pro-Walker ad after pro-Walker ad.

I expect Walker to win for the reasons above. That's fine, I just don't want it spun out of control that this is a big referendum on Obama and Democrats. He will win because he bought it, and because people don't think this is the way to get rid of elected officials. No one should read more into it than that.
If Walker wins but one of the Dems win, he can't implement anything else.
I don't recall a lot of outrage from the left about all the out-of-state money that caused the recall in the first place.
I don't recall a lot of outrage from the left about all the out-of-state money that caused the recall in the first place.

Guess that's all you got from my post. Selective reading. Did I appear outraged to you? You seem a little sensitive.
Literally the only thing that matters right now in government is the Fed getting off its ass and saving us from the 112th
It was not all local union dollars. In the past 18 months plenty of money has come from out of state.

Walker has not spent outspent his opponents 10:1. But Walker had a huge advantage because in the months during the recall petitions, campaign rules did not apply. Donors could give unlimited amounts of money. Several local people gave 500k.

Barrett's biggest problems were the unions jumping on Kathleen Falks side way too early and she not being a good candidate. The teachers unions, WEAC, has stayed out of the race since the primary. Tom barrett himself is a weak and is seen as a do nothing politician from people on both sides of the aisle. He seems like a nice guy, but nothing ever gets accomplished with him in charge.

On a side note I went to the final debate last Thursday night. It was great entertainment.
If Walker wins but one of the Dems win, he can't implement anything else.

LOL. The legislature is out of session and 16 senate seats are up for election in November (10 held by Democrats). Win or lose, the Senate recall elections don't mean much.
I had a conversation with a Milwaukee client who was pretty certain Walker would be indicted, but I had to take it with a slight grain of salt because this person was also a huge Barrett supporter.

Yeah, I'm not sure indicting a sitting governor is a good idea absent some pretty egregious conduct, but it would seem the "smoking gun" email in which he appears to acknowledge the use of laptops to do campaign work on the tax payer dollar may lead to something. I don't think that email in particular is enough to sink him, but there may be more out there.
As someone who thinks that recalls are the absolute worst and has very little-to-no love for Big Labor, I'll take all kinds of glee in watching this recall fail.

What did Big Labor think was going to happen? That they could simply bully the Governor into backing down? That he wasn't going to receive money from outside interests that would love to strike a blow to Big Labor in any way possible? Way to bring a knife to a gunfight. But congrats on getting all those husky 45 year women all riled up.
What's ridiculous is that WI Public Sector employees are STILL better off benefit and salary-wise than private sector employees in WI.

Unemployment's down in WI. The huge budget deficit is all but gone.

Walker wins. Union thugs lose.