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Teeth Whitening


the desert dwarf
Oct 14, 2011
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So has anyone had their teeth whitened at the dentist? What were your results like? Did you follow the all white diet afterwards for a few days?
I'm having it done tomorrow Manifest, so I will have more details.
Are you talking about Zoom! or bleaching trays that you take home and put the gel in?
My dentist does something called Boost.
Keep your eyes on Groupon or Living Social. They have specials all the time for teeth whitening since its a pretty pricey process.
If it's Zoom then you will sit there for about 1.5-2 hours (total including prep), they will paint some stuff on your lips and gums and put these awesome cheek retractors in - you really should take a picture and send it to us. Take something to entertain you as you sit there. Your teeth may be sensitive afterwards but they will give you some toothpaste for that...sensodyne will be your friend. Your teeth will look really white tomorrow and you will get a little "bounce back" over the next few weeks (not so white in the end) but they should also give you trays to take home and use. Stay away from spaghetti sauce, wine, coffee, etc for a while. It will fade after a while but the trays can be used to do touch ups in the future.
Keep your eyes on Groupon or Living Social. They have specials all the time for teeth whitening since its a pretty pricey process.

Yeah, most of those are the non-custom fitted trays, not through a dentist. It's like getting a Big Mick instead of a Big Mac.
I've never done the Boost system. I have the dentist made trays, which I use a few times a year. They work great. During the times when I am using the trays, I do try to watch what I drink and eat. For example, I won't drink red wine while I am whitening.
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If you're only looking to go up a few shades, just use the Crest mouthwash. Kinda irritates your lips a little but if you use chapstick you'll be fine.

If you have a problem... then maybe you can justify a dentist.

Just my opinion. Never had the dental treatment, have used the mouthwash after I got braces off and it worked within a week.
I've been drinking coffee for 20 years. I want the dentist to take care of this.
Good call. The mouthwash is b.s. If you want something non-professional, use white strips but I think you're doing the right thing. Let us know how it goes.
deac04, are you actually a dentist? you always seem to know what you're talking about when it comes to dental care. if you are (or if you aren't but have an educated opinion on this), which whitestrips do you think are best? i used to use the crest white strips, but they made my bottom teeth pretty sensitive, so i would always make it through all of the top strips, but not the bottom ones. then i tried out the listerine white strips, and since the strips are the same for the top and bottom, i was able to actually use the entire box and not waste some of them.

is it just a personal preference thing? or do you feel strongly about one being better than the other?
Re: tags
"save your $ for implants" - That's the last thing I need done

Anyway - is anyone interested in before & after pictures? I will take some if so.
Yep, I'm a real fake doctor. It's up to you really, I wouldn't use the white strips because you pay about $50 for a box. If you get the trays (an upfront cost of maybe $300, including your first few tubes of gel), and you want some more down the road, the refills are actually less than buying the white strips. So you're getting professional strength trays that are customized to your teeth (so they work better), which don't peel off, and also cover more than just your front six teeth (if you have a bigger smile this is important) all for less than the cost of white strips. And they can give you different percentages so they could give you a lower percentage for your bottom trays so your teeth wouldn't be so sensitive and a higher percentage for your upper trays. To me the upfront cost of the trays are worth it. Otherwise, it's a personal preference on crest vs listerine...in your case, if you're happy with it, stick with the listerine.
I am getting trays. Thank you for all your input deac04.
I am getting trays. Thank you for all your input deac04.

I love mine. I had a set made in high school that I used in high school and college. Then once I had my wisdom teeth surgery, I had to get new trays. I wouldn't do it any other way. The initial cost is a little high for the trays to be made, but the maintenance is nothing.

Any idea why the dentist gave me these?