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The #Buzzout #Wellmanout Billboard: Development Thread

as my first move as billboard honcho, i fire vtwhatever because he takes sports message boards too seriously and i fear he sets a bad example for children. i don't want birdie and peanut thinking that is the proper decorum.
i would also like to spearhead the WFU monorail campaign, as well as a small scale #loboOUT bake sale
If you will consider using your beer distribution empire to help us out with some "imports" then we can start some serious fundraising efforts here
I think RSF is either a student or a recent grad. Bro, I know 3 G's feels like a lot of money, but it's not worth burning all these bridges over. You'll regret this in a few years where 3,000 is barely your mortgage payment.
interesting proposition. perhaps if you nominate me for mr. amigo then we might have a deal.
Before you make a decision though, just know that if you try to go RSF on my business associates, well,....chainsaws and deep fryers and heads on turtles
I think RSF is either a student or a recent grad. Bro, I know 3 G's feels like a lot of money, but it's not worth burning all these bridges over. You'll regret this in a few years where 3,000 is barely your mortgage payment.

RSF was the one who told us about a guy on the Red Sox boards (which, i mean, there are enough of them capable of using THAT properly?) who did the exact same thing.
RSF was the one who told us about a guy on the Red Sox boards (which, i mean, there are enough of them capable of using THAT properly?) who did the exact same thing.

Hilarious. Didn't this whole thing get going because a mysterious donor put in the first $2000?

Dude put $2000 and watched the real money pour in.

Hahaha. I was thinking what a joke this had become a day or two ago but didn't want to be the first to say it.
Hey this is fine by me since by the time they actually get things together it will be basketball season again when the billboard will actually matter. Though it is sad that right now it is a tie for who is less competent, Buzz or the people trying to make the Buzzout billboard.
For what it's worth: When the billboard goes up, there will not be a warning or announcement leading up to it on this thread. There have been setbacks, obviously (like, say, the resignation of the damn thing's designer), but shit happens and we'll be fine. Pinky promise.

RSF was the one who told us about a guy on the Red Sox boards (which, i mean, there are enough of them capable of using THAT properly?) who did the exact same thing.

Jesus, I'm surprised you remembered that story. Because I never pass up a chance to namedrop that scumfucker, you're talking about Kevin Vahey, who stole thousands in donations to the Jimmy Fund.
I was getting ready to set up a kickstarter for a BzzzOut monorail. :(
I admire the brilliant stroke of genius that this billboard hoax has been. Hatch jacks tuition up into the stratosphere, fills the campus up with Dook's waitlist, and the place gets overrun with Northerners (and thus by definition without exclusion, carpetbaggers to a man). This RSF fellow, almost certainly hailing from Mass., draws on 175 years of tradition to dupe God-fearing Southerners out of their hard-earned shekels, and now we turn against each other while Rome burns. Well played, Hatch, well played.
For what it's worth: When the billboard goes up, there will not be a warning or announcement leading up to it on this thread. There have been setbacks, obviously (like, say, the resignation of the damn thing's designer), but shit happens and we'll be fine. Pinky promise.

A response straight from the Grifter's Handbook. Perfectly executed. Buys more time to continue his getaway, makes what on its face appears to be a genuine promise and plea for renewed confidence, while, reading between the lines, offering scant details and no commitment at all. This guy is good. Really good. In a couple weeks, he'll either post another "the billboard is just about to go up, I swear!" or "complications on the billboard owner's end - we're going to need more money," followed eventually by, "you know what, guys, let's hold off on the billboard until fall/next spring when it will have more impact." Just watch. We're in the presence of a pro.
A response straight from the Grifter's Handbook. Perfectly executed. Buys more time to continue his getaway, makes what on its face appears to be a genuine promise and plea for renewed confidence, while, reading between the lines, offering scant details and no commitment at all. This guy is good. Really good. In a couple weeks, he'll either post another "the billboard is just about to go up, I swear!" or "complications on the billboard owner's end - we're going to need more money," followed eventually by, "you know what, guys, let's hold off on the billboard until fall/next spring when it will have more impact." Just watch. We're in the presence of a pro.

Honestly, when it becomes this obvious that we're all involved in a scam, I can no longer blame the grifter. At some point, people need to be held accountable for just being fucking gullible. The whole, "fool me once.." thing. Play on, RSF, play on. I'm actually cheering for you to grow this Ponzi scheme to Madoff levels.