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The #Buzzout #Wellmanout Billboard: Development Thread

I think you guys are pitching money down a hole at this point. The guy is coming back. As admirable as it is that this is a fan base that puts its collective money where it's mouth is, I think it's getting close to time to ready the white flag. Besides, maybe one more awful year means Wellman goes down with the ship and Wake Forest can get what it needs more than a new coach....new, fresh leadership.
You also have to realize, that all most of these students have ever known is a crappy bball team. They have never really seen a great team. They don't know what they are missing.

All it takes really is one person to organize a petition, that person collects maybe 10-15 friends and they go through the campus and collect signatures. They could get it done in a weekend easily- get over 1,000 people to sign and then put it in the newspaper.

Most "classy" WF students would never put their names on a petition that criticizes or opposes the powers that be. Good God, what if a potential employer or their parents found out about it?!? It might affect their membership in the Junior League or the country club!
Sorry an organizer here so think of things in these terms. It would be easy for the students to start a petition campaign for #BzzOut. Then publish those names in the OG&B. You have to raise money for a full-page ad to put it in the OG&B but that shouldn't be too pricey.

If the students would get the petition done, I'm sure that we could raise the money for the full page ad here on the MB just like we did for the newspaper ads this weekend. I think I recall the half page ad the Stratts ran costing ~$250. That would put the price at ~$500. If this could be done quickly, it might actually still be able to influence the decision process this year.

Of course we should rely on the proven skills of VTwhat. But my suggestion would be a #BuzzOUT banner at the top and the RW "three year disappointment" quote across the bottom, with the student signatures in the middle. The actual petition that the students sign could look exactly like that and with signature lines in the middle. That way the students know exactly what they are signing up for.
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I'm #BillboardOut. We've done an excellent job reaching the media and decision-makers (Wellman/BOT/Hatch), prior to the coaching decision (that's the key) with the ACCT ads. If Wake does not fire [Redacted], I think we need to ride out this shitshow from a cost benefit perspective. Right now we need to be in the ears of BOT members rather than planning a billboard...Clearly this is a shitty situation for all Wake fans but this is just my opinion.

If we continue to post fliers and buy billboards, the players and recruits will internalize this stuff and some will transfer (they are not adults; they are college kids). Look at Thomas' reaction to the ad question in the presser; he's very clearly annoyed with our antics. Why risk losing some of our players, recruits, and even mpotential coaching hires, when our antics are falling on the deaf ears of decision-makers?

If current players leave, it is much more likely that were leaving anyway to get away from Buzz. But regardless, there is NOTHING more important to the future of our basketball program than getting SHED of Jeff [Redacted]!
I'm #BillboardOut. We've done an excellent job reaching the media and decision-makers (Wellman/BOT/Hatch), prior to the coaching decision (that's the key) with the ACCT ads. If Wake does not fire [Redacted], I think we need to ride out this shitshow from a cost benefit perspective. Right now we need to be in the ears of BOT members rather than planning a billboard...Clearly this is a shitty situation for all Wake fans but this is just my opinion.

If we continue to post fliers and buy billboards, the players and recruits will internalize this stuff and some will transfer (they are not adults; they are college kids). Look at Thomas' reaction to the ad question in the presser; he's very clearly annoyed with our antics. Why risk losing some of our players, recruits, and even potential coaching hires, when our antics are falling on the deaf ears of decision-makers?

I agree with this.
Sending this email out to each of those addresses:

Dear Mr. Burchfield,

I am not one to usually write emails to people I have never met, however I feel that the message I must convey is important enough to warrant this occasion.

I am a Wake Forest graduate and currently live in Richmond, VA working for xxxxxxx. I greatly enjoyed my time at Wake Forest and many of my top memories were watching our nationally-ranked basketball team compete against some of the top teams in the country, with an energy around campus that cannot be explained. However, it is no secret we couldn't be further from that place now.

When I talk to current students, the only word I can use to describe their feelings towards Wake Forest basketball is apathy. And that honesty scares me. Studies have shown that the number one connection alumni hold to their alma mater is through sports, with the revenue sports (basketball and football) being the greatest factor. As an entire generation of students spend their 4 years in college, when they graduate, they will leave with little to no connection to Wake Forest sports. Due to Wake's limitations, we will always struggle to compete against the top schools in football but as history has shown, that does not need to be the case for basketball. Unfortunately, we have become the laughing stock of the country after having the worst 3-year period for any team in ACC history.

I reach out to you due to your position on the Board of Trustees, and ask that you do what you can to fix this situation. I cannot attempt to understand why Ron Wellman decided to hire Jeff [Redacted], a man with little history of success at the college level, but we cannot afford another year with him as our coach. There are great men out there that can help turn our basketball players into not only great gentleman that display the Pro Humanitate of Wake Forest, but also great basketball players that represent our once proud basketball program. I understand the great friendship between Ron Wellman and Jeff [Redacted], and Wellman's unfortunate stance he has put himself in through backing one of the least successful coaches in NCAA college basketball history, but it is imperative for the Board of Trustees to step in and do what is needed: remove Jeff [Redacted] from being the Wake Forest basketball coach and hire an external committee to assist in the next hire for Wake Forest basketball.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I truly hope that you will help take Wake Forest back to a program that the students, alumni and fans can all be proud of.

Sending this email out to each of those addresses:

Dear Mr. Burchfield,

I am not one to usually write emails to people I have never met, however I feel that the message I must convey is important enough to warrant this occasion.

I am a Wake Forest graduate and currently live in Richmond, VA working for xxxxxxx. I greatly enjoyed my time at Wake Forest and many of my top memories were watching our nationally-ranked basketball team compete against some of the top teams in the country, with an energy around campus that cannot be explained. However, it is no secret we couldn't be further from that place now.

When I talk to current students, the only word I can use to describe their feelings towards Wake Forest basketball is apathy. And that honesty scares me. Studies have shown that the number one connection alumni hold to their alma mater is through sports, with the revenue sports (basketball and football) being the greatest factor. As an entire generation of students spend their 4 years in college, when they graduate, they will leave with little to no connection to Wake Forest sports. Due to Wake's limitations, we will always struggle to compete against the top schools in football but as history has shown, that does not need to be the case for basketball. Unfortunately, we have become the laughing stock of the country after having the worst 3-year period for any team in ACC history.

I reach out to you due to your position on the Board of Trustees, and ask that you do what you can to fix this situation. I cannot attempt to understand why Ron Wellman decided to hire Jeff [Redacted], a man with little history of success at the college level, but we cannot afford another year with him as our coach. There are great men out there that can help turn our basketball players into not only great gentleman that display the Pro Humanitate of Wake Forest, but also great basketball players that represent our once proud basketball program. I understand the great friendship between Ron Wellman and Jeff [Redacted], and Wellman's unfortunate stance he has put himself in through backing one of the least successful coaches in NCAA college basketball history, but it is imperative for the Board of Trustees to step in and do what is needed: remove Jeff [Redacted] from being the Wake Forest basketball coach and hire an external committee to assist in the next hire for Wake Forest basketball.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I truly hope that you will help take Wake Forest back to a program that the students, alumni and fans can all be proud of.


Good work! 3rd paragraph, 2nd line - "honesty" or "honestly"?
But this situation reminds me so much to that situation. Quite frankly, the PA department should be fired as well. They have learned nothing. They think they can control a situation by cracking down on their student body, alumni, and press operations. Don't they realize that with FB, Twitter, blogs, it is rather impossible to control the story. Telling fans you won't let them ask questions on the bzz show? Seriously, this is good PR? Talking down to your dedicated fan base, not really asking for their input, or at least respecting they have a right to say what they would like. It is all so reminiscent of my time at WF.

This is just blatantly clear. Wake's media relations and sports marketing is abhorrent.
The lawsuit issue in the ad thread got me thinking. Is there any risk of being sued for defamation with this billboard idea?
The lawsuit issue in the ad thread got me thinking. Is there any risk of being sued for defamation with this billboard idea?
Not unless whoever designs it chooses to make up things or lies about the target. Telling the truth or stating an opinion is an affirmative defense especially considering that the intended subjects are public figures.
I'm not really diggin the billboard. I'd love for us to buy an ad banner on Dan Collins' Blog page, though. Or a recurring print ad in the Journal sports section.
The lawsuit issue in the ad thread got me thinking. Is there any risk of being sued for defamation with this billboard idea?

WGAF? We beg forgiveness rather than ask permission. So a couple folks get arrested or have a monetary judgment entered against them. We're already 5 steps ahead of Weasel Wellman and his band of blind mice. Good luck getting a penny from us when we've INCORPORATED. That's right. We're going legit. Try to pierce that corporate veil, Weasel Wellman. The only one getting pierced is YOU. Pierced by the TRUTH.
I reach out to you due to your position on the Board of Trustees, and ask that you do what you can to fix this situation

Use correct instead of fix...that is if it has not been sent.
I just put the $100 I had promised up. We are now up to over $3,000. Keep it going!