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This IS the problem.

Bkf, you could always write a big fat check out of your wallet if you feel so strongly about it!
Effectively providing public goods does help create wealth. You are just astoundingly stupid; it's kind of embarrassing that you're associated with Wake.

According to the negrep, Somalia is your example of Gov't creating wealth... Go ahead and explain that for everyone... or were you ironically tying that in with the Third World country discussion?
Wow, I'd bet a pile of bricks has a higher IQ than DeaconMike. Also, what other poster starts inflammatory threads then disappears off the face of the earth? Just a horrible all around poster.
Don't keep hitting the rich? What the fuck are you talking about? Top-end tax rates are the lowest they've ever been.....by far. That's where all the money went in Bush's tax cuts. The rich have been making out like bandits during the last 12 years while everyone else has been suffering.

Middle class tax rates are also the lowest they have ever been.
More evidence that tax cuts aren't the answer.
The tax cuts are reactive. Every other country around the world has cut their tax rates also.
Because I think it is in our nations best interest to cut the size of our current government. We so rarely get an opportunity to make real cuts so Ill take it when I can get it. Especially across the board cuts that will actually make a real difference, not fairy land future cut promises.

If we are goin to raise taxes they all need to go up (middle class - which is me) included. I believe our progressive formula right now is solid. I am not a flat tax by any means but there is no reason to jack up the top and never touch the middle. Take the current formula and raise everyone's taxes 2% if you want to raise revenue. Don't keep hitting the rich to try and solve the spending problem.

Cut down the size of our government (especially military) and raise taxes slightly on everyone. We don't need massive austerity but we also don't need to keep floating down the road pretending we aren't steadily advancing towards an unmanageable debt.

With the expiration of the bush tax cuts and the sequester we are making progress. Now cut some more military in favor on infrastructure spending and I will be really happy.

Why all the hand wringing about cutting the size of government, and why right now? I mean, cut some parts of the government back, yeah, but some could even be expanded. Cut defense and some unnecessary discretionary stuff and expand to a single-payer health system, broader research and education investment, and broader infrastructure investment. Why not put the problems of the country first and then decide on cuts/expansion instead of putting the ideology first - government is too big - and then blindly screaming "cut" at every juncture???? It's ideology over pragmatism.

You could not be more wrong about the progressiveness of the tax system. It needs to be more progressive. Raise taxes on everyone? This opinion still baffles the shit out of me. With the number of people living at or below the poverty line how are you gonna raise taxes on them? This is mind-boggling.

What you call progress is a disaster. This government is practically dysfunctional and hasn't fixed anything and you are calling it progress?
Why all the hand wringing about cutting the size of government, and why right now? I mean, cut some parts of the government back, yeah, but some could even be expanded. Cut defense and some unnecessary discretionary stuff and expand to a single-payer health system, broader research and education investment, and broader infrastructure investment. Why not put the problems of the country first and then decide on cuts/expansion instead of putting the ideology first - government is too big - and then blindly screaming "cut" at every juncture???? It's ideology over pragmatism.

You could not be more wrong about the progressiveness of the tax system. It needs to be more progressive. Raise taxes on everyone? This opinion still baffles the shit out of me. With the number of people living at or below the poverty line how are you gonna raise taxes on them? This is mind-boggling.

What you call progress is a disaster. This government is practically dysfunctional and hasn't fixed anything and you are calling it progress?

I am down with single payer and cutting more defense.
You're the one who thinks government doesn't create wealth, while posting on a message board enabled by a long-ago DoD project.

Yea, and it was private industry (Xerox, Intel, Microsoft, etc etc) that took the idea and improved it so that it scaled into what we have today. Not Gov't.

Come on, I could keep going. What's your next point?
Yea, and it was private industry (Xerox, Intel, Microsoft, etc etc) that took the idea and improved it so that it scaled into what we have today. Not Gov't.

Come on, I could keep going. What's your next point?

It's the same point, that private markets don't adequately provide public goods (this isn't a controversial point, either). Providing public goods creates wealth. So, by providing public goods, government creates wealth for society. Markets won't produce enough basic research when the returns to the producer from that research is low.

You really should stop reading Austrians and zero hedge.
I quit the Republican party in large part because they seem to grow dumber every year. The mantra has become so facile. Government bad. Taxes bad. Less government, less taxes always good. Such bullshit passes for a philosophy of government. No need to really think about anything, just assume less government is always better and you're golden. I think it's a Limbaugh effect, maybe (?).

Here's an example of an area where, I think, we need better AND more government: The FDA Is Out to Lunch

[was thinking to maybe do a separate thread, but this one seems an OK place to throw in on...]
It's the same point, that private markets don't adequately provide public goods (this isn't a controversial point, either). Providing public goods creates wealth. So, by providing public goods, government creates wealth for society. Markets won't produce enough basic research when the returns to the producer from that research is low.

You really should stop reading Austrians and zero hedge.

I'm not even gonna bother disputing your points this time around. You're just the typical close-minded American that thinks you're right on everything. No worries buddy, there were a lot at Wake.