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Trump fires Comey

Based on that letter, you'd think Comey had never fired anyone before.
Not really Boom from the CNN article.

"The FBI interviewed Flynn about the December calls with Kislyak and determined that he wasn't intentionally trying to be deceptive about the nature of what was discussed, according to US officials briefed on the investigation. But investigators have been investigating Flynn's business ties after he left the government and before he joined the Trump administration."

Yeah, grand jury subpoenas look great for Flynn and Trump.

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Rank-and-file agents were immediately suspicious of the timing of Tuesday’s decision, questioning whether the ongoing investigations into Trump associates’ contacts with Russian government officials was the precipitating factor, even as the White House and Attorney General Jeff Sessions cited Comey’s misstatements this week in congressional testimony about Hillary Clinton’s emails.

“Everyone is asking, ‘Why now? What is the reason for doing it now?’” the former official said. “If this had happened immediately after the election, that would be one thing. Everyone was thinking it may happen then. But now? People keep asking if it’s because of Russia.”


He admits he's trying to rationalize this. Hopefully more Republicans will just admit to themselves what is going on and work for America instead of party.
I'm very surprised about the Richard Burr statement. I wonder if this means that he (via his role on the senate intelligence committee) was already suspicious of Trump and he's trying to distance himself from him now. No better way to escape the Trump fallout stench than by leading the coup.

Why would anyone be surprised that any republican would like the guy who Hillary blames for losing the election?
Bait and switch. Got everybody focused on Russia again for a while.

Pence and Sessions are old DC hands. Say what you want about Trump, but he has people around him who are most certainly aware of what it looks like and also most certainly aware that firing the FBI Director is (1) not going to stop an active investigation, and (2) increase calls on the GOP side for an IC. Trump is above all else a giant troll and this is his best troll job yet.
Good move. Comey may have been good at his job at some point but he fucked up hard the last twelve months. I would have wanted Hilary to do the same if Comey continued to be a black eye on the intelligence community.

You can't be serious. He fired the guy looking into him and his family. The Deputy AG used to be Trump's personal attorney. A dictator in a banana republic wouldn't do this. I can't believe you are justifying it.
You can't be serious. He fired the guy looking into him and his family. The Deputy AG used to be Trump's personal attorney. A dictator in a banana republic wouldn't do this. I can't believe you are justifying it.

Remove your wrinkled old cock from maddow's ass
Bait and switch. Got everybody focused on Russia again for a while.

Pence and Sessions are old DC hands. Say what you want about Trump, but he has people around him who are most certainly aware of what it looks like and also most certainly aware that firing the FBI Director is (1) not going to stop an active investigation, and (2) increase calls on the GOP side for an IC. Trump is above all else a giant troll and this is his best troll job yet.

The person in charge of the investigation made MILLIONS as Trump's personal attorney. Do you actually he's going do anything?
CNN is reporting that the White House did not expect any blowback on firing Comey. That's incredible.