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Trump fires Comey

is arguing on bad faith a conservative badge of honor now? because you really aren't stupid enough to believe comey was fired because he was unfair to hillary 9 months ago are you? and then aren't you the least bit curious what the real reason was?

So, I have some conservative-ish views sometimes (I swear!), but these days "conservatives" don't have any coherent set of views. All they care about is liberal hypocrisy. So even when Democrats are calling for the rule of law--a conservative cause of years past--they'd rather depict it as hypocrisy.
Jim Comey's professional obituary (as written by Democrats):

Mr. Comey was the most manipulated, honest, thorough, overzealous, spotlight-drunk, self-important, unimpeachably honest, self-nauseating, indispensable, enemy of Democracy we cannot possibly live without.

It is possible to disapprove of Comey's job performance and still find the timing of his dismissal highly suspicious.
didn't say anything about the EC or popular vote, just that your premise is wrong
It is possible to disapprove of Comey's job performance and still find the timing of his dismissal highly suspicious.

Furthermore, the Democrats are calling for anything outrageous in the aftermath of Comey's dismissal. They are calling for an independent prosecutor, that's it. There is nothing outrageous about calling for an independent prosecutor.
look at all these dumb dems:

Richard Burr (R-N.C.), chairman of the Intelligence Committee: “I am troubled by the timing and reasoning of Director Comey’s termination. I have found Director Comey to be a public servant of the highest order, and his dismissal further confuses an already difficult investigation by the Committee.”

James Lankford (R-Okla.), a member of the Intelligence and Homeland Security committees: “The issues that our law enforcement, intelligence community and congressional committees deal with each day are very sensitive and have life or death implications. Director Comey has been the public face representing thousands of committed law enforcement officers and civil servants within the intelligence community. In the days ahead, the American people need clarity and deserve an explanation for his immediate firing.”

Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), chairman of the Judiciary Oversight Subcommittee: “Regardless of how you think Director Comey handled the unprecedented complexities of the 2016 election cycle, the timing of this firing is very troubling. Jim Comey is an honorable public servant, and in the midst of a crisis of public trust that goes well beyond who you voted for in the presidential election, the loss of an honorable public servant is a loss for the nation. … I have reached out to the Deputy Attorney General for clarity on his rationale for recommending this action."

Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said Comey’s firing will “raise questions”: “While the case for removal … was thorough, his removal at this particular time will raise questions. It is essential that ongoing investigations are fulsome and free of political interference until their completion, and it is imperative that President Trump nominate a well-respected and qualified individual to lead the bureau at this critical time.”

John McCain (R-Ariz), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said he was “disappointed” in Trump’s decision and repeated his call for a special congressional committee to probe the matter.

I've spent the last several hours trying to find an acceptable rationale for the timing of Comey's firing. I just can't do it.

Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.), another vulnerable incumbent in the D.C. suburbs, called for an independent investigation: “Both Democrats and Republicans attacked the FBI Director at various times for various reasons and called for his ouster. However, I can’t defend or explain tonight’s actions or timing … The FBI investigation into the Russian impact on the 2016 election must continue. There must be an independent investigation that the American people can trust.”

Columnist Charles Krauthammer: “To fire him summarily with no warning in the middle of May because of something that happened in July is almost inexplicable.”

Former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum in The Atlantic: “This Is Not a Drill. The firing of Comey poses a question: Will the law answer to the president, or the president to the law?”

Joe Scarborough
Republicans trying to whitewash this gross abuse of power, stop. The President is trying to kill the investigation into his ties w/ Russia.

General Michael Hayden, GWB CIA director. "It's beginning to feel a little bit like Nicaragua around here."
Firing Comey was dumb, because it gives idiot Dems who wish to choose to believe they lost because of Russia (rather than an awful candidate with noncredible ideas) more ammo for their delusion, thus postponing the overdue cathartic healing further. He should just govern and quit doing this dance. Alas. Trump does dumb stuff a lot.

What I don't get is why people thought these two were awful candidates in the first place. Apparently it wasn't because no matter which one won, they were going to be mired in investigations, conflicts of interest, and an uncooperative opposing party. That must not have been it, because otherwise people would not be so shocked at how much of a mess this is, and the right would not be in complete denial.

So if it wasn't that, what was it? Because I sure heard A LOT of people saying "Both candidates suck" but now that Trump is president, suddenly the right has backed off that stance despite everything that made both candidates suck is coming to fruition. More so than people even originally thought.
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What I don't get is why people thought these two were awful candidates. Apparently it wasn't because no matter which one won, they were going to be mired in investigations, conflicts of interest, and an uncooperative opposing party. That must not have been it, because otherwise people would not be so shocked at how much of a mess this is, and the right would not be in complete denial.

So if it wasn't that, what was it?

You think the Right is the one in denial? Not the party blaming the Russian boogeyman for their political malpractice?
He said a federal judge couldn't be fair because of his ancestry.

Trump fired Sally Yates.

He threatened to break up a federal court when they called his Muslim ban unconstitutional.

He fired the FBI Director the very day subpoenas were issued to investigate Trump's campaign team and NDA.

But many on the right defend this dictator wannabe.

RJ I thought everyone would applaud this. Comey is the guy who cost Hllary the election...boom Trump Fires him. Putin is the other reason Hillary lost...boom he fires some missiles at his boy while Putin is standing next to him. This all goes to the accusation / conspiracy / hot take 340 when the prognosticators were saying Trump doesn't want to win. I bet hes pissed and paying everyone back for making him President
Obama wanted to be King Trump wants to be a dictator.

sigh - you almost have to pull away from it or you just get numb to it.
You think the Right is the one in denial? Not the party blaming the Russian boogeyman for their political malpractice?

Considering it has been 5 months and we have already lost a national security adviser and the director of the FBI over this "boogeyman", I'd say it's time to start taking the matter seriously.
The only news agency allowed to take pictures of Trump and Russian Foreign Minister was TASS.

Well, who would you expect that Comrade Trump would want there?
speaks volumes that all the conservatives here are still carrying Trump's water

Not all. Several haven't been around since the election.

you are one of the best at deliberately missing the point, keep up the good work, er ... pretense

sailor, you're so far offbase that I consider that a complement.
Reuters news agency quotes a White House official as giving four possible names for the interim FBI director:

Current acting director, Andrew McCabe

Assistant director, Paul Abbate

Chicago special agent in charge, Michael J Anderson

Richmond, VA, special agent in charge, Adam Lee

All four are senior FBI officials and the interview process is being run by the justice department, the news agency said.

From BBC live feed on responses to the sacking
Assistant director, Paul Abbate

Considering it has been 5 months and we have already lost a national security adviser and the director of the FBI over this "boogeyman", I'd say it's time to start taking the matter seriously.

When do we consider why Dems have lost control of every branch of government?