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Ty Makes The Front of Yahoo Sports' College B-Ball Page

DCdeac, you are not alone in hating one of your own players in Ty Walker. But could Reggie Johnson have been better defended with a double team? Maybe the coach did a piss poor job recognizing the need for a double team. Maybe, just maybe, Ty Walker isn't as evil as you think he is. . .

Let's do a fun exercise and look at the articles of the few games Wake did win last year. Seeing as how you are all so interested in looking back at last year and trashing one of YOUR players. . . lets let me point to reality for you athletic savants:

Opposing head coach vs Hampton on Ty Walker "He controlled the first half"

vs Elon, 12 pts and 8 rebounds in 27 minutes

vs Mairst, Ty sets school record in blocks because our small quick guards play matador defense. If they played d on the perimeter they wouldn't have needed him and his blocks. 28 minutes

vs Iowa, 8 pts, 8 rebounds, 5 blks in 27 mins

the point is that at a minimum, Ty Walker is a serviceable big man who is hated by people who want him to work hard and do "something" differently. He picked the wrong school. He'll be a warning for any new 5 star recruit to Wake and DC deac and many other posters' hatred for a student athlete will be used against Wake. Imagine how much different Ty's experience would have been had he been given an OUNCE OF ENCOURAGEMENT instead of hammered relentlessly from DAY ONE by you people.

You will see CJ, Philly, and JT give up rebounds and layups all year long playing 35 mins each. enjoy "quality" basketball and let me know when you stop trashing your own players.
DCdeac, you are not alone in hating one of your own players in Ty Walker. But could Reggie Johnson have been better defended with a double team? Maybe the coach did a piss poor job recognizing the need for a double team. Maybe, just maybe, Ty Walker isn't as evil as you think he is. . .

Let's do a fun exercise and look at the articles of the few games Wake did win last year. Seeing as how you are all so interested in looking back at last year and trashing one of YOUR players. . . lets let me point to reality for you athletic savants:

Opposing head coach vs Hampton on Ty Walker "He controlled the first half"

vs Elon, 12 pts and 8 rebounds in 27 minutes

vs Mairst, Ty sets school record in blocks because our small quick guards play matador defense. If they played d on the perimeter they wouldn't have needed him and his blocks. 28 minutes

vs Iowa, 8 pts, 8 rebounds, 5 blks in 27 mins

the point is that at a minimum, Ty Walker is a serviceable big man who is hated by people who want him to work hard and do "something" differently. He picked the wrong school. He'll be a warning for any new 5 star recruit to Wake and DC deac and many other posters' hatred for a student athlete will be used against Wake. Imagine how much different Ty's experience would have been had he been given an OUNCE OF ENCOURAGEMENT instead of hammered relentlessly from DAY ONE by you people.

You will see CJ, Philly, and JT give up rebounds and layups all year long playing 35 mins each. enjoy "quality" basketball and let me know when you stop trashing your own players.

Your argument is based on the fact that Walker played slightly above average against Hampton, Elon, Marist and Iowa.


Not exactly a murderer's row of D-I competition.

You're also assuming that fans didn't want Walker to succeed and berated him into the position he's in now. I think most Wake fans absolutely wanted Walker to succeed, but he played poorly when he was on the court and he sulked like a toddler when he was off it.

The best point you make is that Walker is "hated by people who want him to work hard and do 'something' differently." Since when is it a crime for fans to want the players to work hard? If he had showed even a modicum of effort or the slightest interest in improving the weaker areas of his game, I don't think people would be slagging him so hard. Instead, all he wants to do is block shots and dunk, usually to the detriment of the rest of the team. It's like he learned everything he knows about basketball from playing NBA Jam.

But yeah, it's definitely the fans' fault he's had a shitty career. :rolleyes:
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DCdeac, you are not alone in hating one of your own players in Ty Walker. But could Reggie Johnson have been better defended with a double team? Maybe the coach did a piss poor job recognizing the need for a double team. Maybe, just maybe, Ty Walker isn't as evil as you think he is. . .

Let's do a fun exercise and look at the articles of the few games Wake did win last year. Seeing as how you are all so interested in looking back at last year and trashing one of YOUR players. . . lets let me point to reality for you athletic savants:

Opposing head coach vs Hampton on Ty Walker "He controlled the first half"

vs Elon, 12 pts and 8 rebounds in 27 minutes

vs Mairst, Ty sets school record in blocks because our small quick guards play matador defense. If they played d on the perimeter they wouldn't have needed him and his blocks. 28 minutes

vs Iowa, 8 pts, 8 rebounds, 5 blks in 27 mins

the point is that at a minimum, Ty Walker is a serviceable big man who is hated by people who want him to work hard and do "something" differently. He picked the wrong school. He'll be a warning for any new 5 star recruit to Wake and DC deac and many other posters' hatred for a student athlete will be used against Wake. Imagine how much different Ty's experience would have been had he been given an OUNCE OF ENCOURAGEMENT instead of hammered relentlessly from DAY ONE by you people.

You will see CJ, Philly, and JT give up rebounds and layups all year long playing 35 mins each. enjoy "quality" basketball and let me know when you stop trashing your own players.

Ty, your not good. I didn't realize current players ever posted.
Ty would have been a decent player playing next to a Reggie Johnson or even Lekan.
Ty would have been a decent player playing next to a Reggie Johnson or even Lekan.

The only way I think Ty could have been a good player is if he had slightly more ball skills and was allowed to move outside the paint more on a regular basis. He apparently always had a semi-serviceable jumpshot. If he could run the floor and shoot at all, he could be an incredibly lanky 3-4 type guy.

Gonzaga had a dude like this 4 years ago or so... why can't I remember his name? Can anyone help?
The only way I think Ty could have been a good player is if he had slightly more ball skills and was allowed to move outside the paint more on a regular basis. He apparently always had a semi-serviceable jumpshot. If he could run the floor and shoot at all, he could be an incredibly lanky 3-4 type guy.

Gonzaga had a dude like this 4 years ago or so... why can't I remember his name? Can anyone help?

Austin Daye. That was it. I never saw Ty Walker as a center at all; I always thought he could be a poor man's Austin Daye. Or a real Austin Daye, with some work.
DCdeac, you are not alone in hating one of your own players in Ty Walker. But could Reggie Johnson have been better defended with a double team? Maybe the coach did a piss poor job recognizing the need for a double team. Maybe, just maybe, Ty Walker isn't as evil as you think he is. . .

Let's do a fun exercise and look at the articles of the few games Wake did win last year. Seeing as how you are all so interested in looking back at last year and trashing one of YOUR players. . . lets let me point to reality for you athletic savants:

Opposing head coach vs Hampton on Ty Walker "He controlled the first half"

vs Elon, 12 pts and 8 rebounds in 27 minutes

vs Mairst, Ty sets school record in blocks because our small quick guards play matador defense. If they played d on the perimeter they wouldn't have needed him and his blocks. 28 minutes

vs Iowa, 8 pts, 8 rebounds, 5 blks in 27 mins

the point is that at a minimum, Ty Walker is a serviceable big man who is hated by people who want him to work hard and do "something" differently. He picked the wrong school. He'll be a warning for any new 5 star recruit to Wake and DC deac and many other posters' hatred for a student athlete will be used against Wake. Imagine how much different Ty's experience would have been had he been given an OUNCE OF ENCOURAGEMENT instead of hammered relentlessly from DAY ONE by you people.

You will see CJ, Philly, and JT give up rebounds and layups all year long playing 35 mins each. enjoy "quality" basketball and let me know when you stop trashing your own players.

Actually I almost added in my last post that I thought leaving Carson on an island against Reggie was a suspect coaching strategy, and by association leaving Ty on him was perhaps also suspect. Then again, if Ty is your shot-blocking defensive guy, you have to pick your poison.

As for the guilt trip on the player hate, I'm probably one of THE last people to ever turn on a player, and it would NEVER be simply because of a poor performance. I was a gym rat at Wake, played pickup with the team, even played pickup with two of our recruits down at GA Tech one summer against a couple of their guys. There's only a few things you can do as a student athlete of my beloved alma mater to turn me.

1) Embarrass the team and university by doing dumb-ass shit off the court. Like stealing stuff, getting arrested, fighting someone, hitting a girl, cheating, etc. Ty Walker? Check.

2) Show open disdain for your team, coach, and fans, making it clear that you come first. Ty Walker? Check.

As to your "warning" for 5 star talent, don't save it for just 5 star guys. If they're going to partake in the 2 activities above, might as well let everyone from 5 stars down to 0 stars that fans aren't going to appreciate them here. It's also self-delusion to suggest Ty Walker didn't get an "ounce of encouragement" from "day one." Every single Wake fan was thrilled to a get a 7 footer with huge upside, and even when it was obvious that it would take a year of redshirting (or sitting on the bench after refusing to redshirt for some reason) for Ty to make an impact, everyone was STILL excited.

But then the reports came from the coaches. From the coaches. From the fans. Quotes in the paper, scowling on the sidelines. Invisible minutes on the floor with little effort. The disdain from fans for Ty Walker has been earned - day after day, game after game.

Quote all the stats you want from Elon, Marist, or South Central Carolina Methodist North Upstate Community College - but Wake fans are DYING for players we can root for, because a lot of us support the team even when they're putting up an awful season. It's pretty much impossible for a player who is performing poorly to have a better shot at being liked by fans anywhere moreso than Wake Forest.

That's what makes the situation all the more sad.