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Ty Walker's Wake Forest Basketball Career is Over: Drugs are bad MMK

Uh, that's kind of the point. Melvin Tabb was caught doing things that legally allowed him to be stripped of his scholarship. Ty Walker was not, regardless of what rumors are floating around about his involvement.

Scholarships are a year by year commitment by the school, not a 4 year contract. I don't see why [Redacted] couldn't have terminated Ty's scholarship.

Was Ty even taken to honor court? Never heard anything about it...
A girl who lived on Ty's floor freshman year said he would dress up in a suit, go into people's rooms when they were sleeping, wake them up, and then just be standing there in a creepy fashion. How weird is that?


One of those posts you just have to read a few times to make sure you got it. Then you're still all "what the fuck?!?" Normally I would just move on, especially since it's a thread highjack, but I have to ask: when confronted with the creepy nature of her psycho behavior, what was her response?
Let's also just completely ignore the fact that he's been a team cancer as long as he's been here.

For all of [Redacted]'s huff and puff, the only player removed from the program while he has been here was Melvin Tabb.
Tony Woods
Melvin Tabb
Ari Stewart
JT Terrell
Ty Walker

Am I missing anyone? This is not good.
Uh, that's kind of the point. Melvin Tabb was caught doing things that legally allowed him to be stripped of his scholarship. Ty Walker was not, regardless of what rumors are floating around about his involvement.

I'll trust BabyDeac's judgement on this one.
Some kids aren't ready for college, and clearly Ty was one of those kids. I can't help to think (once again, dammit) how much the death of Skip played into his mind over the last few years.
Tony Woods (left on his own)
Melvin Tabb (removed)
Ari Stewart (left on his own)
JT Terrell (left on his own)
Ty Walker (oh god, removed with two games left in his career! how terrible)

Am I missing anyone? This is not good.

The sky is not falling.

I think the reason Ty was given a bit more leniency with the Tabb incident was because he was close to graduating and they thought maybe he could actually turn that corner and earn his degree too. At least it still appears he'll get that, unless he completely messes up again.
One of those posts you just have to read a few times to make sure you got it. Then you're still all "what the fuck?!?" Normally I would just move on, especially since it's a thread highjack, but I have to ask: when confronted with the creepy nature of her psycho behavior, what was her response?

I'm confused. You mean his psycho behavior? I think most kids just laughed it off when he did it. Not really sure what I would have done.
I'm confused. You mean his psycho behavior? I think most kids just laughed it off when he did it. Not really sure what I would have done.

Shit that was Freudian. After talking about re-reading the post, I still kept reading that it was a chick doing it. Fuck it.

Bzz sums up why he's not a good coach in a single line:
“Except for an act of God, we are 100 percent responsible for what happens to us in life,’’ [Redacted] said.

Not only is the man a hypocrite who refuses to apply his own theory to his own life, but it shows a huge misunderstanding of how the world actually works, particularly for someone who's job is to turn individual kids into young men who play as a team.

Scholarships are awarded on a year-to-year basis. They can be "legally" taken away at virtually any point.

Scholarships are year-to-year, but they cannot legally be taken away at virtually any point. Not even close. I'm sure some of the finer points have changed since I was last dealing with scholarship details, but non-renewals have a set notification date a couple months after the NCAA tourney ends where you must notify the player, with cause. Then there is a process for challenging the decision, arbitrating it, etc. During the academic year, athletes are protected by national collegiate laws that state you can't lose your scholly unless you fraudulently represent your school (documented), fail out or don't maintain an agreed upon academic minimum, or if you quit playing for your team, or behave in gross misconduct. In addition, you sign a contract that is individual to the school that sets legal requirements for dismissals. Generally you have to be arrested or have proven misconduct that violates your signed agreement to get thrown into a probation period, and getting kicked out means multiple problems after that as well.

And the bottom line is that nobody wants to do hedge. It leads to lawsuits, recruiting problems, reputation for not following through on a previous coach's word or oversigning players, etc. The key is to not get these players into the program at all, and if you need someone to transfer, to get them to do it willingly because they're simply not going to get playing time on the team.

(if you couldn't tell, an immediate family member legally represents colleges for athletic matters)

Scholarships are awarded on a year-to-year basis. They can be "legally" taken away at virtually any point.

Not entirely true, but true with Ty's situation. Some schools are choosing to give 4-year scholarships now a days due to the rampant forcing players out in football. Several schools in the SEC are starting to due that in an effort to combat Saban and his recruiting styles.
Not entirely true, but true with Ty's situation. Some schools are choosing to give 4-year scholarships now a days due to the rampant forcing players out in football. Several schools in the SEC are starting to due that in an effort to combat Saban and his recruiting styles.

Actually, i just looked it up. Looks like the NCAA was trying to start the allowing of 4-year scholarships but it looks like to many schools objected so it's not going to happen. My b. So I think some schools are choosing to do it but it's not something that will be mandated.
Maybe I'm just too tired to think, but what did Dan mean by this
"My question for anyone who maintains that Walker, having been given repeated chances, should not be held accountable for doing something he knows is wrong, then how does [Redacted] face those who remain steadfast in doing what is right?"

Is it just me, or is that sentence convoluted as hell?
Tony Woods
Melvin Tabb
Ari Stewart
JT Terrell
Ty Walker

Am I missing anyone? This is not good.

Lumping these individuals together is a simplistic approach which works well for those who dont want the facts to get in the way of a good story. The reality is that every one of those situations is unique with different underlying dynamics. No two are alike.