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Ty Walker's Wake Forest Basketball Career is Over: Drugs are bad MMK

We are such a joke to media members and a majority of casual basketball fans. It's a bizarre blend of punchline and pity that only Wake Forest has been able to blend to perfection.
What would have been worse? For all this player drama and bullshit to have stayed private, and all the players remain with the program; or for us to have public scandal every couple of months and lose all these players?

Eh, a mix of the two. There should have been consequences for pretty much every player involved in scandal here. In fact, I'm not really sure what you're implying by "stayed private"... You don't seriously mean to say that we should have covered up the infractions from Tabb, or Walker, or Woods, or JTT, right?
Only when Bzz has a team of JUNIORS that he recruited AFTER HIS FIRST YEAR can we pass accurate judgment on his performance as a coach. By my math, that would be year four. Next year, he gets another pass.

Yeah...cause he's just never been a coach before he came here.

I still say the program inevitably began to go south the day that Skip & Dino....and I think it was a joint effort....made the decision to start recruiting players who placed no value in a WF education. Skip started it and Dino took it to the next level. [Redacted] inherited a steaming pile of crap.

When was that? Nobody knew Teague was an NBA talent when they recruited him, and there's no indication they knew any of that ahead of time for JJ either. If you wanted to say that both Skip and Dino recruited guys who needed a lot of guidance and Dino provided a lot less of it, I'd say that was fair. If there were red flags about character then why weren't the boards - where everything gets over-analyzed - aware of it? And don't forget, according to RW every player was fully vetted by the athletic department independently of the coaching staff. And even if that is the issue, why did RW keep the entire coaching staff in place? Your original premise is ridiculous.

And I don't think Bz has provided much guidance in that area either. He doesn't recruit guys like that so he won't make the effort and would rather replace them with "his guys." He wants guys he doesn't need to make the effort to manage. That would explain why none of these guys had any issues prior to his arrival.

ETA: Don't forget a huge component of the UCLA article - those players weren't getting any leadership from Howland. It's not too much of a leap to say the same thing happened (and is happening) here.
Eh, a mix of the two. There should have been consequences for pretty much every player involved in scandal here. In fact, I'm not really sure what you're implying by "stayed private"... You don't seriously mean to say that we should have covered up the infractions from Tabb, or Walker, or Woods, or JTT, right?

I should rephrase this: Obviously, all of the bullshit that has come out has severely damaged the reputation of the program, but I'd hate to be a fan of a program that covered any single one of those scandals up. Without meaning to sound all high and mighty as a WF fan: I like to think that we can both expect certain standards from our players and programs, and also be forthcoming when shit happens, in order to uphold those standards.
Eh, a mix of the two. There should have been consequences for pretty much every player involved in scandal here. In fact, I'm not really sure what you're implying by "stayed private"... You don't seriously mean to say that we should have covered up the infractions from Tabb, or Walker, or Woods, or JTT, right?

Stuff has definitely been kept more private in the past, for better or worse. The Kansas basketball team and football team got in a fight a couple years ago and it made national news. Here at Wake, a group of football players and basketball players beat the shit out of some DKEs and it doesn't even make the local paper.
Absolutely agree. The first two seasons he has been cleaning up. From the final horn in the final game this year this becomes entirely Bzz's team and Bzz's program and he should be judged accordingly.

Not even the most ardent Buzzin fan would disagree with this statement. And shouldn't.
I should rephrase this: Obviously, all of the bullshit that has come out has severely damaged the reputation of the program, but I'd hate to be a fan of a program that covered any single one of those scandals up. Without meaning to sound all high and mighty as a WF fan: I like to think that we can both expect certain standards from our players and programs, and also be forthcoming when shit happens, in order to uphold those standards.

Has the Tabb and Ty stuff gone public?
The culture/no culture debate suffers from such extremes. Why does it have to be so black and white? In retrospect, Ty probably should have been dismissed from the team earlier, but our failure to dismiss him hardly counts as proof positive that our efforts to attract and cultivate a better kind of student-athlete are disingenuous.

I think our efforts toward a better "culture" are entirely genuine, as evidenced by our entire incoming class. Seriously, watch interviews of all those guys. They're fantastic, and they seem to "get" what Wake Forest is about. Of course you'll never know how a player fits in to campus until he gets here, but I think we have at least done our due diligence recently in trying to find players who will contribute positively in more ways than just their wingspan, vertical leap, or jump shot.

It's easy - and correct, I think - to say that some things should have been done differently over the past 1.5 years. But to disagree with a decision (Ty's lack of dismissal) and then roundly dismiss all of our other efforts to create a better environment is just intellectually dishonest. Culture doesn't happen overnight, and it won't be without fits and starts. All that can be said, I think, is that there's a visible and tangible effort to get there.
Most of the people I knew while attending MSD did stupid, immature things. The difference is that they were not high profile students who had their troubles made public. Many of these folks are now fine representatives of WF.

Ha. I'm sure it's just because they all are so high profile they can't get away with anything... Hilarious.
Stuff has definitely been kept more private in the past, for better or worse. The Kansas basketball team and football team got in a fight a couple years ago and it made national news. Here at Wake, a group of football players and basketball players beat the shit out of some DKEs and it doesn't even make the local paper.

I guess, but the things you're talking about aren't random fights. They were criminal charges that would have gotten out one way or another (in the cases of Woods, Tabb, and JTT). To keep those things quiet would have either done nothing (except make Wake look worse when they inevitably surfaced), or involved something far more sinister in the way of a cover-up.
I'd still love to know about why Ari Stewart left.
He just really likes midnight snacks.


Or is this a euphemism for something I'm too dense to get?