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Unbridled capitalism is the 'dung of the devil', says Pope Francis


Mod Emeritus
Mar 9, 2011
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His Holiness says other things about people obsessed with unlimited money and/or the idea of endless money.

Some of His Holiness's best quotes earlier today:

1. "This system is by now intolerable: farmworkers find it intolerable, laborers find it intolerable, communities find it intolerable, people find it intolerable ... The earth itself ... also finds it intolerable."

2. "And behind all this pain, death and destruction there is the stench of what Basil of Caesarea, one of the church's first theologians, called 'the dung of the devil.' An unfettered pursuit of money rules. That is the dung of the devil."

3. "Working for a just distribution of the fruits of the earth and human labor is not mere philanthropy. It is a moral obligation. For Christians, the responsibility is even greater: it is a commandment."

4. "It is not enough to let a few drops fall whenever the poor shake a cup which never runs over by itself."

5. "I humbly ask forgiveness, not only for the offenses of the Church herself, but also for crimes committed against the native peoples during the so-called conquest of America."

6. "The new colonialism takes on different faces. At times it appears as the anonymous influence of mammon: corporations, loan agencies, certain 'free trade' treaties, and the imposition of measures of 'austerity' which always tighten the belt of workers and the poor."

7. "Our common home is being pillaged, laid waste and harmed with impunity. Cowardice in defending it is a grave sin. We see with growing disappointment how one international summit after another takes place without any significant result."
And one of my favorites...

“Let us not be afraid to say it: we want change, real change, structural change,” the pope said, decrying a system that “has imposed the mentality of profit at any price, with no concern for social exclusion or the destruction of nature.
“This system is by now intolerable: farm workers find it intolerable, labourers find it intolerable, communities find it intolerable, peoples find it intolerable. The earth itself – our sister, Mother Earth, as Saint Francis would say – also finds it intolerable,” he said in an hour-long speech that was interrupted by applause and cheering dozens of times.
A game of "Who Said It? Pope Francis or Bernie Sanders" would be pretty difficult.
Isn't he doing Coke or something...
It would be interesting to compare a ledger sheet of the goods and evils of capitalism with the goods and evils of the Catholic Church.

I am betting on capitalism.
looking forward to the pontiff's official Vatican/Catholic apology for centuries of cultural warfare, looting and theft and colonization. And the return of all looted artwork and cultural artifacts.

Built for free by God:

While he makes some valid points, unfortunately he is about 50 years past when anyone cares what the Pope says. Thanks, atheists.
Big shocker that the first Latin American Pope is a certified commie. John Paul II is rolling in his grave.
Latin Americans are some of the most religious people on Earth. That's the opposite of Communism.
“The Marxist solution has failed, but the realities of marginalization and exploitation remain in the world, especially the Third World, as does the reality of human alienation, especially in the more advanced countries. Against these phenomena the Church strongly raises her voice. Vast multitudes are still living in conditions of great material and moral poverty. The collapse of the Communist system in so many countries certainly removes an obstacle to facing these problems in an appropriate and realistic way, but it is not enough to bring about their solution. Indeed, there is a risk that a radical capitalistic ideology could spread which refuses even to consider these problems, in the a priori belief that any attempt to solve them is doomed to failure, and which blindly entrusts their solution to the free development of market forces.”
What would it mean if he says it was the dong of the devil? Would that make capitalism badass?
The pope kind of misses the point. Except for the love of God and fellow men and women, unbridled anything is the dung of the devil. Religion is no exception. So to call out capitalism is missing the true narrative. I would expect a pope to see that. Or maybe I wouldn't. The Catholic Church is a perfect example of this. Unbridled passion for religion has built a religion that requires an elected man to absolve sins rather than the God the pope supposedly worships. This elevation of mankind has brought all sorts of atrocities upon the world. If that isn't the dung of the devil I don't know what is.

Unbridled capitalism is the dung of the devil. So is just about everything else.
The pope kind of misses the point. Except for the love of God and fellow men and women, unbridled anything is the dung of the devil. Religion is no exception. So to call out capitalism is missing the true narrative. I would expect a pope to see that. Or maybe I wouldn't. The Catholic Church is a perfect example of this. Unbridled passion for religion has built a religion that requires an elected man to absolve sins rather than the God the pope supposedly worships. This elevation of mankind has brought all sorts of atrocities upon the world. If that isn't the dung of the devil I don't know what is.

Unbridled capitalism is the dung of the devil. So is just about everything else.

That's a bold statement.