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Wake Forest vs. Clemson Game Thread - 7:00

BKF has replaced Knight in his masturbation fantasies with the Donald. Can we get an official name change to DonaldTrumpFan for BKF? I think it's only appropriate.
Clemson changed their pivot foot every bit as often as WFU did. Refs in every sport need to be consistent, whether we're talking about palming the ball, changing the pivot foot, the strike below the knee, etc. If you call it for one team and not the other, you're a terrible ref.

I agree. The referees should call a helluva lot more fouls and traveling than they are calling now. The game has gotten completely away from the rules as the players have not had to pay a price for ignoring them in a long, long time. If you think the game is hard to watch now, they couldn't finish the first half in 3 hours if the referees called everything they were supposed to call....which would make the game fairly officiated. As long as the coaches don't make the players play according to the rules, though, you will continue to get uneven officiating. If the game was played according to the rules, you wouldn't have that many fouls called....which would make the referees a less important factor in the game. It's a screwed up mess right now....but it's the players & coaches fault, not the referees. They have an impossible job with fouls and violations being committed constantly throughout the entire game.
But Bob Knight's biggest dick rider himself was drooling over all the amazing calls Teddy made tonight.

Yes. That's why I shared the quote. So bkf could remember the glory days when his big buddy Bob whined after every single Ted Valentine game.
If showing up only to troll after a Wake loss, as a Wake grad, on a Wake message board isn't a violation of the "don't be an asshole" rule for BKF and Moonz, I don't even want to be a part of this community. It's just an intentional troll job aimed at antagonizing Wake fans who want to talk to other Wake fans about the game. I doubt anyone is interested in getting trolled by fellow Wake alumni and "fans" like this.
Jeez, sure the refs sucked. We were on the road, we probably had some crap calls go against us. But we were down 22, yes 22 to Clemson, that's not the refs. The refs didn't let guys got right to the rim (I'm talking to you JC) and not run shooters off the 3pt line leaving wide open shots.

Collins in the post game said Clemson came out and punched them in the mouth and we didn't react. I call total BS, the game was a slog, and we tossed the ball around early when we could have put Clemson on their heals. Instead we let them play even and our _efense allows them to gain some confidence and we wind up down by 14.

Manning actually said we came out and played better in the 2nd, I guess he missed the first part of the 2nd when we went down 22. But I guess only getting beaten by 8 instead of 14 is better.

We better start looking how we can put the D back in the _efense.

Moore has his issues but at least he can guard the hoop and slow down their parade to the hoop.
I agree. The referees should call a helluva lot more fouls and traveling than they are calling now. The game has gotten completely away from the rules as the players have not had to pay a price for ignoring them in a long, long time. If you think the game is hard to watch now, they couldn't finish the first half in 3 hours if the referees called everything they were supposed to call....which would make the game fairly officiated. As long as the coaches don't make the players play according to the rules, though, you will continue to get uneven officiating. If the game was played according to the rules, you wouldn't have that many fouls called....which would make the referees a less important factor in the game. It's a screwed up mess right now....but it's the players & coaches fault, not the referees. They have an impossible job with fouls and violations being committed constantly throughout the entire game.

If what you say is true, it most certainly is the refs fault. They have one fucking job and that is to call the game evenly and without bias. When you force one team to play by different rules than the other, you are not doing your job as a ref.
Yes. That's why I shared the quote. So bkf could remember the glory days when his big buddy Bob whined after every single Ted Valentine game.

I was watching that Illinois game when it happened. The fact is, though, that Bob Knight didn't complain about officiating anywhere nearly as much as most fans think...because the few blowups he did have with officials were played up so much by the media. He was regularly among the bottom of the list of Big Ten coaches in technical fouls during his 29 years at Indiana. He didn't complain about officials one-tenth as much as posters on these boards. He did get on his players a lot...though very seldom when it was not deserved....but his reputation of complaining about officiating was far overblown. The media can do stuff like that. For example, do you realize that when you ask a random fan what the first thing he thinks of when he hears Bob Knight's name there is at least a 50-50 chance that he will say something like "He's the guy who throws chairs".....when that only happened one time...and that one time was 32 years ago next Thursday week? (The reason I can remember that was because I was watching that game, too, when it happened...and it was on my son's 16th birthday.) That shows you how powerful the media is in manipulating people's opinions, when something could happen only one time 32 years ago and that's the one thing that more than half of the people remember most about Coach Knight...rather than his three NCAA Championships, 11 Big Ten Championships, the 902 wins...or the fact that he graduated 97% of his players who completed their eligibility...all without ever once being under any hint of ever violating any NCAA rules.
If what you say is true, it most certainly is the refs fault. They have one fucking job and that is to call the game evenly and without bias. When you force one team to play by different rules than the other, you are not doing your job as a ref.

As I said, the players & coaches have created a situation where it is impossible for the referees to do their job properly. The way the players play the game now, you would never have 5 players left on either team by the end of the game....maybe by the end of the first half....if the game was called as it should be called by the referees. For example, defensive players are never supposed to place their hands on the guy they are guarding. Every time they do that a foul should be called. A pivot player is not supposed to back into his defender to gain an advantage by getting closer to the basket. Every time he does that a foul should be called. Every time a player moves his pivot foot before beginning a dribble...or takes that extra step driving to the basket...a traveling violation should be called. Just because players today are bigger & stronger than ever doesn't mean that they should be exempt from playing the game according to the rules of the game. And unless they are calling every foul & violation you are going to have these situations you are talking about now. Only by calling every violation can you be certain that there will be no disparity from the officials.

If those fouls were called...as they should be....both starting teams would probably foul out before the end of the first half, which would take at least two hours to play. What is it going to take to make the players play the game according to the rules? It has gone so far that I personally think the situation is hopeless. The referees alone cannot make the players play according to the rules.
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I was watching that Illinois game when it happened. The fact is, though, that Bob Knight didn't complain about officiating anywhere nearly as much as most fans think...because the few blowups he did have with officials were played up so much by the media. He was regularly among the bottom of the list of Big Ten coaches in technical fouls during his 29 years at Indiana. He didn't complain about officials one-tenth as much as posters on these boards. He did get on his players a lot...though very seldom when it was not deserved....but his reputation of complaining about officiating was far overblown. The media can do stuff like that. For example, do you realize that when you ask a random fan what the first thing he thinks of when he hears Bob Knight's name there is at least a 50-50 chance that he will say something like "He's the guy who throws chairs".....when that only happened one time...and that one time was 32 years ago next Thursday week? (The reason I can remember that was because I was watching that game, too, when it happened...and it was on my son's 16th birthday.) That shows you how powerful the media is in manipulating people's opinions, when something could happen only one time 32 years ago and that's the one thing that more than half of the people remember most about Coach Knight...rather than his three NCAA Championships, 11 Big Ten Championships, the 902 wins...or the fact that he graduated 97% of his players who completed their eligibility...all without ever once being under any hint of ever violating any NCAA rules.

Who also assaulted his players and is fine with rape.
I was watching that Illinois game when it happened. The fact is, though, that Bob Knight didn't complain about officiating anywhere nearly as much as most fans think


1976 — Upset over two turnovers in a Big Ten game, Knight grabs sophomore Jim Wisman by the jersey and jerks him into his seat.

1979 — Knight is charged and later convicted in absentia for hitting a policeman before practice at the Pan American Games in Puerto Rico.

1980 — Playfully fires a blank shot at a reporter. A week later, Knight and his wife take turns chiding an Assembly Hall crowd for not cheering enough during a game.

1981 — Uses his weekly program to show films of a "sucker punch" involving Isiah Thomas and Purdue's Roosevelt Barnes, which he said proved Thomas' innocence. Brought a donkey wearing a Purdue cap onto his TV show. In Philadelphia for the Final Four, Knight gets into a shoving match with an LSU fan, who says the coach stuffed him into a garbage can.

1983 — Knight criticizes Big Ten officiating by standing at midcourt and cursing at Big Ten Commissioner Wayne Duke, who is in the press box. Two days later, Knight assails the referees for the "worst officiating I have seen in 12 years."

1985 — Tosses a chair across the court during a game against Purdue, prompting his ejection and a one-game suspension.

1986 — Receives technical foul for shouting at the officials during a game against Illinois, then kicks a megaphone and admonishes Indiana cheerleaders for disrupting a free-throw attempt by Steve Alford.

1987 — Bangs fist on the scorer's table after being assessed a technical foul during a game against LSU. NCAA fines university $10,000, and Knight receives a reprimand. Refuses to let his team finish an exhibition game against the Soviet Union after he was ejected for arguing with a referee. He's later reprimanded by the university.

1988 — In an NBC interview with Connie Chung, who asked how he handles stress, Knight says: "I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." He explains he was talking about something beyond one's control, not the act of rape.