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We have a future George Zimmerman in training at Towson U!

Liquid Karma

Eat a dick, hackers!
Staff member
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
This kid needs a good old fashioned ass whuppin'.

He's organized student patrols to seek out black on white crime, and already was infamous for being the founder of the "White Student Union" on the Towson Campus.

Look at this fuckin' guy:


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess this kid didn't vote for Obama.
and he goes to Towson
Same guy was with the guy at CPAC who said slaves should have thanked their masters for feeding and clothing them. Kinda bizarre that those two chuckleheads were attending a seminar with a name like "Tired of being called a racist when you're not". Like they care what others call them? The new sensitive racist-probably makes his hood out of high fiber count sheets.
Tom Troughton · Top Commenter
Where does the NAAWP stand on this

Zimmerman's brother might be the future George Zimmerman.

"Robert Zimmerman this week posted side-by-side photos of Martin and one of two teenagers arrested last week in a fatal shooting of a 13-month-old boy as his mother was pushing his stroller down the street in a coastal Georgia town.

The separate photos showed Martin and the teenager posing while making an obscene gesture.

Robert Zimmerman wrote in a tweet, "a picture is worth a thousand words ... any questions?" In another tweet, he said, "Lib media shld ask if what these2 black teens did 2 a woman&baby is the reason ppl think blacks mightB risky."

Thanks bro!
I could be wrong but in this video, at about the 1.55 mark, isn't that little Adolph here protesting with a White Rights group at the White House (and helping start a little shit)?


dude can't keep his cool. If you're going to exercise your 1st Amendment right to say something unpopular, you have to be prepared for people who disagree with you. what a jagoff.
dude can't keep his cool. If you're going to exercise your 1st Amendment right to say something unpopular, you have to be prepared for people who disagree with you. what a jagoff.

A 'lisping' "Thanks"...straight from the MSNBC desk
"Maryland League of the South?"

Sounds like he should be wearing a white sheet.