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White House to contractors: Break the law, we'll pay the costs

Basically everyone on the board on both sides know defense needs to be cut.

Then where's the controversy? Why the skullduggery re: doing something that most people feel should be done? Why not just let the contractors send out the notices as required?

I agree with you. I don't think we need to spend the money on defense that we are.
Swofford, you are UNBELIEVABLY dense. Let me boil it down to two SIMPLE sentences:

No one knows which companies or contracts will be cut. Thus it would be impossible for any company to legitimately to send out these notices.

Is that EASY enough for you understand?
Which contractors? Which employees? For which parts of DoD? For which other federal agencies? See the pattern?

Whichever ones need to send them out. Companies can make those decisions on their own based on the need to comply with law and their requirements for labor going forward.

The issue is that Obama is giving them a pass to violate law for political gain and use taxpayer money to do it. Not what will eventually actually be cut. Do you care to argue that the original post's article is inaccurate, and the offer to pay the fines never made? If so, feel free.

I don't really care who ends up cutting what at which company. Some folks are gonna lose jobs if the budget is cut. That's the nature of working for a company that does a lot of business with the government.
Whichever ones need to send them out. Companies can make those decisions on their own based on the need to comply with law and their requirements for labor going forward.

The issue is that Obama is giving them a pass to violate law for political gain and use taxpayer money to do it. Not what will eventually actually be cut. Do you care to argue that the original post's article is inaccurate, and the offer to pay the fines never made? If so, feel free.

I don't really care who ends up cutting what at which company. Some folks are gonna lose jobs if the budget is cut. That's the nature of working for a company that does a lot of business with the government.

You're just not getting this. "Whichever ones need to send them out." That's the problem- there is no way to know that right now. The only solution, as you seem to see it, is for all contractors to tell all employees they're being laid off in 60 days. Yeah, that's reaaaal smart.

This page may help you: http://www.govexec.com/contracting/threat-sequestration/58559/?oref=skybox
No, you're the one that doesn't get it.

Either you're in compliance with the law or you aren't. I'm sure those companies are capable of determining which is the case, and making decisions based on where they want to be.

The government should not be picking and choosing which laws to enforce -- if the law is bad, get rid of the law. If the law is good, enforce it. Pretty simple.

And the government should damn sure not be in the business of using its money (that is to say, taxpayer's money, no money rightly belongs to the government) to pay fines on behalf of companies that didn't follow the law because the government told them they didn't have to. That's just insane. Hell, at least waive the penalties if you're going to do that so there's no taxpayer money lost. But then it makes obvious that you're treating companies that do business with the federal government differently from other companies, which no doubt is why they aren't doing it that way.

This is banana republic stuff.
Once again EVERYONE on the board is an idiot and only Grobeskinner, I mean Swofford, knows anything.
Once again EVERYONE on the board is an idiot and only Grobeskinner, I mean Swofford, knows anything.

Nah, just you and some other wackjobs -- though that contingent does constitute the vast majority of the posts over the last several days, which also explains why the board has been pretty much trash during that time.
How many employees of defense contractors voted for Obama the first time around?
Proper notice goes out solely to the people being eliminated. It absolutely matters whether you're terminating 1000 or 5000 people. Bad business practice to send the notice to people not being fired.

Most contractors agree:


A company can also comply with WARN by paying out the notice period (or a portion of it).

Also, why do Republicans hate jobs?

It may be "bad business practice" but it complies with the law, which Obama's instructions do not. We have "bad political practice" going on in the White House and Congress, so everybody bears the fallout. The companies should send the notice to everyone so that they are covered, and then let the government sort out their own mess. The fact that the White House offers to pay the fines (with taxpayer money, of course) of any company that violates the law is a fucking disgrace and should be cause to impeach the bastard. He took an oath to uphold the laws of the United States and is explicitly instructing people to violate it. Absolute joke.
No, you're the one that doesn't get it.

Either you're in compliance with the law or you aren't. I'm sure those companies are capable of determining which is the case, and making decisions based on where they want to be.

The government should not be picking and choosing which laws to enforce -- if the law is bad, get rid of the law. If the law is good, enforce it. Pretty simple.

And the government should damn sure not be in the business of using its money (that is to say, taxpayer's money, no money rightly belongs to the government) to pay fines on behalf of companies that didn't follow the law because the government told them they didn't have to. That's just insane. Hell, at least waive the penalties if you're going to do that so there's no taxpayer money lost. But then it makes obvious that you're treating companies that do business with the federal government differently from other companies, which no doubt is why they aren't doing it that way.

This is banana republic stuff.

Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?
How DENSE are you?

It doesn't comply with any law, because NO ONE KNOWS if they are being cut.

They aren't violating ANY LAW.

the joke is YOU.
Because some companies would have used this as a threat like others have.

Plus the disinformation about the cuts would be used.

But jump right to "should be cause to impeach the bastard" makes you look like a crazy person.
What disinformation? It is not a threat, it is reality. The cuts are coming unless something is done about them.
Jesus, what part of NO ONE KNOWS IF OR WHICH WILL BE CUT don't you understand? You ONLY have to send out those notices IF you are firing someone.

I'm shaking my head as I go to a meeting. It's stunning that your blind hatred of Obama can obscure such an easy situation.